Politics in 2022

It doesn't really matter what Biden did or didn't do...…….that was between Ukraine and Biden ...and Ukraine cleared Biden...….but what all of you are so quick to over look is ….just like with Russia and wiki-leaks last election...….he tried to ******* another country into getting involved in the next election....that is where he broke the law......he has a copy of the actual conversation...but on a different server in the white house you have to have a very high sec clearance to see.....then he told people he wanted whistle blowers name and threatened to fire people if they didn't find out.....all of that would fit under obstruction....and then wanting the whistle blower tried and executed for treason

you right wingers just keep focused on Biden and ignore all the laws your man has broke on all this......ever hear of anyone....especially a president of the US asking another country to dig up dirt on another American citizen?
so he can use it during an election?....the right is pretty low on their standards of election corruption … but that is an all new low yet…..and against the law!
If it meant to crucify Biden to impeach Donald Trump ?? the Democrats would sacrifice Biden and his ******* that dealt with the Ukraine in a second!
If it meant to crucify Biden to impeach Donald Trump ?? the Democrats would sacrifice Biden and his ******* that dealt with the Ukraine in a second!

wrong..……..Biden plays no part in any of this....matter of fact france and another have already come to Bidens defense.....the issue is...he tried to blackmail for personal benefit another country to help sway our election....Biden is nothing in that...just a name....trump broke the law...and knowingly tried to blackmail another country to "do him a favor" and help him with his re-election.……..he knew it ...admitted it...and records show he did it....that's pretty cut and dried....should be over in a week.....but really doubt the right will do anything.....just trump being trump and didn't know.....

and if the right does nothing...….I would expect the left goes after Guliani...he knew better....but then a trade the right will try and get Biden...but like I said there were 7 other countries involved in that deal....and if push comes to shove I think you will see a couple of them step to defend Biden....just more tit for tat right now...….at least for another few months......if some of these republicans look like re-election not a sure thing...they will dump trump...if re-election goes fine...things go on...

just my 2 cents....and I consider myself an expert on these things...if you don't believe me just ask me
the other thing is....Joe might as well quit now and turn it over to warren and save himself some heart break.....right has to win at all costs so they will pick up where trump left off.....just like they did with Hillary....hell Mcarthy even admitted all the bengahzi thing was about making her look bad..... and even the feds caught trey gowdy cooking the books on her email to make it look like she was hiding things...…. did anything ever happen...….. no....and it worked a lot of people now didn't trust her so wouldn't vote for her....throw in a few thousand Russian bots and trump lies...….she was toast......

the right will try and divert anything they can away from trump so they will keep pointing out Joe....even with others coming to his defense....there will be enough that have doubts...he's out.....what's really funny.....if they should end up getting trump before the election....and they get Joe knocked out....that would put Pence against Warren...….funny huh? but could be.....
what would really be funny....things start looking bad for trump.....and they already are...…...trump has no loyalty to anyone...NO ONE....he would dump pence and try and get Nikki haley as his mate....but doubt she would do that even if trump tried that
wrong..……..Biden plays no part in any of this....matter of fact france and another have already come to Bidens defense.....the issue is...he tried to blackmail for personal benefit another country to help sway our election....Biden is nothing in that...just a name....trump broke the law...and knowingly tried to blackmail another country to "do him a favor" and help him with his re-election.……..he knew it ...admitted it...and records show he did it....that's pretty cut and dried....should be over in a week.....but really doubt the right will do anything.....just trump being trump and didn't know.....

and if the right does nothing...….I would expect the left goes after Guliani...he knew better....but then a trade the right will try and get Biden...but like I said there were 7 other countries involved in that deal....and if push comes to shove I think you will see a couple of them step to defend Biden....just more tit for tat right now...….at least for another few months......if some of these republicans look like re-election not a sure thing...they will dump trump...if re-election goes fine...things go on...

just my 2 cents....and I consider myself an expert on these things...if you don't believe me just ask me

WRONG - John Solomon of the Hill just broke news about how up to their ears in corruption the Bidens are :}
what would really be funny....things start looking bad for trump.....and they already are...…...trump has no loyalty to anyone...NO ONE....he would dump pence and try and get Nikki haley as his mate....but doubt she would do that even if trump tried that
the other thing is....Joe might as well quit now and turn it over to warren and save himself some heart break.....right has to win at all costs so they will pick up where trump left off.....just like they did with Hillary....hell Mcarthy even admitted all the bengahzi thing was about making her look bad..... and even the feds caught trey gowdy cooking the books on her email to make it look like she was hiding things...…. did anything ever happen...….. no....and it worked a lot of people now didn't trust her so wouldn't vote for her....throw in a few thousand Russian bots and trump lies...….she was toast......

the right will try and divert anything they can away from trump so they will keep pointing out Joe....even with others coming to his defense....there will be enough that have doubts...he's out.....what's really funny.....if they should end up getting trump before the election....and they get Joe knocked out....that would put Pence against Warren...….funny huh? but could be.....
They will keep trying to point to Joe? Are you fucking kidding me? Who has the finger been pointed to Since Trump beat the other corrupt candidate. I hope it is Warren. Trump will eat her alive!
WRONG - John Solomon of the Hill just broke news about how up to their ears in corruption the Bidens are :}

the smear has already started...…working on the zombies........that is as accurate as your statement the other day showing Biden bragging about it........small part of the vid........trying to divert......but what does that have to do with trump breaking the law.....nothing!.if there was anything to it...that was between Ukraine and Biden...…..not trump trying to blackmail a country by with holding money so they will help him get re-elected
my how things change

Lindsay Graham Once Said Impeachment 'Is About Cleansing ...
Aug 22, 2018 · But Graham seems to have narrowed his view of impeachment’s cleansing power. In a statement issued after the conclusion of the Manafort and Cohen proceedings, Graham said, “the American legal …

Lindsey Graham on impeachment, then and now | McClatchy ...
May 19, 2019 · That man was South Carolina’s own Lindsey Graham, then a 43-year-old, third-term Republican Congressman. The president in question was Bill Clinton.
the smear has already started...…working on the zombies........that is as accurate as your statement the other day showing Biden bragging about it........small part of the vid........trying to divert......but what does that have to do with trump breaking the law.....nothing!.if there was anything to it...that was between Ukraine and Biden...…..not trump trying to blackmail a country by with holding money so they will help him get re-elected

There is a veritable shitload of evidence of corruption by your party - you’ll see :}

You guys ALWAYS accuse the other side of EXACTLY what your doing - it’s called projection - this time you jokers bit off more than you can chew !!!!!! :}
what does that have to do with trump trying to blackmail a country into helping him with re-election?
Are we going there again? Oh yeah you have no choice since yet another attempt to destroy a wonderful man failed, so now let's go back to the collusion thingy again. I'm telling you your party has exactly coming to it what it deserves. It's disgusting!!
another attempt to destroy a wonderful man failed
Who are you referring to, surely not TRUMP!
You folks are is such a sad state of denial, its pitiful.
But, I do agree that I hope our party gets exactly what's coming to it ... the 2020 Presidency with control of both the House & Senate.

Who are you referring to, surely not TRUMP!
You folks are is such a sad state of denial, its pitiful.
But, I do agree that I hope our party gets exactly what's coming to it ... the 2020 Presidency with control of both the House & Senate.

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I know you are a Christian @MacNfries based on prior conversations. If you can take a look at Rabbi Johnathan Cahn's book "The Oracle" you will be disturbed what he says about Donald Trump ?? starting at around chapter 45 which matches the fact that he is the 45th POTUS. Trump is not done yet.

Who are you referring to, surely not TRUMP!
You folks are is such a sad state of denial, its pitiful.
But, I do agree that I hope our party gets exactly what's coming to it ... the 2020 Presidency with control of both the House & Senate.

View attachment 2872269
Good luck with that. The American people are on to your party’s BS. Biden, of all the garbage candidates your party has, would have been best. But he’s probably done! Just like I would never ever have voted for Hillary I wouldn’t give any other of the hypocrites the time of day. The difference between you and Sub is I would give a legitimate dem a chance to prove why I should vote for him/her. None of them have nothing except to say how much they hate they hateTrump. Im at a bar as we speak. The conversation was about this latest attempt by the libtards to get rid of Trump. Only about 5 people here but each and everyone of them are for Trump and think the dems are pathetic people. And believe me that is a very common view every time I am out. So many Trump supporters. I should have taken a picture of this mustang parked next to me at WalMart on 9/11/19. Covered with bumper stickers, “drain the swamp”, Trump 2020, and a bunch of other great stickers. She happen to come out when I was unloading. She was probably in her 50’s and dressed in an American flag jumpsuit. I told her “you are a true American.” Unlike the likes of Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker( almost as much of POS as Harris).you guys seriously want those people ( to steal a Ross Perot statement) to run our country?
Good luck with that. The American people are on to your party’s BS. Biden, of all the garbage candidates your party has, would have been best. But he’s probably done! Just like I would never ever have voted for Hillary I wouldn’t give any other of the hypocrites the time of day. The difference between you and Sub is I would give a legitimate dem a chance to prove why I should vote for him/her. None of them have nothing except to say how much they hate they hateTrump. Im at a bar as we speak. The conversation was about this latest attempt by the libtards to get rid of Trump. Only about 5 people here but each and everyone of them are for Trump and think the dems are pathetic people. And believe me that is a very common view every time I am out. So many Trump supporters. I should have taken a picture of this mustang parked next to me at WalMart on 9/11/19. Covered with bumper stickers, “drain the swamp”, Trump 2020, and a bunch of other great stickers. She happen to come out when I was unloading. She was probably in her 50’s and dressed in an American flag jumpsuit. I told her “you are a true American.” Unlike the likes of Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker( almost as much of POS as Harris).you guys seriously want those people ( to steal a Ross Perot statement) to run our country?
You forgot about AOC and "The Squad" but they don't matter because it is just as if they are playing against an opponent who always has the TRUMP cards! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

I wonder if during or after President Trump ?? the game of Euchre is on the upswing? ?????

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Good luck with that. The American people are on to your party’s BS. Biden, of all the garbage candidates your party has, would have been best. But he’s probably done! Just like I would never ever have voted for Hillary I wouldn’t give any other of the hypocrites the time of day. The difference between you and Sub is I would give a legitimate dem a chance to prove why I should vote for him/her. None of them have nothing except to say how much they hate they hateTrump. Im at a bar as we speak. The conversation was about this latest attempt by the libtards to get rid of Trump. Only about 5 people here but each and everyone of them are for Trump and think the dems are pathetic people. And believe me that is a very common view every time I am out. So many Trump supporters. I should have taken a picture of this mustang parked next to me at WalMart on 9/11/19. Covered with bumper stickers, “drain the swamp”, Trump 2020, and a bunch of other great stickers. She happen to come out when I was unloading. She was probably in her 50’s and dressed in an American flag jumpsuit. I told her “you are a true American.” Unlike the likes of Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker( almost as much of POS as Harris).you guys seriously want those people ( to steal a Ross Perot statement) to run our country?
I voted for Ross Perot RIP, I know for fact that if Trump doesn't win in 2020 the bottom is going to fall out of the government. These people think they have a clue. All we here is how the 1 percent of wealth are going to pay huge taxes, If I was super wealthy and a democrat won in 2020 after Trump has worked his tail off, I would say goodbye USA, now you Socialist find the money to pay for all your free programs. I am being told by the democrats that the wealthy won't take all the money they have made through Capitalism and let the country fail. Global Warming is just a farce bye those that want to have a one world order by destroying capitalism.
There is a veritable shitload of evidence of corruption by your party - you’ll see :}

You guys ALWAYS accuse the other side of EXACTLY what your doing - it’s called projection - this time you jokers bit off more than you can chew !!!!!! :}

and what did I just say earlier?
to divert the laws your man broke...….they are now going to do what trump started to begin with.....keep the spot light on Biden so people will forget the laws trump broke and why the impeachment started...…...

Here Are The 3 Crimes Trump Committed In His Phone Call ...
6 days ago · Here Are The 3 Crimes Trump Committed In His Phone Call With Ukraine. ... Democrats To Pursue Law Change So Trump Can Be Indicted In Office; Trump Admits Ukraine Whistleblower Complaint Is True ...

Trump Asked Ukraine For 'Favor' On Biden In Call; DOJ Says ...
1 day ago · Trump Asked Ukraine For 'Favor' On Biden In Call; DOJ Says No Charges President Trump asked his Ukrainian counterpart to see what he could find out about former Vice President Joe Biden and his ...

can't win the election on his own...…...needs help ……….with a little blackmail