Politics, Politics, Politics

this guy is just a flat out Crook!.... fucking the country for the benefit of himself and the mom country Russia

Trump’s Defense of Taking Foreign Money Is Historically Illiterate

Did George Washington, Thomas Jefferson or James Madison sell agricultural products to a foreign government “instrumentality?” It’s hard to say, since their surviving plantation records don’t speak to the question. But the Department of Justice, which is defending Donald Trump against a suit filed by various parties including Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), argues that it’s quite likely they did – and this assertion, seemingly arcane more than 200 years later and given the tumultuous state of the world, is key to the all-important question of whether President Trump is breaking the law. Story Continued Below CREW and its co-plaintiffs argue that the president stands......

CREW and its co-plaintiffs argue that the president stands in clear violation of the Constitution’s “emolument’s clause,” a provision stipulating that no federal official “shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.” In plain English, does Trump’s sprawling business empire benefit directly from commercial agreements with foreign governments or entities chartered by or representing foreign governments? And if so, is he in violation of the Constitution?

@STIFFBBC For the Left, It's not about being unbiased or even learning the facts.For them it is about character assassination. They justify their means by throwing insults and tearing down others, if you have ever had an open discussion with a leftist, they don't use facts. They simply shout "Racist" and "Hater" until you give up trying to reason. The only problem is, the left has no idea how stupid they make themselves look to those that take the time to learn the facts.
For them it is about character assassination.

you guys always take your own playbook and say it is some else.... who spent 2 years assinanating Hillary?... and before that... every pres.... and look who cried about rigging the elections.... and yet your party has gone out of their way to gerrymander do away with votes and etc.... you people on the right have the sickest minds of anyone in politics!

I could go on with the bullshit you guys pull.... but then you would cry foul just like always.... you guys start the ******* and when the wind blows it back.... it's the left they......

I suppose these following Republicans hate Black people too?






Or ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_African-American_Republicans ) ?
Or ( https://twitter.com/blacksfortrump?lang=en ) ?
Or ( https://www.facebook.com/blacksfortrumpmovement/ ) ?
everything he got.... came from the gov... food stamps... welfare....section8....and yet is in no way trying to help those in need... instead he is following the orange headed monster!

he was raised on gov handouts.. yet listen to him... he made it on his own... bullshit... look at his stance on several issues now concerning the poor!

that's like Ryan...******* died... went to college on his fathers social security... now wants to end those benefits@
Cotton went to college under a gi bill... and wants to end that AND cut military aid....those people talk out of both sides of their ass... they take... but when it comes time for others to use the same benefits... can't do that!
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everything he got.... came from the gov... food stamps... welfare....section8....and yet is in no way trying to help those in need... instead he is following the orange headed monster!
Seeing that Dr. Ben Carson started off with nothing based on his story it would seem that welfare, food stamps, and section8 gave him the bare minimum to live while at the same time he improved himself and got through school and med school and as a doctor making tons of money he could give back through his taxes, possibly volunteering his time as a doctor (as my dentist and my doctor does here in Canada), and tithing to his church and whatever charities he believes in. How is pulling himself by his bootstraps wrong? With support that the US government provides? To people that deserve it wrong?