Reverse Slavery

I’ve had this fantasy about being a slave owner and treating white wives how black women were treated back in the day. Using them for nothing but their holes. Their existence being nothing more but to drain my big black balls. I wish I had a wife/couple to play this out with. It could get interesting very quickly.
NOt at the top of the list but I have played this out with an older white woman when I was in my 20s and it was extreemely hot...
I'm from the East Coast but lived in the south for 5 years. Lots of racial undertones there and in the more liberal parts, a lot of white guilt. I was dating a woman I met at work and she would always 'apologize' for her ancestors. At some point we started getting into how she felt like needed to atone for what 'her people' did. One night while we were playing around she asked me if she could be my house slave for the night and she wanted to rp me sneaking into her quarters and....her....
I'm from the East Coast but lived in the south for 5 years. Lots of racial undertones there and in the more liberal parts, a lot of white guilt. I was dating a woman I met at work and she would always 'apologize' for her ancestors. At some point we started getting into how she felt like needed to atone for what 'her people' did. One night while we were playing around she asked me if she could be my house slave for the night and she wanted to rp me sneaking into her quarters and....her....
Interesting. I'm originally from Arkansas. I have had a fantasy that touches on what you did.
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I was wondering quite often about unpair interracial meetups. I find many rather fit, muscular, younger black guys doing white women that arent even close to their Level.

I mean i Like interracial sex but so many „Hot“wifes dont Look Hot at all for my criteria
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I wasn't aware that I needed another man's approval to find a woman sexually attractive.
I think that you might be overrating your own importance just a tad.
Might have been a Little too harsh but im really wondering wether tastes are so different or if attraction is boosted by wifes being white.

I mean: would the Same Woman attract you sexually if she was black?

No offense @all just want to understand it better.

Sorry for the unkind First Post. Will edit it.
Like literally she's taken from somewhere in Europe to the Barbary Coast, thoroughly inspected by Arab slave traders and then sold to the Sultan to serve as a member of his harem.

Apparently this is a fantasy that several white women have had.
Yes, it’s one of mine. Also part of my fantasy is that I’m sold into a harem of white slaves that are used by black men for breeding purposes. Multiple black men use us and cum in us. No one knows who the ******* is. And us white breeding slaves help each other out and raise the babies
Yes, it’s one of mine. Also part of my fantasy is that I’m sold into a harem of white slaves that are used by black men for breeding purposes. Multiple black men use us and cum in us. No one knows who the ******* is. And us white breeding slaves help each other out and raise the babies
The actual Barbary Coast, then?
Yes, it’s one of mine. Also part of my fantasy is that I’m sold into a harem of white slaves that are used by black men for breeding purposes. Multiple black men use us and cum in us. No one knows who the ******* is. And us white breeding slaves help each other out and raise the babies
Sounds like we would need a compound just for all the white sluts. It could almost be like a farm but no animals just white whores we took from their husbands.