Small dick problems

It's great to open up with fellow small penis cucks about life with a small penis. I am sure most of us grew up in a time if other boys (or even girls) found out you had a small penis (via the post-gym class showers), your social life was over...or at least until the boys found something else to joke about. And it is awesome or odd, that most of now get hard if teased about our small penis. But the best move you can make is to just open up to your wife/gf about your small penis and the humiliation you took...but how cuckolding has allowed you to turn it into a sexually positive attribute. In my case, my wife loved the openness and found it interesting how it now turns me on.

I am sure it was mentioned. but for me peeing at a urinal can be difficult...have to stretch it out or grab with my fingers and point it to ensure I don't urinate on my pants! 😂😂
It's great to open up with fellow small penis cucks about life with a small penis. I am sure most of us grew up in a time if other boys (or even girls) found out you had a small penis (via the post-gym class showers), your social life was over...or at least until the boys found something else to joke about. And it is awesome or odd, that most of now get hard if teased about our small penis. But the best move you can make is to just open up to your wife/gf about your small penis and the humiliation you took...but how cuckolding has allowed you to turn it into a sexually positive attribute. In my case, my wife loved the openness and found it interesting how it now turns me on.

I am sure it was mentioned. but for me peeing at a urinal can be difficult...have to stretch it out or grab with my fingers and point it to ensure I don't urinate on my pants! 😂😂
Me too. I have to give it a couple of tugs before it will show itself. The urinal probably considers me a horse’s ass with all my tugging.
Have you tried and if so how did it work?
I did not only try, but I use it regularly to enforce an erection.

For that it is really great. Don't care if I get hard anymore or not. If I want to get hard I just use the device and I get hard.

The pump just fills your dick with blo od and you can go until it starts to get painful. So if you have bad erections you can find out how big your dick can actually grow. Not that it does any wonders. Just pushing to your full potential.

You can get a penis pump for 20 bucks. So why not just try it for yourself? Don't have to tie your dick, either. For the beginning you can just pump it up and see what it does to your dick. You only have to tie it to preserve the erection for intercourse. And then you shouldn't let it tied for longer than 30 minutes or your dick might get damaged. Of course, you also need to use a cord that is strong but doesn't cut into your dick.

Some say you can enlarge your dick by training with the pump regularly. I don't really believe that this works but who knows.

Feel free to DM me if you have more questions.
I did not only try, but I use it regularly to enforce an erection.

For that it is really great. Don't care if I get hard anymore or not. If I want to get hard I just use the device and I get hard.

The pump just fills your dick with blo od and you can go until it starts to get painful. So if you have bad erections you can find out how big your dick can actually grow. Not that it does any wonders. Just pushing to your full potential.

You can get a penis pump for 20 bucks. So why not just try it for yourself? Don't have to tie your dick, either. For the beginning you can just pump it up and see what it does to your dick. You only have to tie it to preserve the erection for intercourse. And then you shouldn't let it tied for longer than 30 minutes or your dick might get damaged. Of course, you also need to use a cord that is strong but doesn't cut into your dick.

Some say you can enlarge your dick by training with the pump regularly. I don't really believe that this works but who knows.

Feel free to DM me if you have more questions.
Thanks I will definitely need to try!!!
I’m not too small, but I am much smaller than her boyfriends. Our sex was good enough and we could enjoy eachother. However, after some time it became insufficient. Like she began feeling less and less. Some positions were also not possible.

During her first fwb’s we still had sex sometimes. But she couldn’t really feel me anymore due to his length & girth. Since then she decided to cage me because I was getting frustrated because of that. It became smaller and smaller due to long term wear. It really helped acknowledge that it’s not big enough. Being in the cage is also a reason not to do PIV at all.

That were my problems :)