% of White Women who have been blacked?

% of White Women who have been blacked?

  • 90% to 99%

    Votes: 86 6.5%
  • 80% to 89%

    Votes: 51 3.8%
  • 70% to 79%

    Votes: 102 7.7%
  • 60% to 69%

    Votes: 108 8.1%
  • 50% to 59%

    Votes: 133 10.0%
  • 40% to 49%

    Votes: 139 10.4%
  • 30% to 39%

    Votes: 204 15.3%
  • 20% to 29%

    Votes: 228 17.1%
  • 10% to 19%

    Votes: 168 12.6%
  • 0% to 9%

    Votes: 114 8.6%

  • Total voters
I don't know why people here seem to have not bothered even trying to find any possible info on the matter, and just declare it unknowable. There is some information, not a lot, but enough to discredit the people here who for some reason insist on ridiculously lowballing the number and calling anything else delusion. Again, I don't why underestimating is considered by others here as the more "sensible", and "intelligent" position, but I get the feeling this insistence isn't based on pure objectivity like they claim.

Anyway, as far as the U.S. goes, there is some data that we have, and I've tried to piece together the little bit there is to estimate something. I'll copy a post I made about it on another site here.

In a large, national poll on attitudes to interracial dating done back in 2005, they asked people about their dating history. 24% of white women admitted to having dated a black man in there.https://news.gallup.com/poll/19033/Most-Americans-Approve-Interracial-Dating.aspx

A similar study of students in California from 2000 found that 28% had dated a black guy.https://www.researchgate.net/public...Among_American_College_Students_in_California
I'd take the national poll as being a better measure of things as it had more people, and a wider variety of women.

But that's just dating, what about adding in casual sex? It's definitely more likely that a white woman would fuck a black guy than date one. So there is this other study about black and white women's reaction to watching porn. The main point of the study is not the focus here, but the part where they gathered information on the women participant's dating and sexual history are. In it, the white women admitted in group 1 that 33.3% had dated interracial while 80.8% had had interracial sex. In group 2, 24.3% had dated interracially and 77.8 had had interracial sex. Of course this didn't just mean black men. But it gives an idea of how much more likely interracial sex is compared to dating.https://sci-hub.yncjkj.com/10.1300/j514v19n02_02

If we're using that data collected from the two groups we got, it averages out that interracial sex was 2.8x more common than interracial dating. So if we apply that to the poll results of 24% of white women having dated a black man, that would mean that 67% have dated or slept with one. Of course that poll is also from almost 20 years ago. Interracial relations are much more accepted and common now than before. If we play it safe and apply just a modest increase to the old dating data, and put it to 30% instead of 24 , then perhaps you could say that around 85% of women in the current year have possibly slept with a black guy.

That's the best I can guess.
anything over about 20% is statistically aberrational here in the USA because that is the percent of the population of men who are black.
If you look at a majority black country, the % would be much higher.
hmm I chose 20% and so far that is winning :) My guess is the most correct so far
Statistically, that is far too low if we assume no mating patterns based on "ethnic groups" (which means, the Women and their potential sex partners were truly colorblind). It can easily be calculated, as follows, based on findings:

(A) The number of sex partners a Woman has in a lifespan on average (let's say for the U.S.). i am too lazy now to look up a current study but can recall that number was between 6 and 8 in countries of "The Western World". So 7 would be a good guess.

(B) The percentage of available Black men for the Woman's "blackening". Again i am too lazy to look it up in current census data but i can recall that about 13%-14% are Black people (in the U.S.). Assuming a 50/50 male/female ratio in all "ethnic groups" this means between 13 and 14 percent of the male population are also Black men. So 13.5% would be a good guess.

Feel free to correct any of those numbers, if you have more current and reliable data. Thank you.

Now we could build a rather complex formula that would add probabibilities for an average Woman to have had sex with one, two, three, ... seven Black men and then sum them up. But a much easier approach is to simply calculate the propabibility of a Woman who will not having had sex with a Black man (at the end of her lifespan) and the simple, stupid but correct formula becomes...

(percentage of non-black males) ^ (avg. number of a Woman's sex partners) = (percentage of women who won't have been "blackened" at the end of their lifespans)

( (100 - 13.5) / 100 ) ^ 7 = 0.865 ^ 7 = 0.362 * 100% = 36.2%

The percentage of Women who will have been blackened at the end of their lifespan is thus the remaining percentage of the total:

100% - 36.2% = 63.8% ❗

To estimate how many of the living Women (in the U.S.) currently have been blackened we would need additional data: How do sex partners distribute over the Woman's lifetime? (Because there is a difference if a Woman has had 5 partners before she was 25 years old, for instance, and the remaining 2 until she becomes 70 or if it was the other way around. In the former example obviously more of the living Women would have been "blackened" already as compared to the latter case with only 2 sex partners until 25. ;) ) What is the female demographic by age? (Because a greater number of older than younger Women would also yield a higher percentage of "blackened" Women.) And finally: What are the average Woman's sexually active years? (Because so far we have only focused on the average number of sex partners in a lifespan without taking into account at what age the average Woman starts having sex and at what age she will stop having a new partner.)

In absence of that info we can roughly assume that the age a Woman loses her verginity and the period of having lost her sexual interest are somewhat relating in duration. Also there are Women who make more sexual experiences in their younger years while others in their "sexual prime" or after a divorce or being widdowed. That's why it is hard making assumptions in this regard and fair to consider equal distribution of sex partners throughout the sexual active years for an average Woman.

So to sum it up with a lack of all that info/data the best guess would be that there is a balance of young-to-old ratio in the demographic, an equal distribution of lovers throughout the lifespan and the virgin years equal roughly the time of not having new partners toward the end of life, which gives as a result:

63,8% / 2 = 31.9% of Women are currently "blackened" in the U.S. ‼️

Statistically, that is far too low if we assume no mating patterns based on "ethnic groups" (which means, the Women and their potential sex partners were truly colorblind). It can easily be calculated, as follows, based on findings:

(A) The number of sex partners a Woman has in a lifespan on average (let's say for the U.S.). i am too lazy now to look up a current study but can recall that number was between 6 and 8 in countries of "The Western World". So 7 would be a good guess.

(B) The percentage of available Black men for the Woman's "blackening". Again i am too lazy to look it up in current census data but i can recall that about 13%-14% are Black people (in the U.S.). Assuming a 50/50 male/female ratio in all "ethnic groups" this means between 13 and 14 percent of the male population are also Black men. So 13.5% would be a good guess.

Feel free to correct any of those numbers, if you have more current and reliable data. Thank you.

Now we could build a rather complex formula that would add probabibilities for an average Woman to have had sex with one, two, three, ... seven Black men and then sum them up. But a much easier approach is to simply calculate the propabibility of a Woman who will not having had sex with a Black man (at the end of her lifespan) and the simple, stupid but correct formula becomes...

(percentage of non-black males) ^ (avg. number of a Woman's sex partners) = (percentage of women who won't have been "blackened" at the end of their lifespans)

( (100 - 13.5) / 100 ) ^ 7 = 0.865 ^ 7 = 0.362 * 100% = 36.2%

The percentage of Women who will have been blackened at the end of their lifespan is thus the remaining percentage of the total:

100% - 36.2% = 63.8% ❗

To estimate how many of the living Women (in the U.S.) currently have been blackened we would need additional data: How do sex partners distribute over the Woman's lifetime? (Because there is a difference if a Woman has had 5 partners before she was 25 years old, for instance, and the remaining 2 until she becomes 70 or if it was the other way around. In the former example obviously more of the living Women would have been "blackened" already as compared to the latter case with only 2 sex partners until 25. ;) ) What is the female demographic by age? (Because a greater number of older than younger Women would also yield a higher percentage of "blackened" Women.) And finally: What are the average Woman's sexually active years? (Because so far we have only focused on the average number of sex partners in a lifespan without taking into account at what age the average Woman starts having sex and at what age she will stop having a new partner.)

In absence of that info we can roughly assume that the age a Woman loses her verginity and the period of having lost her sexual interest are somewhat relating in duration. Also there are Women who make more sexual experiences in their younger years while others in their "sexual prime" or after a divorce or being widdowed. That's why it is hard making assumptions in this regard and fair to consider equal distribution of sex partners throughout the sexual active years for an average Woman.

So to sum it up with a lack of all that info/data the best guess would be that there is a balance of young-to-old ratio in the demographic, an equal distribution of lovers throughout the lifespan and the virgin years equal roughly the time of not having new partners toward the end of life, which gives as a result:

63,8% / 2 = 31.9% of Women are currently "blackened" in the U.S. ‼️

Well :p I live in Norway so our country might be different than the USA. I feel like in the USA is higher but here it's lower so it's like a good middle point :)
Well :p I live in Norway so our country might be different than the USA. I feel like in the USA is higher but here it's lower so it's like a good middle point :)
That's why I haven't voted in the poll because I think it is impossible to say if we would have to make a worldwide estimation. It's much easier to estimate for individual countries. As i said, for the U.S. approximately 32%, for my Central European country it's probably not much more than 4%, and for Norway perhaps 2%? Who knows. 🤷‍♂️ How about you? Have you made the experience yet? Thanks.
As a few others have stated, I think it’s highly dependent on area you grew up/live in. Where I grew up, there were a decent about of black people and a ton of Latino people. It was common for Latina’s to date black guys, although of course Latinas dating Latinos was more common. If anything, I saw white girls dating the biggest variety of ethnicities. Now go to an area that is predominantly Asian and you’ll find more people have dated Asian girls. Go to an area that is mostly white and you’ll find that many haven’t dated anything but white. I myself being Asian have dated more Latinas than anything because where I grew up was about 50% Latinos. Second biggest group were white people and the second biggest group I’ve dated were white chicks. There weren’t a lot of Asian girls, so even though I’m Asian, I’ve only dated a few Asian chicks. I’ve dated a few black chicks and there were almost no Indians. Now where I live has a healthy Indian population, and now I’m married to an Indian.
What’s most exciting I’d that the percent of white women going black is rising at an all time high. Any census would be very difficult for the same reason that stridepower already pointed out that the numbers would be much higher when you add the women/girls whose am actually been blacked but won’t admit it. And even more exciting is that the age group of white girls going black is getting younger and younger also.
This is very true.