Politics in 2022


Delusion Democrats - wait til all the ******* your party has pulled finally hits the fan !!!!!!

……….dream on...….once things start you will see just how corrupt your man really is...…..but then you don't care do you
can't admit just how corrupt your man really is and how stupid you are backing a crook......
since being in office

16 Times Donald Trump Broke the Law – Brainsation
16 Times Donald Trump Broke the Law. The 45th president, Donald Trump is one of a kind. The self-proclaimed billionaire has exhibited a number of times that he is either uninformed on the requirement of the law or just doesn’t give a damn. More than 4,500 lawsuits have …
All the legal experts I have seen - and there are many - say the President did NOTHING illegal.

Democrats just pissin off the country now -
BIGTIME !!!! Too dumb to know it or don’t care - you guys are toast in 2020.

wrong again...…….the founding fathers created it because they were just a little bit racist and didn't want slaves to end up with to much voting power.....and actually it was James Madison....that really pushed for because of the "south"....they gave a lot reasons pro and con......lack of education in some areas...population in some and not others.....could not agree...Madison pushed hard.....because of the slaves!

Election 2016: The Real Reason the Electoral College ...
Nov 08, 2016 · One Founding-era argument for the Electoral College stemmed from the fact that ordinary Americans across a vast continent would lack sufficient information to …
The Electoral College Is Still Racist And The Numbers Prove It
Dec 05, 2016 · Evidence today, proves the Electoral College is still racist, and I didn't even talk about the historical evidence that proves the founding fathers meant for the Electoral College to be racist with the creation of the Senate. In fact, Constitutional Scholars say, "the Electoral College is a …
guess it just shows the electoral college didn't work!

Why the Electoral College - Amphora Editions
The second as part of the structure of the government that gave extra power to the smaller states. The first reason that the founders created the Electoral College is hard to understand today. The founding fathers were afraid of direct election to the Presidency. They feared a tyrant could manipulate public opinion and come to power.
Typical sore LOSER stratagem if ya can’t win by the rules change em.

whhhaaooo hoo sob sniff......whaaa

who is the sore loser that is crying....and been crying for 2 days...….we caught a crook...cut and dried....nothing special there.....and after a little digging we might even find some treason mixed in....wouldn't that just be fantastic

not hardly....pretty sure they will get him on all this....won't really mean much since senate will not do anything...I don't think...ut there are a few republicans not happy about this so who knows...….Nancy getting greedy and might be going after Barr and Guliani.…...that would be funny...under impeachment she has even more power than before...and knows it
you got nothing only shows Biden strong arming Ukraine

wrong....even the guy from Ukraine said Biden didn't do anything....matter of fact looks like he might have just been bragging about something he was just a part of and nothing else....but I'm sure the right will keep on him to take heat off trump...I posted the statement the Ukraine guy said this morning
told you I would bet that they impeach trump in the house....doesn't pass in the senate...all said and done before Christmas.....problem is trump and company compounding the problem trying to cover it up....that's where Nancy may get Barr….as for Giuliani...he claims he was acting on the part of the state department and yet they know nothing of this.....it was really Giuliani that got the ball rolling to begin with....trump broke 4 laws I think...but if they keep playing...along comes obstruction and a few other things...he is losing support on all this...needs to just take his lumps and hopefully the house does nothing...and it's all over be just like Clinton...impeached but still pres...........but trump has ALWAYS been his own worst enemy...that's why the press has a field day with him....his constantly changing stories and etc...needs to under stand this is serious but could come out ok....and he is looking at trying to sue on this....funny....won't work...….congress starts impeachment they have all the power on all of it!
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Never happen Trumps clean

wrong..…..he even admitted it....thinking he had broke no laws....remember his interview on CBS a few months ago where he didn't see any problem going to another gov......thought people told him it was a no no….maybe they did and he didn't care or thought being pres he could get away with it...….but he admitted it...and Giuliani admitted it...plus even the transcript has him asking once...….but according to the report he asked 8 times...….now trying to hide the phone call...that's where the obstruction is going to come in

“When Collusion with a Foreign Government Becomes a Crime”
Jun 02, 2017 · The campaign finance laws have as their core purpose preventing corruption of government, or its appearance, but the provision prohibiting foreign political spending is uniquely concerned with corruption of a different, even higher order, that strikes at national security.

Violations of Election Laws – Elections
Violations of Election Laws The United States Constitution enacts penal laws to preserve the purity of election process. The Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 regulates the conduct of election campaigns in order to protect the integrity of the political process and to ensure effective political

Voting and Election Laws | USAGov
U.S. election laws date back to Article 1 of the Constitution. This gave states the responsibility of overseeing federal elections. Many Constitutional amendments and federal laws have been passed since then. These laws protect Americans’ voting rights. The 15th Amendment to the Constitution gave ...