Politics, Politics, Politics

Not sure why you compared Trump's hair to Hillary's posterior @subhub174014

more than just a little biased there aren't you?
BTW read the news today....a lot of those Iowa independants that supported Trump in Iowa are tired of his do nothing, thin skinned attitude!
he is losing support! .... numbers dropping!.... even that win In Ga that trump liked to mention last night... he had nothing to do with!... facts are 36% of that district (heavily republican ) did not vote in the election! Didn't want Trump! ....and her campaign... never once mentioned Trump... her campaign was run on tying the other guy to Pelosi!

you just refuse to admit the guy is a failure!

subhub174014's favorite recognized networks for legitimate news

more just ranting...... I spend the majority of my news watching ... on CBS... I do watch some CNN at supper time...until the CBS evening news comes on!

at the very absolute minimum you have a male Trump confronting a female
P u t i n. Although it does suggest an unusual friendship?

Trump IS tied to Russia.... if you have paid attention.... our congress knows about trumps ties or ???? and have increased the sanctions on Russia... Trump is now trying to get those reduced!... but not going to happen.... and if he doesn't please the mom country (Russia) we will probably see some of what he is being blackmailed about ( baby *******? for one)

Liked your response where you started "Hillary really did nothing..."

Now that is how the right works... take PART of a statement and twist it to your advantage!
Trump returns to Iowa and unhappy independent voters

Iowa independents who helped Donald Trump win the presidency see last year's tough-talking candidate as a thin-skinned chief executive and wish he'd show more grace.

Unaffiliated voters make up the largest percentage of the electorate in the Midwest state that backed Trump in 2016, after lifting Democrat Barack Obama to the White House in party caucuses and two straight elections. Ahead of Trump's visit to Iowa on Wednesday — his first since the election — several independents who voted for Trump expressed frustration with the president.

It's not just his famous tweetstorms. It's what they represent: a president distracted by investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 election and a court battle over his executive order barring refugees from majority-Muslim countries at the expense of tangible health care legislation and new tax policy.

"He's so sidetracked," said Chris Hungerford, a 47-year-old home-business owner from Marshalltown. "He gets off track on things he should just let go."

And when he does spout off, he appears to lack constraint, said Scott Scherer, a 48-year-old chiropractor from Guttenberg, in northeast Iowa.
'Now is not the time to rally': Iowa newspaper told Trump to stop the rallies and focus on governing

The hometown newspaper from the city that hosted a presidential rally had a clear message for Donald Trump on Wednesday: Skip the rallies and focus on governing.

"Mr. President, the campaign is over. You won. Now is not the time to rally," the Cedar Rapids Gazette wrote in a front-page open letter addressed to Trump. "Now is the time to sell your policies, listen to Americans with a stake in those efforts and govern."

Trump spoke at the campaign-style rally in Cedar Rapids Wednesday night, rehashing themes from his 2016 campaign rallies while applauding Republicans who have won special elections this year.

The president last visited Iowa in January as he criss-crossed the nation giving "thank you" rallies following his election victory. He held a similar rally in Pennsylvania in April.

The events led the Gazette to suggest Trump is stuck in campaign mode.
U.S. Attorney General Sessions hires private attorney

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has become the latest senior Trump administration official to hire a private attorney, a Justice Department spokeswoman said on Tuesday.

Sessions has retained Washington-based lawyer Charles Cooper, whom spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores described as a long-time friend of the former senator.

She did not say when Cooper was hired or whether he would be Sessions' defense lawyer in the federal probe into alleged Russian interference in last year's presidential election and possible collusion by Trump's campaign team.

Cooper was present at Sessions' confirmation hearing and again when he testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee earlier this month.

Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation in early March, shortly after news reports surfaced of his previously undisclosed contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak.
Trump FBI Pick Chris Wray Worked on Russia Case but Deleted it From His Company Bio

President Donald Trump’s FBI director pick, attorney Chris Wray, reportedly represented an American energy executive who was facing a criminal investigation by Russia in 2006. However, as Trump deals with multiple investigations amid speculation about his campaign’s ties to Russia, one wouldn’t know that particular detail of Wray’s career history.

Why? Wray himself deleted the reference this year, well before he was up for one of the country’s top law enforcement jobs, CNN reported Tuesday.

As early as 2009, Wray’s profile for law firm King and Spalding described his clients and included the line: “An energy company president in a criminal investigation by Russian authorities.”
more than just a little biased there aren't you?
BTW read the news today....a lot of those Iowa independants that supported Trump in Iowa are tired of his do nothing, thin skinned attitude!
he is losing support! .... numbers dropping!.... even that win In Ga that trump liked to mention last night... he had nothing to do with!... facts are 36% of that district (heavily republican ) did not vote in the election! Didn't want Trump! ....and her campaign... never once mentioned Trump... her campaign was run on tying the other guy to Pelosi!

you just refuse to admit the guy is a failure!
When Trump gets re-elected, I'll be interested to see your response on how much of a failure Trump will be in 2020?
When Trump gets re-elected, I'll be interested to see your response on how much of a failure Trump will be in 2020?

your undying loyalty is admiral..... but closer to a captain going down with his ship

there are those that are still blindly loyal and have some kind of false hope... but that will fade....and has already started as shown by the Iowa paper/polls.... and there are those on the right who will support a snake who will put money in their own pocket over what's right for the country
and that just means that there are a certain amount of people who will stay with him
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stiffbbc reposting your same argument still does not make it right... 2 of the people who were involved in that phoney planned parenthood vid are now in jail
If you were to read my response you would see how unjust Planned Parenthood is. But if you ignore that fact @subhub174014 others will see for themselves.
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/politics-politics-politics.35353/page-489#post-1430737 )
Repost: What Planned Parenthood actually does, in one ...


Repost: What Planned Parenthood actually does, ... Planned Parenthood itself estimates it prevents more than 620,000 unintended pregnancies each year, ...

The good things Planned Parenthood does - Secular Pro-Life
The good things Planned Parenthood does ... If anything, the Klan's embrace of good causes like ending baby labor made things worse, ...

Planned Parenthood Does A Lot of Good Things – The Patriot ...
Aug 04, 2015 · Planned Parenthood Does A Lot of Good Things. ... are not used to provide the service at the center of the political debate around Planned Parenthood: ...

Planned Parenthood Does Much Good | J.W. Wartick -"Always ...
Aug 07, 2015 · 6 thoughts on “ Planned Parenthood Does Much Good ... Even granting that abortion is only 3% of what Planned Parenthood does, ...

Donald Trump Defends Planned Parenthood | HuffPost
Aug 11, 2015 · "They do good things that aren't having to do with abortion." ... Donald Trump Defends Planned Parenthood "They do good things that aren't having to do ...
Repost: What Planned Parenthood actually does, in one ...

Planned Parenthood Does Much Good | J.W. Wartick -"Always ...
Aug 07, 2015 · 6 thoughts on “ Planned Parenthood Does Much Good ... Even granting that abortion is only 3% of what Planned Parenthood does, ...

This alone refutes that statistical 3% misnomer for those that are willing to view it:
you want to start on meme's I have 3 folders full of them on about every subject political!
I don't doubt it that you are able to bury me with your memes, but I'm still waiting for any objective memes FAVORING TRUMP from your sources? As I have shown that FOX News and Breitbart CAN BE unbiased.
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/politics-politics-politics.35353/page-479#post-1421750 )
How about your sources good buddy @subhub174014 such as from "Occupy Democrats" or "Democratic Underground.com"?
but I'm still waiting for any objective memes FAVORING TRUMP from your sources?

they don't exist!

How about your sources good buddy @subhub174014 such as from "Occupy Democrats" or "Democratic Underground.com"?

I get some from there!

I really thought about starting a thread....... Fuck conservatives.. a collection of meme's
I have so many and have them broke down in different catagories... and still may do it

but I will leave you with just this one!
