% of White Women who have been blacked?

But you lack good communication skills. And your point about black men just seemed unnecessary. Not to mention, there's no photos of you with white women, which raises more flags on why you would say that about black men, based on my earlier reply. I'm just analyzing your words and you never gave an answer based off that discussion is all. Enjoy your weekend.
Your assessment, evaluation, opinion, etc., about my communication skills are irrelevant to the topic of this thread. I don't know how the absence of white women in any of my photos is germane to anything. Finally, I don't know what "you never gave an answer based off that discussion" means.

Anyway, I'm really not interested in pursuing this line of discussion because I find it boring. I'm going to get back to addressing various issues that surface here. You can have the last word if you wish. I'm moving on...
Your assessment, evaluation, opinion, etc., about my communication skills are irrelevant to the topic of this thread. I don't know how the absence of white women in any of my photos is germane to anything. Finally, I don't know what "you never gave an answer based off that discussion" means.

Anyway, I'm really not interested in pursuing this line of discussion because I find it boring. I'm going to get back to addressing various issues that surface here. You can have the last word if you wish. I'm moving on...
You find it boring? That's a copout and proves my point. Also, you weren't talking about the topic, you detoured. Talking about penis size and some black men's lack of sexual performance. So I gave my input. So it is relevant. You're attempting to be annoyingly intellectual when it's not that serious. It just comes off as phony and a defensive mechanism. Just admit you're wrong. I'll let you be. Have fun in your search.

Edit: So butthurt because you're wrong, you go back and "thumb down" my posts instead of being a man. That makes you look weak. We're just discussing.
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That's not citing a source. What's Atlantic? Also, Google is not a source. A Google search will lead one to another source that actually can be cited; some worthwhile, some not. What's "other"? I'm especially interested in this claim: Today, more than 60% of white women admit to sleeping with a black man at least once. The 60% figure came from somewhere, didn't it? Please cite the source.
"The Atlantic" is an authoritative monthly magazine. It has been published continuously since November 1, 1857; ( 164 years ago). Two of its founders were Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
"The Atlantic" is an authoritative monthly magazine. It has been published continuously since November 1, 1857; ( 164 years ago). Two of its founders were Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
Good to know what "The Atlantic" is. Of course, anyone can claim an "authoritative monthly magazine" states something. Actually citing the article (date, issue, content, etc.) is more challenging. I responded to the sources claim "Atlantic, Google and others." Google is not a source, neither is others. "Atlantic" without specifics is also not a source.
A virgin girl becomes a Woman by having sexual intercourse (penile-vaginal penetration) and we say she has lost her virginity. A virgin girl or Woman becomes a full-blown or Hot Woman by having sexual intercourse with a Black man and we say she has lost her "black virginity" or simply she's been "blacked".
Many Hot Women describe their "blackening" as a life-changing experience and an enhancement of their sexuality. No matter if they become sexually exclusive with Black men or not... the way they think of sex, the way they experience it and the way they see themselves as sexual beings will have changed forever.
In most cases at least, is what i've heard. ;)
No better description possible ok
I don't know that the specific number is important (if it is even something that can be ascertained). The important thing is that the number is growing, and will continue to grow as the benefits of the lifestyle become more widely known.
I don't know that the specific number is important (if it is even something that can be ascertained). The important thing is that the number is growing, and will continue to grow as the benefits of the lifestyle become more widely known.
Different generations have different interracial rates. Just consider the zoomers are majority non-white so it's just inevitable that a greater proportion of white females will engage sexually with the increased dating pool of non-white males.
Forget the stats, these BM/WW are everywhere, plus more biracial ******* than you can imagine. Solid couples 10 to 15 %, plus many many more who don’t commit.

BM/WW couples represent less than 5% of US couples. It would be statistically impossible for that number to get above 10%; That would mean every BM in the US is coupled up with a WW.