I certainly agree, 9th ... it is a racial slur. But, you'll have to agree that usually it is not a white individual using that racial slur in the forums. Also, it seems offensive to use THAT racial slur HERE, but not offensive to use racial slurs towards white males. Now please don't tell me you "haven't noticed?". But, again, let me say, the reason for my earlier question wasn't even regarding the racial slur word. Yet, my question was taken out of context to be implying I was.
Yes and that doesn't make it any better or allowable in my opinion. The word is and always will be a racial slur regardless whose lips it falls from. The best way to defuse a thing is to not give it air to breathe. Using the word perpetuates hate and bigotry both directly and indirectly. I don't entertain the notion that there are cultural nuances to the word. The word was created to belittle Black people, where's the confusion?
Yes I've seen slurs directed toward white males on the forum. I condemn that as well. Again that boils down to the individuals using the word and their mindset.