Politics, Politics, Politics

most on the right got their start the hard way.... except trump he was handed a million dollars....but once they get into gov and see all the money they can make.... they forget all about how they got started

do you think just because he is black he won't fuck the working class or needy?

it's funny a lot of them grew up with nothing.... have a neighbor his ******* I know grew up the hard way... his dad worked hard to put him through college.... come to think of it the same I am doing.... anyway once out of college got a good job in big biz... around all those republicans and listens to them... and is now a republican.... his dad was so hurt and unhappy.... but it's who he is around now and listens to 8-10 hours a day!
they are all the same... regardless of how they grew up or were raised... once they got around money....and money people... they forget the past and look to their future
most on the right got their start the hard way.... except trump he was handed a million dollars....but once they get into gov and see all the money they can make.... they forget all about how they got started

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Even in Trump's case, if you will take Forbes Magazine at it's word, Trump is worth $3.5 billion.
( https://www.forbes.com/donald-trump/#446ff6352899 )

The rate of return on that investment is ( ( $3.5 billion / $1 million ) - 1 ) x 100% = ( 3500 - 1 ) x 100% = 349900% rate of return!

Just imagine if Trump got his hands on billions of dollars that's sloshing around in Washington D.C. and if he could do the same? I'd greatly envy you all from here if he did and you would still find fault with him somehow.
do you think just because he is black he won't fuck the working class or needy?

it's funny a lot of them grew up with nothing.... have a neighbor his ******* I know grew up the hard way... his dad worked hard to put him through college.... come to think of it the same I am doing.... anyway once out of college got a good job in big biz... around all those republicans and listens to them... and is now a republican.... his dad was so hurt and unhappy.... but it's who he is around now and listens to 8-10 hours a day!
they are all the same... regardless of how they grew up or were raised... once they got around money....and money people... they forget the past and look to their future
I can't speak about all cases, but I think you selected a poor example with Dr.Ben Carson especially on how he was raised and how he improved himself. Would that exemplify the American dream starting from nothing and becoming a respected figure in the nation as a neurosurgeon?
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Carson )
you aren't quite doing your homework..... look at everything he has passed so far.... where's the jobs?.... where's health care?... on and on

I have addressed plenty thus far. I thought the way a debate works is a fair interchange of data, cross examination and query. If this were a tennis match you would have to try to hit back a ball I served to you, which is are there any "NICE" posts or memes from "Occupy Democrats" and "Democratic Underground.com" towards Trump or the RNC and thereby showing that they can be an unbiased news sources?

In the meantime I have attempted to address your multiple "tennis serves" with Dr Ben Carson with his alleged corruption, I have shown not all Republicans hate Blacks because some are Black, I have suggested Melania's home country of Slovenia does not mock Trump as they are proud that she is FLOTUS ( and if you buy into the conspiracy you could possibly include Russia too as P U T I N would not want anyone mocking his people under penalty of death ), and I have illustrated how Breitbart and FOX NEWS each had an article each showing something "NICE" about Hillary thereby proving themselves that they can be unbiased news sources:
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/politics-politics-politics.35353/page-479#post-1421638 )
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/politics-politics-politics.35353/page-479#post-1421587 )
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/politics-politics-politics.35353/page-478#post-1420804 )
( http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...ates-say-one-nice-thing-about-each-other.html/ )
( http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/06/07/pastors-daily-devotions-written-for-hillary-rodham-clinton-published-she-wrote-the-foreward/ )

If the last two links of FOX News or Breitbart somehow no longer function, as I have tested it, simply go to google and to retrieve the Breitbart article use the search parameters of "breitbart hillary book prayer" and for the FOX News article use the search parameters "foxnews trump hillary debate nice".

Also I have found links you can read about Trump's accomplishments within his first 1/2 year being POTUS from this post earlier too:
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/politics-politics-politics.35353/page-478#post-1420800 )

Now that we are friendly @subhub174014 and through our interchange in the past, I feel that you are fair and a clever guy. No question about that. So would it be try to be reasonable to find from your supply of resources as you said you have...

need more..... just holler!

Again thinking of my earlier tennis metaphor, it wouldn't be a fair game of tennis if someone like myself had to take multiple serves by you and you never took any of mine. The crowd would protest about how the game is one-sided ( just like the viewers of our conversation might agree on this site like @hoping hubby or @TwoBiFour or possibly more over time ) and maybe even deep down you might feel the same as it infringes on your sense of fairness as you seem to keep insisting to change the topic?

Therefore, if you could discover any "NICE" posts or memes from "Occupy Democrats" and "Democratic Underground.com" towards Trump or the RNC thereby showing that they can be an unbiased news sources. Please post them if they exist in your vast database of memes. Do that and I will go further and attempt to address your NEW queries. Unless they don't exist? If that's the case just say so and concede that "Occupy Democrats" and "Democratic Underground.com" are BIASED news sources incapable of saying anything POSITIVE about President Trump. Fair?
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News about How Ben Carson Is Hurting The Poor


Ben Carson is wrong — eradicating poverty is not mind over matter, housing matters most

The Hill · 14 hours ago

That poor people can overcome their circumstances through a mind ... all of the other benchmarks and pathways to the middle class are out of reach. So when Housing …

Ben Carson Said Poverty Occurs Because People Have "the Wrong Mindset"

Ben Carson Said Poverty Occurs Because People Have "the Wrong Mindset"
teenvogue.com · 10 days ago

In this op-ed, writer Lincoln Blades explores systems that keep the poor at a disadvantage in the United States. Ben Carson is the new head of Housing and …

Low Interest Rates Are Hurting Poor, Carson Says - Bloomberg


Oct 09, 2015 · ... Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson ... and low interest rates are “hurting the poor and ... Low Interest Rates Are Hurting Poor, Carson ...

Ben Carson Wants To Make Sure Poor People Aren't Too ...


May 03, 2017 · Video embedded · Ben Carson Wants To Make Sure Poor People Aren't Too Comfortable ... Ben Carson, the secretary of ... Ben Carson Wants To Make Sure Poor People Aren…

Don’t Make Housing for the Poor Too Cozy, Carson Warns ...


May 03, 2017 · Don’t Make Housing for the Poor Too Cozy, Carson ... “The best thing to do is to do what Ben Carson is doing and that’s walking through to see if ...

there are so many articles on Carson... a lot
I think you are just supporting him because of the race thing...... but he has been wealthy to long..... and doesn't have any idea what the poor go through

now he is nothing more than a typical republican!

you go on and on about how trump could/will help this country and yet look at everything he has done so far.... it all benefits people like him
supposedly the richest country in the world and yet we have families living on the streets.... ******* going hungry.... ******* not getting an education or even health care.... some of the third world countries take better care of their citizens than we do... it's just the papers are dominated by people with money!
AP FACT CHECK: The trophies in Trump's display Cabinet

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump showed off a few too many trophies in his display Cabinet.

Trump opened part of a Cabinet meeting to the press Monday and filled that time with self-congratulation as well as praise from his team. On multiple fronts, that celebration of achievement was unearned.

A sampling of his comments:
Trump opened part of a Cabinet meeting to the press Monday and filled that time with self-congratulation
As I said, President Chump is a Legend In His Own MIND!
As he bragged about fictitious accomplishments, thus far, I watched the facial expressions of those around him ... everyone of them drones, staring straight ahead or out into space ... ready to spill their bile of praise on the Wonder Man in fear of his Wrath. KARMA is going to be really sweet when President Chump finally gets his, that's for sure.
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Well well, the tolerant - gun hating - non-violent left is at it again.



Or is this just more "fake news". You won't be happy until every American liberty and freedom is stripped from us. No wonder you want guns taken away - you can't control yourself!
Well well, the tolerant - gun hating - non-violent left is at it again.
....Or is this just more "fake news". You won't be happy until every American liberty and freedom is stripped from us. No wonder you want guns taken away - you can't control yourself!
....Of course you're way premature on your accusation TwoBi, but then, anything that even has a scent of "left" you love bashing. I'm a moderate liberal, but you prefer to pretend I'm an extremist ... gives you someone to argue with. I like guns, I own guns, just prefer some measures of precautions when buying and owning certain guns. But then your God of guns ... The ARA ... prefers you to hate and bash anyone that wishes to put any measures of sensible precautions regarding those guns ... relax the background checks, no restrictions for concealed carry, no limits on rounds in a gun, etc ... anything to make it easier for the ARA to sell & distribute more guns.
....Here in NC our Republican general assembly just passed a new "concealed weapons" law ... no additional background checks to carry and conceal handguns, even when going to public areas like malls, movie theatres, restaurants, theme parks ... if you qualify to buy your 357 magnum or 9mm, you're now able to conceal it and carry it. No responsibility to have a marksman qualification certificate to carry & shoot those pistols ... just start shooting and MAYBE they'll hit the perpetrators ... of course don't worry about the innocent children and families that get caught in the crossfire ... fuck them ... anyone carrying a handgun can FEEL emboldened even if they couldn't hit a 12 foot wall from 20 feet away ... fuck EVERYONE, right?
....And another senseless law they are pushing now ... no helmets required to ride motorcycles on public roads anymore. They say the helmet does very little to really protect a cyclist ... wow ... ok.
....Another well thought out idea by some far-righty that got his palms crossed to push a senseless bill through congress ... bought and paid for ... wonder when Russians will start paying our state representatives to pass laws for them? They're much easier targets ... accept bribes much more easily. Makes sense, doesn't it ... Republicans want States Rights and want the federal government out of their lives. Hell, if President Chump survives, he'd welcome the Russians into state governments.
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anything that even has a scent of "left" you love bashing

go back and read his posts.... pretty much same language in all of them... very little on issues... just finger pointing

I like guns, I own guns, just prefer some measures of precautions when buying and owning certain guns

I would think this will bring up the at thing again....

no additional background checks to carry and conceal handguns, even when going to public areas like malls, movie theatres, restaurants, theme parks ... if you qualify to buy your 357 magnum or 9mm, you're now able to conceal it and carry it.
we have pretty much same thing here... hell you even see someone in the dairy Queen with one on his side.... might be taking this just a little to far.... home defense and hunting yes.... but it seems like we are going back to the old west!.... I know a guy who carries and really likes showing it off.... and this guy is one that shouldn't be allowed a gun to begin with... he's whacko and has a temper!

And another senseless law they are pushing now ... no helmets required to ride motorcycles on public roads anymore. They say the helmet does very little to really protect a cyclist ... wow ... ok.

whooooa wait a minute.... I ride... and don't wear a helmet......you have an accident on a bike chances are you are toast anyway.... I haven't checked the facts but here and in Iowa not required.... but is in Missouri.... wonder if their accident death rate is any better?

wonder when Russians will start paying our state representatives to pass laws for them? They're much easier targets ... accept bribes much more easily
that can't be far off.... after all look at a couple of trump's team.... and the lobbying the were paid to do
....Of course you're way premature on your accusation TwoBi, but then, anything that even has a scent of "left" you love bashing. I'm a moderate liberal, but you prefer to pretend I'm an extremist ... gives you someone to argue with.

And yet you fail to tell me how I am "premature"..... I posted a link, read the articles.
You are the one arguing Mac, I said NOTHING about YOU. (or does the shoe fit?) If you look, I started the subject, so who am I "arguing" with?

I like guns, I own guns, just prefer some measures of precautions when buying and owning certain guns. But then your God of guns ... The ARA ... prefers you to hate and bash anyone that wishes to put any measures of sensible precautions regarding those guns ... relax the background checks, no restrictions for concealed carry, no limits on rounds in a gun, etc ... anything to make it easier for the ARA to sell & distribute more guns.
....Here in NC our Republican general assembly just passed a new "concealed weapons" law ... no additional background checks to carry and conceal handguns, even when going to public areas like malls, movie theatres, restaurants, theme parks ... if you qualify to buy your 357 magnum or 9mm, you're now able to conceal it and carry it. No responsibility to have a marksman qualification certificate to carry & shoot those pistols ... just start shooting and MAYBE they'll hit the perpetrators ... of course don't worry about the innocent children and families that get caught in the crossfire ... fuck them ... anyone carrying a handgun can FEEL emboldened even if they couldn't hit a 12 foot wall from 20 feet away ... fuck EVERYONE, right?

Again, you ignore what I have stated several times are my views on the matter, as if to say your mostly matching views are somehow superior. And you can cut your play on peoples feelings by claiming "we don't care about the chi[dren" BS - gets old.

....And another senseless law they are pushing now ... no helmets required to ride motorcycles on public roads anymore. They say the helmet does very little to really protect a cyclist ... wow ... ok.
....Another well thought out idea by some far-righty that got his palms crossed to push a senseless bill through congress ... bought and paid for ...

Again - redirect but hay, lets go there.
As far I know, not wearing a helmet only affects the person not wearing it - it should be his/her freedom to choose what happens to their body - Oh wait, that only applies to abortions - Well, it should be our personal right to choose if we protect our head or not. Personally, I won't ride without one, but if someone else wants to that's just fine with me - it's called FREEDOM (and natural selection).

wonder when Russians will start paying our state representatives to pass laws for them? They're much easier targets ... accept bribes much more easily. Makes sense, doesn't it ... Republicans want States Rights and want the federal government out of their lives. Hell, if President Chump survives, he'd welcome the Russians into state governments.

Russia has been a Staple in our society way before Trump, Smoke and mirrors Mac.
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Gingrich sounded a lot like 2bi in his interview.... of all the people he deals with it's always the democrats that are so radical.... don't suppose he is a little biased?

but then Gingrich also thinks Trump should fire Mueller also...

besides... you see on the news all the time and I heard them complain today about how people are all over them and rowdy at the town hall meetings..... you think maybe that people might be upset with the ******* they are trying to pull?
but I guess that never crossed their mind... after all those people aren't the ones putting all that bribe money in their pocket!

people are upset with them because they are not representing them... cut and dried!
and they haven't made any effort to work across the aisle in what 9 years now?
but it has been gradually getting worse over the years and TRUMP is not helping that at all!
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people are upset with them because they are not representing them... cut and dried!
and they haven't made any effort to work across the aisle in what 9 years now?
but it has been gradually getting worse over the years and TRUMP is not helping that at all!
Yup, and have practically been begging the Republicans to sit down at the table and modify/change the ACA so it works better for everyone. Thing is, THEY don't want it to work for everyone, they want to save MONEY so they can have themselves another TAX CUT. Even President Chump said the House version of health plan was "MEAN" ... nothing like tossing the Republican House under the bus ... LOL But, its the first time I've heard Trump say the TRUTH.
LOL But, its the first time I've heard Trump say the TRUTH.

you got that right!

you know I still think he could save himself... IF he straightened out health care and did a few things for the middle class!
but right now everything is geared towards himself and his friends..... funny TODAY he said we need to start working together.... but I bet he doesn't follow through on it

he is going to need the dems pretty soon and he just as well break down and start trying to work with them.... NONE of those conservatives are going to touch his tax plan/and infrastructure plan!

HE COULD still pull this out... but ego in the way!.... and six people who met with the Russians.... if they squeal... he's out no matter what!

even though by his own admission he is guilty of obstruction..... they could get him on that easy... if they voted that way... but to many put party over country..... and we will never get to the bottom of the Russian thing as long as trump stands in the way... if the right puts pressure on him....or midterms change things... after all there is a chance he is innocent... but with him putting friends over country...

bottom line... it's all on him!
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Well well, the tolerant - gun hating - non-violent left is at it again.



Or is this just more "fake news". You won't be happy until every American liberty and freedom is stripped from us. No wonder you want guns taken away - you can't control yourself!
Not quite @TwoBiFour. This reminds me back in the day when Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny were quarreling who should be shot at. If it was rabbit season they'd be hunting rabbits. If it was duck season they'd be hunting ducks.

But thanks to James Hodgkinson who shot the Steve Scalise who happens to be a Republican working with Trump,
( http://www.cnn.com/2017/06/14/politics/alexandria-virginia-shooting/index.html )

it's now...


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