Politics, Politics, Politics

You can be as nice as you can to a bully, but it doesn't mean he won't still punch you in the nose.
Not a whole lot of differences between Donald Trump & Kim Jong-un
if that phyco pulls the trigger I am quite sure the US will be to blame.
ahhhhh .... sort of like Obama. Made no difference what he did, it was always wrong with haters, Republicans. That's why Obama started taking the "fuck 'em" attitude in his second term. It'll be the same way with the US, but I doubt the US will strike first. Involving & encouraging China to get involved is really the best way if you're not gonna consider assassinations.
...I'm way more concerned with what's going on in Korea ... obviously Trump's got enough confidence, that the military will make the right decisions, that he can go golfing yet ANOTHER time. Possibly Trump should change his name to Nero.
...Ten million+ population in Seoul, 30T+ US military (most on the boarder) ... Japan within striking distance. The chips are high if N Korea decides to suddenly lob a few missiles. Not sure what his plan is, but if its no more successful than the first 3 months of his presidency, there's some heavy risk for our President Nero & his awesome ReThuglicans. I imagine his generals are all jerking off daily to the news.
Hmmm, let's take a peek in the ole wayback machine at just a year ago:

April 23rd, 2016: North Korea is saber rattling, aggresively developing their nuclear warheads and missile technology. They fire yet another test missile, this one from a submarine. N Korea says all this is justified due to the US military actions in SE Asia...under Obummer. "The North claims that U.S. military action on the Korean peninsula justifies its aggressive pursuit of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them." "Ri Jong Ryul, a former North Korean ambassador and current deputy-director general of the Institute of International Studies in Pyongyang, said the North's tests were "fair self-defensive measures" in the face of a U.S. "nuclear threat and blackmail."
He pointed to Key Resolve, the ongoing joint U.S.-South Korean military exercises, as an example of what he termed a "hostile policy" toward North Korea by the United States."


What was Obummer doing during all this??? Out playing golf of course. http://obamagolfcounter.com/

23-Apr-16 - The Grove, Chandlers Cross, UK - First Overseas Golf Outting

Funny Mac, I missed your post back then whining about Obummer playing golf instead of being engaged with the crisis in N Korea.
damn HH did your parents have any children that lived?

with everything going on right now...... you got to dig up ******* just to argue?
your priorities need some adjusting...
Mr. Fucking Arrogance better learn some diplomacy... and real fast or he is going to have us in a fucking WAR!

McMaster calls on North Korea to stop ‘destabilizing behavior’

President Trump will “not accept” a nuclear North Korea and he’s prepared to act against this “grave threat,” the national security adviser said Sunday. “It’s clear that the president is determined not to allow this kind of capability to threaten the United States,” H.R. McMaster told ABC’s “This Week.” “And our president will take action that is in the best interest of the American people.” McMaster’s comments come after a weekend of provocation by the North Korean regime. On Saturday in a grand military celebration North Korea paraded what appeared to be a new array of larger, longer-range missiles. By Easter Sunday, North Korea tested a non-nuclear missile, but it fizzled out seconds after ...

China, Russia send ships after U.S. aircraft carrier

China and Russia, which prioritize stability in the Korean Peninsula, showed concern over the tough U.S. stance, with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov saying the issue should be resolved peacefully through political and diplomatic efforts. The dispatch of the intelligence-gathering vessels appears to be partly aimed at sending a warning signal to the United States. Following the 105th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il Sung, North Korea's founding *******, on April 15, North Korea will celebrate the 85th anniversary of the foundation of its military on April 25. It maintains the stance that it intends to conduct its first nuclear test since September last year, which would be its sixth test, ...

Appease China And North Korea, Or Launch Strikes, Sanctions, And A Nuclear Negligence Doctrine?

As President Trump moves military forces into strike position against North Korea, and Kim Jong Un parades intercontinental ballistic missiles that may be able to deliver nuclear weapons to the continental U.S., China experts are in a heated debate about what should and shouldn't be done against the autocratic duo. In emails, some are calling for a risk-averse strategy of continued negotiations, while others are obliquely referencing the failure of appeasement against Germany in the 1930s. The full range of policy options are being considered, including military strikes, economic sanctions, and a nuclear negligence doctrine that extends deterrence for North Korea's actions to China. “North Korea

Trump's rhetoric on North Korea 'makes people nervous' but actions are positive: former US envoy

A former U.S. envoy said President Trump's aggressive rhetoric toward North Korea over its nuclear program "makes people nervous," but he praised some of the administration's actions in response to the North Korean threat as encouraging. Christopher Hill, former U.S. ambassador to the Republic of Korea, told ABC News' Martha Raddatz on “This Week” Sunday that he thinks President Trump "is trying to out-North Korean the North Koreans" with his tough rhetoric. "Let’s see if that works," Hill said. "Certainly it makes people nervous when they’re not quite sure what he means by it. And, you know, great powers can’t really bluff. So when you talk in those terms, you’ve got to be prepared to back it ...


there is a chance he might just get lucky and pull this off
N. Korea behavior 'can't continue', says US security adviser McMaster

Washington (AFP) - An international consensus that includes China has now emerged that North Korea's "threatening behavior" cannot go on, the US national security adviser said Sunday.

Speaking after North Korea's latest -- and apparently failed -- missile test, H.R. McMaster said, "I think there's an international consensus now, including -- including the Chinese and the Chinese leadership -- that this is a situation that just can't continue."

Speaking from Afghanistan on ABC, he made a point of stating several times that China -- North Korea's key ally -- is now concerned about the reclusive communist state's behavior.

McMaster said President Donald Trump has made clear he will not allow the nuclear-armed Pyongyang regime to put the US and its regional allies under threat.

The consensus including China is "that this problem is coming to a head. And so it’s time for us to undertake all actions we can, short of a military option, to try to resolve this peacefully," McMaster said.

Trump turned to Twitter over the weekend to underscore the key importance of cooperation with China on the Korean problem.
Having blasted Beijing throughout his presidential campaign for unfairly manipulating its currency, he tweeted Sunday: "Why would I call China a currency manipulator when they are working with us on the North Korean problem? We will see what happens!"

In his ABC interview, McMaster said that Trump had directed US military, diplomatic and intelligence officials to provide him with options -- in concertation with regional allies including China -- that could be used "if the North Korea regime refuses to denuclearize."

He called North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un "a threat to all people in the region, and globally as well," but cautioned that Trump "is clearly comfortable making tough decisions."

A White House foreign policy adviser, briefing reporters on the plane carrying US Vice President Mike Pence to Seoul, was asked what steps China had committed to when President Xi Jinping met recently with Trump in Florida. The briefer noted that China had already turned back ships bearing coal from the North.

"There were a number of steps that were discussed down in Mar-a-Lago between President Xi and President Trump," the briefer said, referring to Trump's Florida resort, adding that the rejection of Pyongyang's coal was a "good first step."

Era of strategic patience with North Korea over says Pence during visit to Demilitarised Zone

US Vice President Mike Pence on Monday (17 April) warned North Korea that the "era of strategic patience is over" and reiterated that "all options are on the table" with regard to stopping the reclusive regime from pursuing their nuclear goals.

Washington and its allies will achieve its objectives through "peaceable means or ultimately by whatever means are necessary" to protect South Korea and stabilise the region, Pence added during his visit to US base Camp Bonifas near the Demilitarised Zone – a 4km-wide buffer zone that divides North Korea from the South.

Pence met military leaders and American troops stationed at the base. Later in the day, he is expected to hold talks with South Korea's Acting President and Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn to discuss security alliance in the wake of increasing threats from Pyongyang.

The American leader is currently on a three-day visit to South Korea as part of a 10-day tour of the Asia-Pacific. His arrival in Seoul was followed by a failed missile test by the Kim Jong-un regime, which recently showcased its military might during a parade held as part of the 105th birth anniversary celebrations of the nation's founding ******* Kim Il-sung.

Reaffirming the US' commitment towards supporting its allies, Pence told reporters at the base that the alliance between Washington and Seoul is "iron-clad". He also warned the North Korean people and its military that they "should not mistake the resolve of the United States of America to stand with our allies".

North Korea is not Syria: Why the US cannot attack Pyongyang

US President Donald Trump is unlikely to launch an attack against North Korea, despite the rogue nation doing its best to provoke its neighbours with missile tests - even failed ones.

The South China Morning Post has listed five reasons why the US cannot attack North Korea, and one of them goes as far back as 1955.
The newspaper notes that the situation in North Korea is not the same as Syria, where Trump launched an attack against an airbase after accusing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of bombing his own people with chemical weapons.

Any military action in North Korea "carries far greater risks".

Technically, the Korean peninsula remains in a state of war although fighting stopped on 27 July 1955 with an armistice signed by Washington and Beijing and endorsed by the UN. If the US made good on its threat and attacked North Korea it would breach the treaty.

Unlike Syria, North Korea's nuclear weapons capabilities have matured in recent years, added the newspaper. The rogue nation has conducted five nuclear tests and has claimed to have successfully "miniaturised" nuclear warheads, although that has not been independently verified.
Despite some tests failing, military experts believe that Pyongyang has learned from the setbacks and might be able to develop a nuclear-tipped, intercontinental ballistic missile that can reach the US within the next four years- during Trump's presidency.

Another problem the US would face if it attacked North Korea is China. China and North Korea have signed the Sino-North Korean Mutual Aid and Cooperation Friendship Treaty under which both parties are obliged to offer immediate military and other assistance in the event of an outside attack. The treaty has been extended twice and is valid until 2021.

China is insisting on a peaceful resolution for fear that its border would be pierced by hundreds of thousands of refugees from North Korea if the Kim Jung-un regime collapsed.

"From a geopolitical point of view, Beijing views North Korea as a buffer zone from the potential encroachment by powers aligned with the US, including Japan and South Korea," the SCMP said.

Neither South Korea nor Japan want a military provocation. Seoul, the capital of South Korea, is only 40km from the border and hence "particularly vulnerable to a North Korean attack.

.Sam Gardiner, a former US Air ******* colonel told The Atlantic magazine that the US "cannot protect Seoul, at least for the first 24 hours of a war and maybe for the first 48".

Even former US president Bill Clinton was put off from bombing the Yongbyon reactor in 1994 after defence officials told him that the intensity of combat with Pyongyang "would be greater than any the world has witnessed since the last Korean War".

how sweet it is

Poll: Trump woes take toll on GOP

President Donald Trump continues to lag his predecessors in public approval and his unpopularity appears to be trickling down to other Republicans in Washington. Trump’s approval rating, according to a new Pew Research Center survey released Monday, is 39 percent — precisely the same as two months ago. The percentage of Americans who disapprove of Trump is virtually unchanged: 54 percent, compared to 56 percent in February. Story Continued Below Forty-four percent of Americans disapprove of Trump very strongly, according to the poll conducted April 5-11, more than the 30 percent who approve very strongly. The most profound shifts in the Pew survey are in Americans’ perceptions of the GOP beyond ...


The most profound shifts in the Pew survey are in Americans’ perceptions of the GOP beyond ...
that needed said again
The Obama administration had worldwide help from foreign intelligence agencies in their political spying on the Trump campaign. Despite these bombshell revelations by the Guardian, New York Times, and Washington Post in the last week, its likely CNN & MSNBC will continue the Russia collusion narrative. It is also important to keep this in mind when you see the absolute circus both the house and senate are engaged in with their “investigations”.

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The Obama administration had worldwide help from foreign intelligence agencies in their political spying on the Trump campaign. Despite these bombshell revelations by the Guardian, New York Times, and Washington Post in the last week, its likely CNN & MSNBC will continue the Russia collusion narrative. It is also important to keep this in mind when you see the absolute circus both the house and senate are engaged in with their “investigations”.
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I don't think Obama is going to take the fall for this.
Rice has already been appointed the patsy for all this and taking the fall.

The illusory truth effect (also known as the truth effect, the illusion-of-truth effect, the reiteration effect, the validity effect, and the frequency-validity relationship) is the tendency to believe information to be correct after repeated exposure. One science writer has explained it as follows: “Why are so many people convinced that we only use 10% of our brains, or that Eskimos have no words for snow…?” The answer is the truth effect.

The answer is the truth effect

you have just been "mindfucked" one to many times into believing whatever you are posting is true!
RARELY have you posted anything anywhere near the truth!
just like the BS you posted yesterday about Obama and Rice on the wire tapping.... hell even the right doesn't believe it now... I posted a link on it!

you need to get a better source for news!

A leading weapons academic has claimed that the Khan Sheikhoun nerve agent attack in Syria was staged, raising questions about who was responsible.

Theodore Postol, a professor emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), issued a series of three reports in response to the White House’s finding that Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad perpetrated the attack on 4 April.

Postol said: “I have reviewed the [White House’s] document carefully, and I believe it can be shown, without doubt, that the document does not provide any evidence whatsoever that the US government has concrete knowledge that the government of Syria was the source of the chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun, Syria at roughly 6am to 7am on 4 April, 2017.

“In fact, a main piece of evidence that is cited in the document point to an attack that was executed by individuals on the ground, not from an aircraft, on the morning of 4 April.

“This conclusion is based on an assumption made by the White House when it cited the source of the sarin release and the photographs of that source. My own assessment is that the source was very likely tampered with or staged, so no serious conclusion could be made from the photographs cited by the White House.”

The image Postol refers to is that of a crater containing a shell inside, which is said to have contained the sarin gas.

His analysis of the shell suggests that it could not have been dropped from an airplane as the damage of the casing is inconsistent from an aerial explosion. Instead, Postol said it was more likely that an explosive charge was laid upon the shell containing sarin, before being detonated.

Postol, formerly a scientific advisor at the Department of Defense (DoD), has previously outlined similar inconsistencies with US intelligence reports. Following the 2013 chemical weapons attack in eastern Ghouta, Postol again said the evidence did not suggest Assad was responsible.

A later United Nations report did not find Assad responsible also, however it did not rule him out either – as it could not apportion blame based on the evidence. Reporting by Seymour Hersh in the London Review of Books documented that US officials whitewashed findings to blame Assad when their intelligence showed that anti-Assad militants were the most likely perpetrators.

In his latest reports, Postol hit out at what he says is a “politicisation” of intelligence findings.

Postol said: “No competent analyst would miss the fact that the alleged sarin canister was forcefully crushed from above, rather than exploded by a munition within it.

Bannon was totally against bombing Syria, saying that an investigation should happen before any action taken.
But it looks like Trump listened to chickenhawk Kushner over a season public opinion data guy.
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