Politics, Politics, Politics

Not sure about what happened in Texas, and of course any evidence would be nice from you about it, but ...

I'm sure if you wanted to look it should be easy to find... any search should do it

Texas grand jury clears Planned Parenthood, indicts its ...


Jan 26, 2016 · Video embedded · A Texas investigation into Planned Parenthood on Monday culminated in an ... Planned Parenthood this month filed a lawsuit against …
If you want to insist on calling this fake @subhub174014 or anyone else continue to believe so as others will see the truth for themselves

it's just fake news.... you are starting to even act like a trumpie and ignore the facts!.... and then insist that you are right.... when you are far from it!
that I posted above was just a quick search... something you should try before going with the fake news.... there were several other articles on it!

"others will see the truth for themselves". ..... far from it...... you just lost a lot of credibility on this one!

you don't seem to care he is a baby molester/pervert/liar/crook/stealing give to the rich at the expense of the poor/doing a lot of damage to mom earth/commie lover and etc..... you just want to believe he is your man..... your unwavering devotion to someone that is supposedly against everything you say you stand for is simply amazing
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If you want to insist on calling this fake @subhub174014 or anyone else continue to believe so as others will see the truth for themselves
Its fake, STIFF ... come on, man ... even the Republicans finally admitted it as a staged infomercial.
Have you seen the latest one by Republicans in Georgia ... blaming Democrats for the shooting at the Congressional Baseball practice where Repub. Steve Sealise got shot? One of their PACs - called "Principled" that's a laugh in itself. Go on YOUTube and check it out.
everyone but stiffbbc

Former Trump supporters walk away in disgust

Donald Trump — under investigation, under suspicion and underwhelming in his failing presidency continues to drop in approval ratings as the number of his supporters and once-faithful continue to diminish. A poll by the Associated Press-NORC Center of Public Affairs now finds that 64 percent of American disapprove of his job as President. Only 35 percent approve. Reports Jenna Johnson of The Washington Post: Trump is struggling to keep his viewers engaged. Governing turns out to be less entertaining than the spectacle of a political horse race — especially when complicated by conflict-of-interest scandals, a widening criminal inquiry and a policy agenda bogged down by infighting and partisanship. ...

they give all this legal control to someone the CIA just caught forging Hillary's e-mails?... how fucking corrupt can one party get?

they put a man found guilty of corruption.... in charge of corruption?

Trey Gowdy now has the House Oversight gavel. But will he investigate Trump?

Rep. Trey Gowdy secured one of Congress’s most powerful investigative posts last week. But it remains unclear how — or if — he’ll use it to investigate President Trump. Voted in as chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Tuesday, Gowdy (R-S.C.) possesses nearly boundless jurisdiction to probe executive branch misdeeds and abuses. His predecessor, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), who is retiring from Congress next week, had taken some halting steps to investigate Trump — requesting, for instance, memorandums written by former FBI director James B. Comey about his meetings with the president and documents related to Trump's downtown Washington hotel. But there are signs ...


that's like asking stiffbbc to evaluate trump??????
they give all this legal control to someone the CIA just caught forging Hillary's e-mails?... how fucking corrupt can one party get?
they put a man found guilty of corruption.... in charge of corruption?
The surprise to me isn't that Gowdy is appointed, but that you are surprised that he was appointed. The entire party is corrupt, subhub ... they're not justly serving the majority of the people, or even the country; they're serving themselves.
Let's see how the voting goes in Georgia's 6th district between Osseff & Hamdel ... that should tell us IF the country and voters are starting to catch on to the Republican bullgif_CRAP.gif . I hope they are starting to catch on.
I don't think the independent counsel will be as easy to 'fix' the results.
probably why he was chosen. Hillary made a fool of the idiot.
yes she did and he didn't like it.... probably why he was foolish enough to get sloppy in altering her emails and got caught.... also just as funny that chavetz wouldn't do anything towards investigating Trump when all kinds of people were on him to do so...even in his own voting district where he also took ALOT of heat about it... yet on his way out he made statements about how guilty he thought Trump was on the cover up.... had he done his job while in there he wouldn't have taken all the heat!
be curious to see if Gowdy does any investigating of Trump.... so far Mueller is the only one to start following the money..... and with Flynn really starting to look guilty on a lot of counts..... wonder how long it will take trump to pardon him!
anymore the majority of the country has no say in anything.... even if you are lucky enough to get to vote... the majority didn't put this pres in.... and with all the voter rigging and Gerrymandering... a lot of people don't even get to vote....... but as it seems to be going anymore... even if you did vote and got the person you wanted in office.... he has little say on anything anymore anyway!

GOP leaders plan to finalize tax bill behind closed doors

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House plans to privately negotiate a massive overhaul of the tax system with Republican leaders in Congress, possibly giving rank-and-file members little if any say over the finished product, a top aide to President Donald Trump said Tuesday.
Gary Cohn, Trump's top economic aide, said the administration doesn't want to engage in prolonged negotiations after the package is made public this fall. Cohn said the goal is to release the overhaul in the first two weeks of September.

"We don't want to be negotiating the tax bill on the floor," Cohn said at a meeting of technology executives.


Key GOP senator on health care plan: ‘I haven’t seen the bill’

A lawmaker on the working group for the Senate Republicans’ health care bill said Tuesday that he still hasn’t seen a draft of the legislation that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has promised to unveil on Thursday.

“I haven’t seen the bill,” Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, said in a video he posted to Facebook. Lee is one of 13 members of the all-GOP working group tasked with drafting the bill.


Hollywood Melts Down After Ossoff Loss: 'Grouphug, Get In'

Celebrities took to Twitter to vent their frustration after Democrat Jon Ossoff lost Tuesday's Georgia special election to Republican Karen Handel.

not sure just who makes up your info.... but it doesn't follow any news station I waych or have heard of.... again you need to check the actual facts again... he is even losing support among republicans

even this morning they said he has dropped again in the polls..... you need to quit listening to Kelly Conway

if you had any actual facts you would post links... and you don't ... puts it at more of your fake news bullshit... typical of a trumpie