Politics, Politics, Politics

So, when I went to this poll several things were found ...
#1 Its not a real CNN poll; when you look closely, you find it is sponsored by texasstandard.org, thedailycoin.org, and theconservativetreehouse.com to name a few.
#2 You can vote as often as you want on this poll. All you have to do is erase your cookies after each vote and it lets you revote.
#3 Probably most important, the poll numbers you show above conveniently have removed the words just below the total votes in the lower left corner of the screen which says ... "This survey is not scientific".​

Of course, I also notice that the Bobblehead Twins had no problem with these issues, however.
pic_political-Trump-CNNPoll.jpg ......BullShite-Yellowball.jpg
OK, back to work ... cartoon_AsleepAtComputer.jpg
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Trump is following Hitler "fascism" to a 'T'.


  • pic_political-TrumpFacism.jpg
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Of course, I also notice that the Bobblehead Twins had no problem with these issues, however.

I agreed because I don't think he should be investigated, at least not until there is some real evidence. Waste of time and tax payer money. Right now it is no better or worse than Hillary email BS. We all know they did something - but really no proof. And we ALL know nothing will happen anyways, so whats the point? They are above the law, Washington proves that to us on a monthly basses.
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I don't think he should be investigated, at least not until there is some real evidence. Waste of time and tax payer money.

NOT really.... I do agree that the main focus is on the Russian tampering with the election.... which should be and I think still is the main issue... but they had to have had a little help.....and several members of his campaign have met with people we are supposed to be boycotting for one thing..... and with him going out of his way to obstruct.... you have to wonder!?

you do know that during the campaign that 3 other republicans said they had their stuff hacked?!... (Graham and Rubio and others) that was during the republican primaries and was before Trump was the nominee....sure looks awful fishy!

the real problem is Trump is more interested in protecting his financial interests and his friends than he is taking care of the country!.... true republican..... money over country!

as for anything happening......nothing will..... they will hang Flynn for one... maybe Kushner and a couple others... Trump will pardon them... Trump gets impeached and Pence becomes the new idiot!
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the real problem is Trump is more interested in protecting his financial interests and his friends than he is taking care of the country!.... true republican..... money over country!


That goes for Democrats too - something you fail (or refuse) to see. Greed is not a republican trait - it's a HUMAN trait, Hillary is a prime example. Has nothing to do with political party - Just as liking fried chicken has nothing to do with being black.

That goes for Democrats too - something you fail (or refuse) to see. Greed is not a republican trait - it's a HUMAN trait

I won't argue that.... they all seem to be for sale.... I may favor the other side but there is a reason for that... even though none of them are real honest.... the dems don't pass laws favoring the wealthy at the expense of the poor.... I have said before I have voted for more than one republican.... got suckered this election on one.... (Langfort)....said how important it was to work across the isle and all the things the country needed to do.... right after the elction he was a big supporter of defunding planned parenthood!

Hillary is a prime example

Hillary really did nothing more than any other politician... well except for both bush's... but papa Bush had enough money to take care of everyone so they didn't need the money.... but they all have been well paid to make speeches... the money is good and keeps them in the public eye... if you remember right they didn't have a lot when Bill got out of office.... those speeches and a few other "perks"
Not saying they are Honest... no such thing anymore as an honest politician.... but he did things for the betterment of the country... and that is reason enough to support him/her....

well that damned trade deal didn't work out well.... but it had bipartisan support and ... who knew at the time
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#2 You can vote as often as you want on this poll. All you have to do is erase your cookies after each vote and it lets you revote.
Thanks for pointing that out. I thought the results looked pretty fishy. Now I understand. Since it was on the uber liberal CNN, the libtards must have each voted "yes" dozens of times.....making the actual percentage not wanting to waste taxpayer money investigating Trump more like 91%.

I know you would have voted no since you have previously had such great concern for the government wasting money on investigations of Obummer's administration.
Since it was on the uber liberal CNN, the libtards must have each voted "yes" dozens of times.....
apparently YOU didn't read mac's post... it wasn't CNN.... that twisted mind of yours just wants to believe that..... that is why those Russian post that ******* they know there are a certain amount of people who are not smart enough to know better


They should ask instead if the media should be investigated for colluding with the democrat party
no one believes your first post... or anything you post... so you post it again hoping someone might buy it?
well you got HH but that is not really saying much.... he blindly supports anything in support of the right
apparently YOU didn't read mac's post... it wasn't CNN.... that twisted mind of yours just wants to believe that..... that is why those Russian post that ******* they know there are a certain amount of people who are not smart enough to know better
I said it was on CNN....which it was. Here's the direct link so you can see for yourself:


Hell you can even take the opportunity to vote NO
it's just fake news.... you are starting to even act like a trumpie and ignore the facts!.... and then insist that you are right.... when you are far from it!
that I posted above was just a quick search... something you should try before going with the fake news.... there were several other articles on it!

"others will see the truth for themselves". ..... far from it...... you just lost a lot of credibility on this one!

you don't seem to care he is a baby molester/pervert/liar/crook/stealing give to the rich at the expense of the poor/doing a lot of damage to mom earth/commie lover and etc..... you just want to believe he is your man..... your unwavering devotion to someone that is supposedly against everything you say you stand for is simply amazing
mom Earth really? I know who my mom was and she was not Gaia. But if you can directly trace your family lineage from your legal birth records to Gaia all the power to you. And you disappoint me @subhub174014 because as you have seen with all my prior posts I back them all with facts. I would have posted sooner but I have been busy lately.

Perhaps you foresaw the ongoing losses with the Democrats in the recent wave of Republicans defeating Democrats for Congress as reported by CNN? Which indirectly justifies Trump's presidency, because if there was such a horrible outcry of people echoing your thoughts about Trump, why would Americans vote Republican to support someone like Trump? One has to wonder? Perhaps they see the truth?
( http://www.cnn.com/2017/06/21/politics/democrats-georgia-elections-analysis/index.html )

If that's the case you can always jump back on the Trump band wagon in the future, but given our prior debates I'd doubt it. But this time the focus of my response is not strictly on Trump ( for a change ) but it's on Planned Parenthood.

You can chastise me all you want on Trump, but I still think he was a better choice than Hillary, who incidentally won the Margaret Sanger award ( named after the racist eugenicist herself ):

( http://www.weeklystandard.com/sec.-...e-of-eugenicist-margaret-sanger/article/28444 )
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/trump-wins.79333/page-92#post-1353218 )

That in of itself confirms all I thought of Hillary and more. Plus it makes me think of her as badly as you think of Trump. The last American federal election for you was anyone but Trump but for me it was anyone but Hillary for all the crimes people are quickly forgetting she perpetrated. Despite the flaws and alleged criminal activities of Trump that has yet to be proven to such a degree that he is impeached and formally removed from office. If that becomes openly known outside of staunch Democrats such as yourself that Trump is a "a baby molester/pervert/liar/crook/stealing give to the rich at the expense of the poor/doing a lot of damage to mom earth/commie lover" proven in a court of law where he is thrown to jail for such crimes after the fact, I'll stop supporting Trump and eat crow. But until such a time isn't it interesting how other Republicans Congresspeople were elected on his coat tails as I alluded to earlier? It seems as if the American people are seeing the truth and supporting their POTUS?

Being objective ( showing the other side of my argument ( unlike you are with Trump as you have yet to show a meme with a positive side to Trump from your sources @subhub174014 ) ( in case you forgot remember: ( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/politics-politics-politics.35353/page-479#post-1421750 ) ) ), perhaps with that other exposé I shared there are technical legal grounds where Planned Parenthood could sue the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) in the manner they recorded the video from the wikipedia article:


But you neglected the fact from that article it states:

"In response to Planned Parenthood, CMP stated that 'we look forward to showing the public more clear evidence that Planned Parenthood routinely profits from the sale of baby parts and changes the abortion procedures it uses on pregnant women in order to do so'.[11]".

So unless they settle out of court ( and they probably will to conceal the damning evidence further soiling the reputation of Planned Parenthood reaching the public at large ), and if I am in err it would be nice to see what comes from that case that you graciously shared with me.

But even if Planned Parenthood were to cover up their scandalous activities with this trial there are other ways I can prove they profit from fetuses.

Would not that be illegal? Ben Carson being a neurosurgeon was quoted saying what occurred in the Planned Parenthood video, "clear violation of federal law." However what is said further in that article beneath is that:

"The 'sale' of organs, both adult and *******, for transplantation is indeed illegal, but donation of tissue — both from aborted fetuses and from adults — is not. And payment for 'reasonable' costs is also allowed under the law. The video itself highlights a portion of title 42 of the U.S. code, which reads: 'It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human organ for valuable consideration for use in human transplantation if the transfer affects interstate commerce.' The law does include ******* tissue in its definitions. It says that the term 'valuable consideration' doesn’t include 'reasonable payments' for removal, transportation, preservation and other associated costs."


So, what constitutes a "reasonable cost"? That value is arbitrary and from the initial video that will be tried in that Texas court I originally shared ( ) perhaps a lamborghinis sports car is a "reasonable cost" or other means of remuneration? Or through the following reference too:
( http://thefederalist.com/2017/04/26...hinis-exec-busted-trying-sell-baby-body-parts )

If what I just said is not enough as there are lots of facts to validate what I am saying if you want to check them out. All you need to do is to dig further as the truth is out there as it was on the X-files as there was a video exposé on ABC where also a mom regretted her abortion with Planned Parenthood:
( http://abc13.com/news/graphic-videos-bring-painful-memories-for-abortion-patients/905275/ ).

How a former employee of Planned Parenthood regretted working there such as: ( https://familycouncil.org/?p=12695 ).

How a former physician regret working at Planned Parenthood such as:
( http://www.lifenews.com/2011/05/02/abby-johnson-i-regret-selling-abortions-at-planned-parenthood/ ).

How Planned Parenthood skews their statistics (make sure you watch the video):
( http://dailysignal.com/2016/09/14/t...-parenthood-about-abortion-not-womens-health/ ).

And if you were to investigate further there are sites like this one that goes into graphic detail what happens at Planned Parenthood or other abortion clinics:
( http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils in America/Abortion is *******/planned_parenthood_is_evil.htm ).

Now as I think I can conclude that Planned Parenthood is not a just and righteous organization (Q.E.D.) based on the facts aforestated and there is a movement afoot to defund them that some of your politicians wisely recognize.

I guess next good buddy @subhub174014 you will challenge me about the fact that on cloudless sunny days on planet Earth the sky is blue?
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I won't argue that.... they all seem to be for sale.... I may favor the other side but there is a reason for that... even though none of them are real honest.... the dems don't pass laws favoring the wealthy at the expense of the poor.... I have said before I have voted for more than one republican.... got suckered this election on one.... (Langfort)....said how important it was to work across the isle and all the things the country needed to do.... right after the elction he was a big supporter of defunding planned parenthood!

Hillary really did nothing more than any other politician... well except for both bush's... but papa Bush had enough money to take care of everyone so they didn't need the money.... but they all have been well paid to make speeches... the money is good and keeps them in the public eye... if you remember right they didn't have a lot when Bill got out of office.... those speeches and a few other "perks"
Not saying they are Honest... no such thing anymore as an honest politician.... but he did things for the betterment of the country... and that is reason enough to support him/her....

well that damned trade deal didn't work out well.... but it had bipartisan support and ... who knew at the time
Liked your response where you started "Hillary really did nothing..."