Politics, Politics, Politics

"The investigation in the Senate's being handled by the Intelligence Committee, and I'm sure they'll get to the bottom of whatever may have happened," McConnell, R-Ky., told reporters .....

gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif "A Republican run committee investigating a Republican run Presidency! THIS Republican senate and THIS Republican president?!"
That's like allowing the Nazis to try Adolf Hitler .... or the Taliban to try Osama BinLaden!
BullShite-Yellowball.jpg "Independent Committee ONLY"
"Independent Committee ONLY"

I would have to agree - any investigation onto government activities needs to be independent and separate from the government. However that still is no guarantee that they won't be threatened, harassed by the IRS, or bought out, just makes it a bit harder.
USA, USA , USA the night of the long knives coming to home soon or all ready they are in home ,Donald Trump the EMPEROR V USA people , all parties , the congress , the senate, FBI ,CIA and every body going again his all mighty power .
Agreed, It's very hard to find an unbiased - hear are the facts we know type of info base. CNN included is no exception.
I am not religious but one of the think is truth in the Bible the prince of this world accord to the Bible is Lucifer (the morning start ) the prince of LIARS , SO IF WE LOOK CAREFULLY all the world system is base in liars and deceptions .
what a complete and utter fucking idiot!.... I hope this guy is a one term congressman!

Rep. Steve King: Build border wall with funds from food stamps, Planned Parenthood

Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, said Wednesday that Congress should pad the budget for President Trump’s border wall by cutting funding for Planned Parenthood and food stamps.

On CNN’s “New Day,” King was asked if he was comfortable with $1.6 billion of taxpayer money being allocated to fund the border wall, particularly in light of Trump’s signature campaign promise that Mexico would pay for 100 percent of it.

“I’d throw another $5 billion on the pile, and I would find a half of a billion dollars of that right out of Planned Parenthood’s budget, and the rest of it could come out of food stamps and the entitlements that are being spread out for people that haven’t worked in three generations,” he said.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/4n1dnk7jMeo?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

we treat a lot of our citizens that way..... and there are a lot of people in this country that don't live or are treated as well as some in third world countries....... but our focus is on how to make the rich richer!
no one wants to look or hear about those without!

like taking medical care and food stamps away from those in need to build a wall that will not stop anything!
The corruption under trump just never ends........

House Democrats press Sessions about Russian lawyer's role
McClatchy Washington Bureau 4 hours ago .

Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday questioned the decision by the Trump administration Justice Department to settle a money-laundering forfeiture case with a Russian real estate investment firm that has ties to the Russian lawyer who met last year with President Donald Trump's *******. Natalia Veselnitskaya represented the owner of Russian firm Prevezon Holdings Ltd. The letter sent by House Judiciary ranking member John Conyers and other Democrats asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions whether Veselnitskaya had been involved in settlement negotiations between the Russian firm and the Justice Department. Prevezon agreed in May to pay $6 million to the government to avoid a civil ...

Top senator asks how Russian lawyer who met Trump Jr. entered US with expired credentials
Business Insider Mon, Jul 10 10:00 PM PDT .

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Chuck Grassley, chairman of the US Senate Judiciary Committee, asked the US administration on Tuesday how the Russian lawyer who met President Donald Trump's ******* in New York in June 2016 was allowed to enter the United States. Grassley, in a letter to Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, said US permission for the lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, to travel to the United States had been set to expire on Jan. 7, 2016, and her request for an extension had been denied, Grassley's office said in a statement. (Reporting by Patricia Zengerle; Writing by Washington Newsroom; Editing by Eric Beech) ...

finally.... maybe a little pressure got to him?

Ryan pledges action on Russia sanctions amid CIA concerns

WASHINGTON (AP) -- House Speaker Paul Ryan pledged on Wednesday to passing a "strong, bold" Russia sanctions bill even as President Donald Trump's spy chief voiced concerns over the legislation that aims to punish Moscow for meddling in the presidential election.

"I'm a Russia hawk," Ryan, R-Wis., told reporters. "We want to move this Russia sanctions bill."

Sen. Bob Corker, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, urged the House to act quickly. He said "dilly dallying" over a constitutional issue that has slowed the bill's passage in the House has amounted to "a ridiculous waste of time."

"This is all doing nothing but helping Russia," said Corker, R-Tenn. "Every day that goes by around here, mischief can happen."

But separate comments from House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy suggested the Trump administration is attempting to weaken the bill, which passed the Senate last month with 98 votes. McCarthy said CIA Director Mike Pompeo informed him that the Russia sanctions package would affect the "ability to do his work and his job, a few elements of it."
The letter sent by House Judiciary ranking member John Conyers and other Democrats asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions whether Veselnitskaya had been involved in settlement negotiations between the Russian firm and the Justice Department. Prevezon agreed in May to pay $6 million to the government to avoid a civil ...
A $230 million tax fraud scheme gets settled out of court for $6 million? And they say crime doesn't pay! WOW!
And we can't prove that the Trump family hasn't used the very same bank and we can't follow the money trail? I guess a lot of people being paid under the table to look the other way.
I still say that it'll be tax evasion/fraud that will bring President Dumbnuts and company down.
Things that make you go Mmmmmmmmm

Republican donor kills himself after talking about working with Russian hackers to get Hillary Clinton's emails
David Choi, Business Insider 6 hours ago .

A GOP donor and opposition researcher who reportedly tried to work with Russian hackers to retrieve deleted emails from a private server used by Hillary Clinton, has committed suicide, according to public records cited in a Chicago Tribune report.

Peter Smith killed himself days after he was interviewed by The Wall Street Journal where he claimed to be working with Russian hackers to retrieve some 33,000 deleted Clinton emails and pass them to Michael Flynn, a former campaign adviser to Donald Trump.

Death records from Minnesota show that Smith, 81, killed himself in a hotel through "asphyxiation due to displacement of oxygen in confined space with helium" on May 14. Smith was found with a bag over his head, a helium source, and a suicide note that read there was "NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER" regarding his death.

Smith also apologized to the authorities and attributed his final decision to a "recent bad turn in health," according to the records cited by the Tribune, which also claimed his $5 million life insurance policy was close to expiring.


kind of a very "odd" way to do things to say the least!
Trump’s crusade against Qatar isn’t about terrorism – it’s revenge for a failed business deal
Anthony Harwood,The Independent Wed, 12 Jul 12:29 GMT+3

Another day, another story about one of The Trump Family being up to no good.

First it was a meeting between the President’s oldest *******, Donald Jnr, with a pro-Kremlin lawyer who said she had damaging information on Hillary Clinton before the election.

Reports claimed he was specifically told that Natalia Veselnitskaya had material from the Russian government which could help his *******’s candidacy.

But he let his visitor into Trump Tower anyway.

Donald Snr was not in the room but his *******-in-law, Jared Kushner, was at the meeting which took place after Trump secured the Republican nomination last year.

Which brings us to Meeting No 2.

A year earlier Kushner was not just in the room but chairing a series of meetings with one of the world’s richest men to re-finance one of his ailing New York properties to the tune of $500m (£388m).

And where was the man with the magic mountain of money from? Qatar.

Unlike the meetings with Natalia which, it is said by the White House, were over in a day when it became clear she had nothing to offer, these talks went on for about two years.

With their immense wealth the Qataris had an awful lot to offer and talks continued beyond the election, before coming to an abrupt end in March when Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani walked away.

The reason? Kushner was unable to come up with any co-funding as stipulated by the Qataris from the outset.

No betrayal, no foul play, no double crossing – just what was warned would happen when a Chinese insurance company, which had looked likely to invest, suddenly pulled out.

Fast forward two months and Donald Snr is suddenly the scourge of Qatar.

In a visit to Saudi Arabia he rounds on the tiny Gulf state as the chief financer of terrorism before repeating the claim in the Rose Garden at the White House a few weeks later.

Less than a month later a Saudi-led alliance is emboldened by the President’s words to launch a diplomatic and transport blockade of Qatar which continues to this day.

But was Qatar singled out for punishment because it cosies up to Iran and is the world’s biggest supporter of terrorism? If so, why has America got a 10,000-strong military base there?

Or was it because it failed to back The Family?

It is like some scene out of The Godfather. You can almost hear Don Vito Corleone saying: “Revenge is a dish best served cold.”

Well, maybe lukewarm when you consider how quickly the Trump Family got its retaliation in.

The Kushner office building in question at 666 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, is in dire financial trouble because it does not generate enough revenue to pay off The Family’s debts, and The Family has less than two years to come up with $1.3bn (£1bn), when the interest-only mortgage is due.

Federal investigators are now also looking at whether Kushner sought Russian financing for the building from the CEO of a Russian state-owned bank in December.

The Kushner Family has form when it comes to revenge. Jared’s *******, Charles, once hired a ******* to seduce his brother-in-law for co-operating with a federal investigation against him.

The trouble is you can’t run the White House like some crazed Mafia outfit, because you’re likely to end up being impeached over conflicts of interest.

But for the moment Trump appears happy to ditch the rule book and accuse his detractors of perpetrating fake news.

This week his Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, is frantically engaged in shuttle diplomacy flying around the Middle East trying to sort out the mess caused by The Don.

The scary thing is how a man with no political experience, who happens to be married to the President’s *******, can have all this power in the leadership of the free world.

As one of Tillerson’s associates put it: “Rex put two and two together and concluded that this absolutely vacuous kid was running a second foreign policy out of the White House family quarters.”

Kushner has been tasked with finding a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, something which has eluded the greatest political minds for generations.

He is also the President’s lead adviser on relations with China, Mexico and Canada.

But for the moment it is a White House-created mess in the Middle East which the administration is having to clear up.

Tillerson needs to convince leaders in the Gulf that the White House is not running an alternative foreign policy where it sides with Saudi Arabia against Qatar.

He also needs to convince the Saudis that its 13 onerous demands on Qatar need to be re-drawn into something that might be negotiated.

Tillerson’s shuttle diplomacy is a huge test of American power and influence in the region.

The Secretary of State has just reached an agreement with Qatar on the steps it needs to take to reduce support for terrorism.

It remains to be seen whether he can convince the Saudis to use this as a basis for a negotiated settlement.