Politics, Politics, Politics

Republicans don't have a Right To Life agenda ... never have. They have a Right To Birth agenda, and the ONLY reason they have that is to capture the votes & money of the evangelical crowd. They've always been for strengthening the white race ... the weaker die off ... the strongest survive.
Its that simple; why ordinary conservatives believe the party is right to life we'll never know.

Your tin hat is on a bit tight again
The reason why someone like Trump can win, is because the progressives and democrats are so bad.

It seems the political left is as blind as the political right.

Communism sounds good in theory, but it proved to be a nightmare in practice in every single country that has ever embraced communism.

The same applies to left wing progressivism. Environmental consciousness, racial equality, sexual equality, redress for past wrongs, inclusive narratives, freedom of population movements, freedom of religion, shelter and support for all refugees... all good stuff. Until you wonder who is going to pay for it, and how to keep bad actors from misusing and abusing all the good stuff.
What utter nonsense. Are you a climate change denier as well? There seems to be a lot of those types on here. Good grief, we are stripping the planet, burning it and emptying the oceans and you consider that acting to reduce the damage we do to be a luxury that only 'reds and commies' want to address and they can't afford it so they shouldn't bother? Is my reading of your statement incorrect? Give your head a wobble love.
What utter nonsense. Are you a climate change denier as well? There seems to be a lot of those types on here. Good grief, we are stripping the planet, burning it and emptying the oceans and you consider that acting to reduce the damage we do to be a luxury that only 'reds and commies' want to address and they can't afford it so they shouldn't bother? Is my reading of your statement incorrect? Give your head a wobble love.
climate change is not based on science it is based on feelings, fearmongering and doomsday predictions
climate change is not based on science it is based on feelings, fearmongering and doomsday predictions
Climate change denial is based on ignorance and there is absolutely no excuse. It takes 5 minutes to review the science, but it seems it is largely Americans and more specifically Republicans who regard it as a leftist plot.
Now read this link and then tell me which parts of the science you don't agree with. I've chosen a respected American organisation in the hope that it will carry more weight with you than the rest of the 99% of scientists who understand that climate change is real and almost certainly man made.

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I hear Obama just spent millions buying a waterfront mansion on Martha’s Vineyard that if climate change is real will be underwater soon - somehow I think he is in a position to know wtf and apparently isn’t concerned.
You ever think that part of sea levels rising is due to the millions of pounds of trash dumped in ocean daily . Displacement
Obviously, you are right here ... even a small pebble tossed into the ocean would displace water to some unmeasurable degree.
Let me ask you something, since you're such an Einstein on displacement, where are the ice caps in the North Pole going? Not gradually disappearing, either. And since you can't deny that the ice caps are rapidly melting, can you accept the fact that the added water to the oceans are the primary reason of the oceans rising?
Obviously, you are right here ... even a small pebble tossed into the ocean would displace water to some unmeasurable degree.
Let me ask you something, since you're such an Einstein on displacement, where are the ice caps in the North Pole going? Not gradually disappearing, either. And since you can't deny that the ice caps are rapidly melting, can you accept the fact that the added water to the oceans are the primary reason of the oceans rising?
I didn't say trash only reason and would you agree some off polar ice already in ocean
I didn't say trash only reason and would you agree some off polar ice already in ocean
On a topic such as this, I'd prefer to stand with scientific studies rather than twit opinions at an adult website ....
