Politics, Politics, Politics

Go to bed, TwoBi .... you're simply trying to make argument out of logic. Don't know about you, but I have a long day ahead of me. My posts on the topic are very clear ... if you have an understanding problem, maybe its rest you need.
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It's simple Mac, don't be a hypocrite. If Trump had won on the Democratic ticket - you would be signing his praises.
just out of curiosity I wonder why he didn't invite the press to his anti-planned parenthood signing?
afraid he might get some backlash?
his poll numbers MIGHT have jumped after Syria... but this will bring them back down!
and for a guy who always believes in numbers .... he has to knowhe is the most dis-liked pres ever!
and after some of the elections here recently.... the right should start worrying
look at Sessions old district and how much money the right dumped into it to keep it.... isn't done yet but not looking good for the right....look at Ill and normally red districts going blue.....
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OK, Mac, I'll play your mindless game for a while,

You turn...
another interesting point to bring up
Martha Stewart got 2 years for lying to congress
and yet we know Sessions and Devos and a couple others have.... and nothing... why is that?

I guess because our new leader has set a new standard on telling the truth!
mac you must have hit some kind of a big bump in the road..... the bobbleheads are shaking so much the spring is on over load and they appear to be losing their heads

we all know Trump is about as corrupt as they come.... but is there anything he and his cohorts won't do for money?

News Desk
APRIL 14, 2017
By Dexter Filkins

The mysterious case of Reza Zarrab, a Turkish-Iranian businessman facing federal charges in New York, has grown even stranger over the past couple of weeks.

Zarrab, who is thirty-three, was arrested by F.B.I. agents, in Miami, last March. At the time, he was one of the flashiest and wealthiest businessmen in Turkey. He sported a pouf of black hair; owned twenty houses, seven yachts, and a private jet; was married to one of Turkey’s biggest pop stars; and counted among his friends Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkey’s strongman President.

The U.S. government, however, believes that Zarrab masterminded a sprawling operation to help the Iranian government evade economic sanctions that were put in place to hinder the country’s nuclear-weapons program. Zarrab’s operation—which relied on what the Turkish government claimed was a legal loophole in the sanctions—involved shipping gold to Iran in exchange for oil and natural gas, which Zarrab then sold. The scheme, according to prosecutors in New York’s Southern District, involved moving enormous amounts of cash, gas, and gold; at the operation’s peak—around 2012—Zarrab was buying a metric ton of gold and shipping it to Iran every day. The Obama Administration protested Zarrab’s operation, which the media dubbed “gas for gold,’’ but he carried on anyway. For the Iranians, the gold was as good as American cash, and it helped shore up the rial, Iran’s currency, whose value was collapsing.

Since last March, Zarrab has been sitting in the Metropolitan Correctional Center, in Manhattan, awaiting trial. The questions—and conspiracy theories—about him and his case, meanwhile, have only multiplied. At the time of his arrest, Zarrab was more or less living under the protection of the Turkish government, and he had every reason to believe that the U.S. government was after him. Why, then, did he fly to Miami? Zarrab told agents that he was on a family trip to Disney World. But many Turks who follow the case believe that Zarrab flew to the United States in an attempt to strike a deal with American prosecutors.

Why would he do that? It’s not clear if any deal was ever discussed, but Zarrab is probably in possession of enough evidence to implicate several senior members of Turkey’s government, whom American prosecutors say Zarrab was bribing so that he could carry on with his scheme. Zarrab, prosecutors have told a federal judge in New York, used “his tremendous wealth not only to purchase several homes, yachts and other assets, but also to buy access to corrupt politicians in Turkey.”

See, there you go again ... exactly what does the number of posts have to do with the TIME spent on this website, dimwit? We're talking TIME, not number of POSTS.
...And after explaining WHAT I meant regarding the privacy law, you continue pointing out the INITIAL comment ... why? Because you found something you could irritate someone with ... that's YOUR STYLE.
...And my last point STANDS ... you initiate very little discussion, but love confrontations by pointing out fragments of sentences or paragraphs that are usually just posted unclearly.
...So, AGAIN .... h-h

Moving this from BBC76's thread to more appropriate place:

Actually what we were talking about was "going back and forth" as you can see from your quote below. Going back and forth requires POSTING, not merely time.

I have absolutely no time to go back and forth with you or anyone else in "debating" as my time of this site is very limited ... you, on the other hand obviously have the time.

And how would you know how much "time" I spend on here? You can easily quantify post counts, but you can't see the length of time spent on here....unless you are on here full time and constantly checking to see if I'm online.

As to your second point, you're trying to dismiss how ignorant your original posts were. An honorable person would simply admit that they were wrong and Trump's "new law" had absolutely ZILCH to do with the website terms of service you posted....it merely maintains the status quo we had under Obummer related to your ISP.

And your last point COLLAPSES. Maybe in your eyes the quality of my postings, IR or political, are lacking. My postings stand on their own accord. You can appreciate them or not....but you can't possibly understand how little I give a ******* about your opinion on the matter.

'Why is it your right to take away my right to choose?': young slams top Republican senator during testy town hall

Business Insider 18 hours ago

A 16-year-old girl from Tucson slammed Arizona Republican senator Jeff Flake during a town hall on Thursday, grilling him over his support for a law that will give states the right to deny Title X funds to family-planning centers that also provide abortions, like Planned Parenthood. President Trump signed the bill into law on Thursday, the same day as Flake's town hall, and it was seen by many as a strike at Planned Parenthood, which uses Title X money to provide healthcare to millions of low-income women across the country. "Jeff Flake, my name is Deja Foxx and I'm a 16-year-old from Tucson," Foxx began. "I just want to state some facts. So, I'm a young woman, and you're a middle-aged man. I'm ...


4 takeaways from the town halls dogging the GOP

Republicans eager to flee Capitol Hill after squandering weeks on failed negotiations to repeal Obamacare are finding little refuge at home, where furious throngs of liberal constituents await. Halfway through the two-week Easter break, it’s clear that the energy on the left to protect Barack Obama’s health law — and oppose President Donald Trump — is still soaring. But for the first time, pro-Obamacare constituents have a specific target: the American Health Care Act. GOP lawmakers now face town halls after debuting a real piece of legislation to gut Obamacare, which added to the urgency and anger of the protests that greeted Republicans as they scattered across the country. Story Continued ...


the right just keeps fucking America without a care or concern in the world.... and last pres election was the lowest turnout in history.... and same for the midterms before it..... voter apathy..... but when you go out and do things intentionally to fuck the people.... they do wake up... and it is showing in the voting now

they may do all the gerrymandering.... voter suppression and etc.... but people are waking up!... and enough is enough
the right wanted all the power and yet what have they done with it?
not much... and what they have done has not benefitted America!
...I'm way more concerned with what's going on in Korea ... obviously Trump's got enough confidence, that the military will make the right decisions, that he can go golfing yet ANOTHER time. Possibly Trump should change his name to Nero.
...Ten million+ population in Seoul, 30T+ US military (most on the boarder) ... Japan within striking distance. The chips are high if N Korea decides to suddenly lob a few missiles. Not sure what his plan is, but if its no more successful than the first 3 months of his presidency, there's some heavy risk for our President Nero & his awesome ReThuglicans. I imagine his generals are all jerking off daily to the news.
I'm way more concerned with what's going on in Korea

Trump is scary enough.... the world in the balance of 2 lunatics.... scary..... not sure though which is worse.... Trump making a decision... or just letting the military do whatever
I read yesterday that China is asking for help from RUSSIA on the deal since N. Korea has been getting friendly there....now that makes things even worse...... China I think would like to cool this off.... but Russia?????.... I think they would sit back and laugh if things got ugly.... for all we know P u t I n could be goading him on!

I just hope this asshole doesn't get some brainstorm he can "rush" them before they launch something!
although somehow he needs to be brought to heel!... I think China hurt them not taking their coal... and for the first time China was not present for their big parade and party.... which means he may turn more to Russia... which P u t I n will like
You can be as nice as you can to a bully, but it doesn't mean he won't still punch you in the nose. I see N.K. as the aggressor here. The US hasn't done anything to warrant a strike of any type let alone a Nuke. But yet if that phyco pulls the trigger I am quite sure the US will be to blame.
More... Odd?..... things going on.... and threats also

Alt-Right Ringleader Mike Cernovich Threatens to Drop ‘Motherlode’ If Steve Bannon Is Ousted

A week after President Donald Trump began to publicly distance himself from White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, alt-right ringleader Mike Cernovich threatened to release a “motherlode” of stories that could “destroy marriages” if Bannon is formally let go from the administration. Cernovich made the claims that he’d release a series of “scoops” if Bannon is officially pushed out of the White House on an eleven-minute, self-recorded Periscope Thursday night. “If they get rid of Bannon, you know what’s gonna happen? The motherlode. If Bannon is removed, there are gonna be divorces, because I know about the mistresses, the sugar babies, the *******, the pill popping, the orgies. I know everything,” ...


well we already know that trumps' wife and ******* play around.... and alot of people suspected him of being on something several times during the debate... but please do... go on!
besides get that fucking Bannon out of there anyway!
what makes things look bad is Trump's comments about we are going to take care of that... implying?

good example of unfinished biz coming back to haunt!
and in their eyes this is still just a cease fire!
just a matter of time and they will do something ... crazy..... and it will be us to blame.... China doesn't want us over there and is doing... some stuff... Russia seems to have some influence... but again that is not real good