Politics in 2022

Trump certain victory 2020

yes ...for America....he will be in jail!

Will Trump Resign? Odds of Trump Quitting Before ...
Odds of Trump Quitting Before Impeachment Reach New High. That was the view put forward by Trump’s former ghostwriter last week, after one of the president’s worst weeks on the job. Those looking to make some money off the White House turbulence increasingly agree. The odds of Trump resigning from presidency are shorter than ever.
1st Comey,
2nd Mueller,
3rd Pelosi,

all people who have tried to warn America of the Russian plant in the white house.....he needs removed before he completely destroys the country which is all part of his plan with P.utin
all people who have tried to warn America of the Russian plant in the white house.....he needs removed before he completely destroys the country which is all part of his plan with P.utin

Amazing how warped you are :|

Maybe so but you have to admire @subhub174014 's level of commitment @blkdlaur . If @subhub174014 was a sea captain he would go down with his Democrat ship in the Atlantic Ocean just as the Titanic did, especially if Donald Trump ?? showed up and tried to rescue him in his helicopter.

@subhub174014's faith in the Democrats would amaze Jesus as He did not see anything similar since He encountered the Roman centurion in Matthew 8.

Former US vice president Joe Biden boasted that he had a word to say in another state’s internal affairs, admitting to have pressured the Ukrainian government into sacking a prosecutor general in just a few hours.
“I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden said during a meeting of the US Council on Foreign Relations. He was referring to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and former Ukrainian prime minister Arseny Yatsenyuk. Biden added that the prosecutor was then fired.
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Biden told ex-Ukraine President Yanukovich to resign, former VP reveals in memoirsBiden told ex-Ukraine President Yanukovich to resign, former VP reveals in memoirs
“Well, ******* of a b***h. (Laughter.) He got fired.”
The incident that Biden referred to dates back to late March 2016. At that time, the then-US vice president met Ukrainian government officials to discuss the situation in Ukraine as well as US financial assistance to Kiev. Biden apparently used US guarantees of a third loan worth $1 billion as a means of applying pressure on Kiev. “I said, ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars,’” he said at the meeting on Tuesday, recalling on the incident.
The then-Ukrainian prosecutor general Viktor Shokin was indeed removed from his post by the Ukrainian parliament on March 29, 2016. Two days later, Kiev announced that Biden had met with Poroshenko and “informed him about the US decision to provide [an] additional $335 million for reforms of the security sector of Ukraine.” It also said that “possibilities for providing the third loan guarantee of $1 billion” were “open.” Poroshenko officially dismissed Shokin on April 3, 2016.
Earlier, Biden also boasted of other cases of US interference in Ukrainian internal affairs. In a book titled ‘Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship and Purpose,’ which was published in November, the former vice president said that he openly demanded that former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich resign back in 2014.
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US fosters civil war by arming Ukrainian radicals with heavy weapons – Russian OSCE envoyUS fosters civil war by arming Ukrainian radicals with heavy weapons – Russian OSCE envoy
He also claimed that he had to direct almost every step of the Poroshenko administration after it came to power, following a chain of events that started with a coup that ousted ex-leader Viktor Yanukovich and gave rise to the Ukrainian crisis. Biden also admitted that he “had been on [the] phone with either Poroshenko or… Yatsenyuk, or both, almost every week” for months.
However, Ukraine was far from the only country pressured by Washington at that time. During the Tuesday meeting, Biden also revealed that the US administration “spent so much time on the phone making sure that everyone from… [former French president Francois] Hollande to [former Italian prime minister Matteo] Renzi wouldn’t walk away” from anti-Russian sanctions.
Europe initially sought to avoid from the sanctions campaign against Moscow, the former US vice president said. He also added that German Chancellor Angela Merkel was almost the only major European leader who “was strong enough to… stand with” the US on this issue, even though she “did not like it” and supported Washington only “reluctantly.”
Former US vice president Joe Biden boasted that he had a word to say in another state’s internal affairs, admitting to have pressured the Ukrainian government into sacking a prosecutor general in just a few hours.
“I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden said during a meeting of the US Council on Foreign Relations. He was referring to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and former Ukrainian prime minister Arseny Yatsenyuk. Biden added that the prosecutor was then fired.
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Biden told ex-Ukraine President Yanukovich to resign, former VP reveals in memoirsBiden told ex-Ukraine President Yanukovich to resign, former VP reveals in memoirs
“Well, ******* of a b***h. (Laughter.) He got fired.”
The incident that Biden referred to dates back to late March 2016. At that time, the then-US vice president met Ukrainian government officials to discuss the situation in Ukraine as well as US financial assistance to Kiev. Biden apparently used US guarantees of a third loan worth $1 billion as a means of applying pressure on Kiev. “I said, ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars,’” he said at the meeting on Tuesday, recalling on the incident.
The then-Ukrainian prosecutor general Viktor Shokin was indeed removed from his post by the Ukrainian parliament on March 29, 2016. Two days later, Kiev announced that Biden had met with Poroshenko and “informed him about the US decision to provide [an] additional $335 million for reforms of the security sector of Ukraine.” It also said that “possibilities for providing the third loan guarantee of $1 billion” were “open.” Poroshenko officially dismissed Shokin on April 3, 2016.
Earlier, Biden also boasted of other cases of US interference in Ukrainian internal affairs. In a book titled ‘Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship and Purpose,’ which was published in November, the former vice president said that he openly demanded that former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich resign back in 2014.
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US fosters civil war by arming Ukrainian radicals with heavy weapons – Russian OSCE envoyUS fosters civil war by arming Ukrainian radicals with heavy weapons – Russian OSCE envoy
He also claimed that he had to direct almost every step of the Poroshenko administration after it came to power, following a chain of events that started with a coup that ousted ex-leader Viktor Yanukovich and gave rise to the Ukrainian crisis. Biden also admitted that he “had been on [the] phone with either Poroshenko or… Yatsenyuk, or both, almost every week” for months.
However, Ukraine was far from the only country pressured by Washington at that time. During the Tuesday meeting, Biden also revealed that the US administration “spent so much time on the phone making sure that everyone from… [former French president Francois] Hollande to [former Italian prime minister Matteo] Renzi wouldn’t walk away” from anti-Russian sanctions.
Europe initially sought to avoid from the sanctions campaign against Moscow, the former US vice president said. He also added that German Chancellor Angela Merkel was almost the only major European leader who “was strong enough to… stand with” the US on this issue, even though she “did not like it” and supported Washington only “reluctantly.”

no link so must be a Briebart or some other right wing whacko publication.....not anything the major news outlets are reporting.....again defend and win at all costs...it is the republican way
You are correct sir - I’m sure - because the major news outlets are COMPLETELY in the tank for the Dems
You are correct sir - I’m sure - because the major news outlets are COMPLETELY in the tank for the Dems

sure ….and don't you think that a bit odd that it just happened all of a sudden and just with Trump....why is that....all of the news services just all got together and decided to trash trump?

Didn't do it with Obama or either of the Bush's......just trump

I really don't think you are that stupid...….maybe the trump brainwashing taking over your logic
Well Sub it was pretty easy. I Googled Joe Biden Ukraine. It's right after the article about what hypocrites.

It doesn't really matter what Biden did or didn't do...…….that was between Ukraine and Biden ...and Ukraine cleared Biden...….but what all of you are so quick to over look is ….just like with Russia and wiki-leaks last election...….he tried to ******* another country into getting involved in the next election....that is where he broke the law......he has a copy of the actual conversation...but on a different server in the white house you have to have a very high sec clearance to see.....then he told people he wanted whistle blowers name and threatened to fire people if they didn't find out.....all of that would fit under obstruction....and then wanting the whistle blower tried and executed for treason

you right wingers just keep focused on Biden and ignore all the laws your man has broke on all this......ever hear of anyone....especially a president of the US asking another country to dig up dirt on another American citizen?
so he can use it during an election?....the right is pretty low on their standards of election corruption … but that is an all new low yet…..and against the law!
Google this!

Truth or Fiction? Foreign Interests in U.S ...
Federal election law specifically forbids foreign governments and foreign political parties, corporations, associations, and individuals from contributing, donating, or spending funds in connection with any local, state, or federal election in the United States. The prohibition includes either direct or indirect contributions.

18 U.S. Code Chapter 29 - ELECTIONS AND POLITICAL ...
The provisions of chapter 29 of title 18, United States Code, relating to elections and political activities, supersede and preempt any provision of State law with respect to election to Federal office. LII has no control over and does not endorse any external Internet site that contains links to or references LII.

the guy knows he can't win on his own merit....he has ******* on everyone except that top 10%......his trumptards are not the sharpest knives in the drawer....and the typical republicans will back a snake to keep them in power