Politics, Politics, Politics

hell just another typical gop member... AND a "trumpie"

GOP Candidate Loses Party's Support After Telling Woman 'You Should F**k Me'

A Republican running for a seat in the New Jersey General Assembly has lost GOP support after a video surfaced of him hitting on a woman, according to Politico. Brian McDowell, a former contestant on NBC’s “The Apprentice” who just filed a petition to run for office last month, was caught on tape asking a woman to sleep with him, slurring his words as he spoke. “Let me tell you right now. You should fuck me. It would really be good,” McDowell says in the video. “Listen, you never know.” The footage prompted Cape May County Republicans to pull their support of his campaign, Politico reported. McDowell told the outlet he won’t end his campaign because of the video. “There are human errors and even ...
reality is health care costs are rising faster than ever.

they slowed under the ACA.... which was part of the purpose... that and to get as many people with health care as possible... and to that end both were victorious.... although health care is the biggest... greediest thing going... it started with the pharmaceuticals.... and then when hospital's started giving big profits to investors... making it purely biz... instead of what it was supposed to be..... didn't Dr's have to take an oath.... that has been gone for a while now!
You seen to have a bit of an obsession with using poll ratings to determine success.

not really... they sometimes are good indicators... but sometimes not quite accurate either... I have seen a lot of polls I know were pure BS and often wondered who in the hell they talked to... come to think of it... the best one to date is trump and the election... but there are others
All the current plan is is Obamacare Version 2.0
rand paul called it Obama care light..... all they really did was pull out some of the good stuff... give some tax breaks to the wealthy
there are several things they could do that would make it work... and for whatever reason they aren't
while we are on it... why don't they do away with that law Bush signed when he was in office... where the gov can not negotiate ******* prices for meds... talk about using a monopoly
And where did you come up with those magic numbers?

not sure what you are referring to.... but everything I post comes indirectly off yahoo... and some I follow up on an internet search.... so whatever you were looking at should be able to be found doing a search.... and I always... well sometimes I forget... but most of the time post a link
what is that saying?....... things that make you go Mmmmmmm?

Democrats In Illinois Just Unseated A Whole Bunch Of Republicans

In a spate of local elections last week in Illinois, Democrats picked up seats in places they’ve never won before. The city of Kankakee elected its first African-American, Democratic mayor. West Deerfield Township will be led entirely by Democrats for the first time. Elgin Township voted for “a complete changeover,” flipping to an all-Democratic board. Normal Township elected Democratic supervisors and trustees to run its board ― the first time in more than 100 years that a single Democrat has held a seat. “We had a pretty good day,” said Dan Kovats, executive director of the Illinois Democratic County Chairmen’s Association. “We won in areas we normally would win, but we also
you are fucking sick and twisted!
your meme's make no fucking sense..... and no one cares for the ones promoting death... which is what you seem to be doing
stick to fucking politics!... OUR politics.... instead of promoting ??????
Well, as N Korea threatens an all out war ... where's TRUM? .... how about he's in Florida, at his resort "playing golf" for the 17th time since taking office. The man who accused Obama of playing too much golf ... the man who said he wouldn't be playing golf but staying in the White House to address the issues of the country ... has already played more golf this year than Obama AND GW Bush played the ENTIRE first year of their presidencies, together.

And when asked why he is playing golf again while the Syrian and N Korean issues are going on ... the Trumpster reassures us that he's put the decision making in the hands of his military. This coming from a GOP candidate who professed knowing more than his Generals about war ... this coming from a man who took 4 medical deferments in order to not serve in the military. This coming from a President that is YET to complete any of his promises to the voters who were suckered in voting for the idiot.

So, nuclear war begins when N Korean launch nuclear weapons against the S Koreans in retaliation for decisions Trump's military leaders do ... then when ******* hits the fan and millions are killed, he can honestly say, he didn't authorize a strike on N Korea.

pic_kicked out.jpg
you are fucking sick and twisted!
your meme's make no fucking sense.....
If you go to GORE you can see a 15-20 sec film of that little girl ... STILL ALIVE ... on the street. I'm sure if this was HIS *******, he wouldn't appreciate people posting such pics / vids of his ******* laying on the ground just minutes from DYING. All this is, is a lack of an individuals insensitivity for the sake of sensationalism ... if that is what they like there are websites, like GORE specifically aimed at showing people dying.
The man who accused Obama of playing too much golf ... the man who said he wouldn't be playing golf but staying in the White House to address the issues of the country ... has already played more golf this year than Obama AND GW Bush played the ENTIRE first year of their presidencies, together.
More made up BS from the name calling king I see. Trump has played golf 17 times so far as you say. Obama played 28 times in his first year of office. In case Mr insurance salesman isn't good with math....17 is less than 28. So your claim is demonstrably false just on Obama alone, no need to even add in GWs golf outings.

Of course since you bring up GW, he played golf a total of 24 times in his entire 8 years. Obummer played 306 times. Why weren't you whining about Obummer playing over 12 times the number of days that GW did???


This coming from a GOP candidate who professed knowing more than his Generals about war ... this coming from a man who took 4 medical deferments in order to not serve in the military. This coming from a President that is YET to complete any of his promises to the voters who were suckered in voting for the idiot.

Sooooo, you want Trump to make the decisions????? I would much rather he leave it in the hands of the military and Trump stick to golf, just for the reason you stated, you should be glade. And of course he will deny responsibility - just like Obama and Hillary did with Benghazi. Again name one president that took responsibility for any war time action that ended badly (or is that "biggly"?).

I'm sure if this was HIS *******, he wouldn't appreciate people posting such pics / vids of his ******* laying on the ground just minutes from DYING.

So says the man who threatened us more than once with images of Sandy Hook school ch}ldren.
Frankly if it were my ******* I would be posting those image on the doors of the Prime Ministers house.
More made up BS from the name calling king I see

HH what the hell is with you.... you miss the fucking point.... and want to make an issue out of it... why?

to put it real simple it was Trumps statements about the golf to begin with saying he wouldn't have time for it and yet look now

As a private citizen, Donald J. Trump was repeatedly critical of President Obama’s fondness for relaxing with a round of golf.

“Can you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf.” Mr. Trump tweeted on Oct. 13, 2014. “Worse than Carter.”

“We pay for Obama’s travel so he can fundraise millions so Democrats can run on lies,” he said a day later. “Then we pay for his golf.”

Then for a third time that month, Mr. Trump tweeted about Mr. Obama’s golf habit on Oct. 23, 2014.

“President Obama has a major meeting on the N.Y.C. Ebola outbreak, with people flying in from all over the country, but decided to play golf!”

As a president, though, Mr. Trump seems to have had a change of heart about the appropriateness of a president hitting the links.
On Saturday, Mr. Trump played golf with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan at two of his courses in South Florida: 18 holes at the Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, and nine more at the Trump International Golf Club in nearby West Palm Beach. On Sunday, he returned, without Mr. Abe, to the club in West Palm Beach for five hours.

It was the president’s second visit this month to South Florida, where he owns the Mar-a-Lago resort in West Palm Beach along with the golf courses.

Last weekend, he spent four and a half hours at one of his golf clubs, a day before hosting a Super Bowl Party at Mar-a-Lago, which its original owner, the heiress Marjorie Merriweather Post, named the “winter White House.”

Little was known about Mr. Trump’s time at either golf club this month — the White House last week declined to confirm whether he even played, or who accompanied him. On Saturday, Mr. Trump and his aides covered doors and windows at the Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter to keep the journalists inside from snapping photos of the president and Mr. Abe on the course.

But an administration-approved photo appeared on Mr. Trump’s social media pages that showed the two leaders high-fiving under a blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds, a gigantic American flag waving in the background.

It was a change for a man who over the past five years had repeatedly criticized the sitting president for golfing, on the grounds that the trips were costly to taxpayers and came at the expense of time that he thought Mr. Obama should have spent on government duties.

Since Mr. Trump became president, his resort, Mar-a-Lago, has doubled its initiation fee to $200,000, drawing a rebuke from critics who say he is profiting off the presidency. But Mr. Trump and his aides say that using an informal setting outside Washington to entertain foreign leaders — as other presidents have done — will put those dignitaries at ease.

On Saturday, Mr. Trump told reporters that he and Mr. Abe “got to know each other very, very well” while golfing.

Mr. Trump was not always so critical of Mr. Obama’s golf habit. In June 2012, he tweeted that he would someday like to play a round of golf with the president.


besides if you look close... it's not about the golf.... look at what it has done for the golf fees!... again he is making money for himself... and not taking care of the country.... and lets add in the cost of taking him there every weekend... but then he can't go to NYC.... with the wife already having a new "friend"
Sooooo, you want Trump to make the decisions????? I would much rather he leave it in the hands of the military and Trump stick to golf, just for the reason you stated, you should be glade.
...A couple things here, TwoBi ... one, the military leaders weren't elected by the people ... the President & Congress were. Second, we're not talking about Afghanistan or Syria ... we're talking about a country that already possesses nuclear weaponry. If N Korea is provoked into using their missles, they won't be used against the US ships that launched their tomahawks, etc ... they'll launch them at S Korea, and more specifically at the northern part of S Korea where not only the S Koreans have a majority of their military concentrated, but a huge number of US military are there as well.
A lot of military commanders have that "itch" for war (like Patton) and there's no room for error as millions of people in S Korea would be killed ... and like many wars before, countries tend to start choosing sides and a much larger war more likely ... one that could bring nuclear missiles to our country. I'd prefer the orders of war come out of Washington than from a military commander.
...I recall, when Trump was campaigning, how he said "we're gonna Win, Win, Win ... we're gonna win so much you'll get tired of winning" ... so far, all I've seen Trump do, besides play a record number of golf rounds in his first 90 days, is Lose, Lose, Lose ... lost at healthcare, lost at taxes, lost at Obama bugging his motel, the list is long ... I hope his golf success is better than his campaign promise fulfillments. I heard, this afternoon, that he flew his wife and kid to Florida separately from himself ... nice we get to pay for these (almost weekly) trips, and he increased (actually doubled) his membership dues at the golf course there to $200,000 ... no problem, you and I get to pick that tab up as well. And, its now reported that he has visited Trump properties 1 out of every 3 days he's been in office ... wonder what happened to that declaration that he was going to turn his businesses over to the *******?
...Guess he can go back to Washington 1-2 days a week and sign some more Executive Orders ... that requires no effort on his part and makes him look important. I think a good idea, however, would be to require Trump's sons and daughters to stay in Seoul until this conflict with N Korea is over. Maybe THEN Trump would be a bit more concerned with the outcome of allowing his military to decide war policy.
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So says the man who threatened us more than once with images of Sandy Hook school ch}ldren.
...Did I post them? ... NO ... And WHY do you think I didn't post them?
...Plus, the topic and thread, if I recall at the time, was regarding guns, automatic weapons and IF I had posted any of them, it would have been to illustrate the destructive power of those rifles at close range.
...The pic of this little 12 year old girl,Ebba Akerlund, with the lower half of her body ripped away, had absolutely NOTHING to do with the topic being discussed ... NOTHING.

...When I was in college I did a research paper on ******* neglect and ******* cruelty. I visited a couple county shelters to get information, then observed as they put a mom dog and 4 puppies inside a gas chamber and euthanized them. I also observed what they did with the animals once they killed them ... they took them out back and tossed them in a 50 gallon drum to be picked up. The pictures and report were shared with the local newspaper, and they got involved and it caused the county to change it methods and position on euthanizing animals. So, sometimes sharing these things does cause a change in opinions ... I can assure you, however, the pic posted HERE of that 12 year old girl was strictly for sensationalism and nothing more. I swear to god, I just don't understand you conservatives and the pretentions you give for the "value of human lives" ... what the fuck is wrong with conservatives?
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...A couple things here, TwoBi ... one, the military leaders weren't elected by the people ... the President & Congress were. Second, we're not talking about Afghanistan or Syria ... we're talking about a country that already possesses nuclear weaponry. If N Korea is provoked into using their missles, they won't be used against the US ships that launched their tomahawks, etc ... they'll launch them at S Korea, and more specifically at the northern part of S Korea where not only the S Koreans have a majority of their military concentrated, but a huge number of US military are there as well.
A lot of military commanders have that "itch" for war (like Patton) and there's no room for error as millions of people in S Korea would be killed ... and like many wars before, countries tend to start choosing sides and a much larger war more likely ... one that could bring nuclear missiles to our country. I'd prefer the orders of war come out of Washington than from a military commander.
...I recall, when Trump was campaigning, how he said "we're gonna Win, Win, Win ... we're gonna win so much you'll get tired of winning" ... so far, all I've seen Trump do, besides play a record number of golf rounds in his first 90 days, is Lose, Lose, Lose ... lost at healthcare, lost at taxes, lost at Obama bugging his motel, the list is long ... I hope his golf success is better than his campaign promise fulfillments. I heard, this afternoon, that he flew his wife and kid to Florida separately from himself ... nice we get to pay for these (almost weekly) trips, and he increased (actually doubled) his membership dues at the golf course there to $200,000 ... no problem, you and I get to pick that tab up as well. And, its now reported that he has visited Trump properties 1 out of every 3 days he's been in office ... wonder what happened to that declaration that he was going to turn his businesses over to the *******?
...Guess he can go back to Washington 1-2 days a week and sign some more Executive Orders ... that requires no effort on his part and makes him look important. I think a good idea, however, would be to require Trump's sons and daughters to stay in Seoul until this conflict with N Korea is over. Maybe THEN Trump would be a bit more concerned with the outcome of allowing his military to decided war policy.

Your not helping your case here Mac, you are complaining that Trump is an unfit leader while at the same time complaining that he isn't leading - Make up your mind.
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Your not helping your case here Mac, you are complaining that Trump is an unfit leader while at the same time complaining that he isn't leading - Make up your mind.
You can dance around the issue if you wish, TwoBi, but we don't turn over acts of war to our military leaders ... congress and the President make those decisions and the military is there to carry out the commands. You know exactly what the issue is, or you're rather dense on what the issue actually is.
...Did I post them? ... NO ... And WHY do you think I didn't post them?
...Plus, the topic and thread, if I recall at the time, was regarding guns, automatic weapons and IF I had posted any of them, it would have been to illustrate the destructive power of those rifles at close range.
...The pic of this little 12 year old girl,Ebba Akerlund, with the lower half of her body ripped away, had absolutely NOTHING to do with the topic being discussed ... NOTHING.

You are condemning someone for doing what you have threatened to do yourself - The subject mater is irrelevant. It's called being Hypocritical.

...When I was in college I did a research paper on ******* neglect and ******* cruelty. I visited a couple county shelters to get information, then observed as they put a mom dog and 4 puppies inside a gas chamber and euthanized them. I also observed what they did with the animals once they killed them ... they took them out back and tossed them in a 50 gallon drum to be picked up. The pictures and report were shared with the local newspaper, and they got involved and it caused the county to change it methods and position on euthanizing animals. So, sometimes sharing these things does cause a change in opinions ... I can assure you, however, the pic posted HERE of that 12 year old girl was strictly for sensationalism and nothing more. I swear to god, I just don't understand you conservatives and the pretentions you give for the "value of human lives" ... what the fuck is wrong with conservatives?

I could ask the same of you Liberals - what the fuck is wrong with you? (abortion) and your pretensions you give for the "value of human lives" Got any pictures of babies in a dumpster?
You can dance around the issue if you wish, TwoBi, but we don't turn over acts of war to our military leaders ... congress and the President make those decisions and the military is there to carry out the commands. You know exactly what the issue is, or you're rather dense on what the issue actually is.

And you know dame well that the military still can't act without Congress, or you are rather dense on what the issue actually is.
Go to bed, TwoBi .... you're simply trying to make argument out of logic. Don't know about you, but I have a long day ahead of me. My posts on the topic are very clear ... if you have an understanding problem, maybe its rest you need.