% of White Women who have been blacked?

% of White Women who have been blacked?

  • 90% to 99%

    Votes: 86 6.5%
  • 80% to 89%

    Votes: 50 3.8%
  • 70% to 79%

    Votes: 102 7.7%
  • 60% to 69%

    Votes: 108 8.2%
  • 50% to 59%

    Votes: 131 9.9%
  • 40% to 49%

    Votes: 137 10.4%
  • 30% to 39%

    Votes: 202 15.3%
  • 20% to 29%

    Votes: 227 17.2%
  • 10% to 19%

    Votes: 164 12.4%
  • 0% to 9%

    Votes: 111 8.4%

  • Total voters
Doesn’t matter what age or whether you’ve been to college or whatever. The question is reference to ALL white women. But from what I hear and can see personally, it’s obviously to me that the percentage rate of white women going black is rapidly on the raise every year.. what’s eve n more exciting to me is that years ago, it was rare when I saw or heard about a white woman out and about with a black guy, now it’s rare that we DON’T see it… AND even more exciting is that the white women are some of the most gorgeous white women around..
See this COSMOPOLITAN article.
83% Fantasize; 12% Admit to their Parents; 60% Exotic Fantasy; 20% Done it
No. You got it wrong completely. That's what you say when you can't read or comprehend an article. 🤦‍♂️

They (cosmopolitan) said, according to an InterracialMatch survey that 83% of white Women say they fantasize about being in an "interracial" relationship(!) (no word about with Black men. "IR" can mean a lot of things, actually);
But "only" 12% admit it to their parents. (Well, let's be honest here... how many people talk to their parents what they fantasize about anyway, may it be relationship-related or - and perhaps even less common - about their sexual attractions.)
Then they mentioned over 60% said "interracial" sex(!) would be an "exotic" fantasy. (Wow! In this day and age to describe it as something "exotic" is weird, and perhaps the most telling part of the findings.)
Then it was "over 20%" (what's that even mean, 20.5, 21, 25 or 30 percent??) said, and here i quote the article literally... "have seen better success in interracial relationships their peers are in" (sic!), NOT 20% have "done it"! And it actually means nothing without a comparison what percentage sees better success in same-"race" relationships. (That could be "over 20%" as well with the remaining "almost 60%" seeing no difference between same-/inter-relationshipls, just saying.)

To sum it up, that article is whack and doesn't add anything meaningful (apart from the fact that they state "IR" sex is seen as "exotic" by many, a majority actually. o_O ).

i stick with it... 32% is the most realistic percentage of white Women who have been blackened in the U.S. Of course there is a range within a rather broad threshold - the lower bound would be 16%, the upper bound 40%. Anything under or over that estimate would be completely unrealistic, if not impossible!
For other countries it's a different story though. In the U.K. the percentage of blackened white Women is closer to 20%; in Italy 8%, Germany 5%, the "Scandinavias" between under 1% to 2%, depending on the country, with Sweden taking the lead. ;) (Apart from the percentages given for the U.S. and U.K. the numbers are rough estimates only due to a lack of data.) Enjoy!
My take is, there are roughly 3 million black men in the UK, under half that number will fuck WW in their life. Now there’s roughly 30 million women, aged 18 to 70 in the UK, so some will do it, even if the BM has multiple partners, it would still be round the mark of 10-15%. Maybe.
This means that every black man has ten white women to choose between
No. It means that every Black man in the U.K. has 30 million Women to choose from!

@moniqu: If the numbers you are providing are accurate it means that 23.4% of (white) Women in the U.K. have been blackened, statistically. That is the mathematical expectation value if all men are considered equally for sex by Women! In reality the percentage may be lower or higher depending on mindset and opportunity. The distribution of people who live in cities/towns versus those who live in the countryside as well as the distribution of Black people across the country suggest that there is no lack of opportunity. Mindset: With the increase of curiosity and interest in sex with Black men that's been continuously growing the past decades it is fair to assume that those Women who are especially looking out for Black men as (sex) partners counter-balance if not outnumber those who reject Black men simply because they're black, especially that disapproval and feelings of prejudice against Blacks have continuously been decreasing the past decades.
- Which leads to the conclusion that the statistical value (see above) must be highly accurate and the percentage of Women who have indeed been blackend in the U.K. must thus be close to or above the 20% mark! ;)