no to the white mens on the page

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If you're not posting a profile pic because you feel that you are considered to be unattractive by popular standards, post a feature that you know men like. Being sexy is more than just a face and skin tone .It's hips, legs, thighs, breasts, hair, hands, feet. Show something and you will get some attention.
I don’t want ‘attention.’ I just don’t want to be accused of being a white man because I’m a cuck.

It’s not about unattractive it’s about not being comfortable putting my naked body online. Plus I did do it, got verified, then had my verification stripped from me because some idiots reported me as ‘fake’ despite me blatantly showing my boobs and username clearly for one to see.
I don’t want ‘attention.’ I just don’t want to be accused of being a white man because I’m a cuck.

It’s not about unattractive it’s about not being comfortable putting my naked body online. Plus I did do it, got verified, then had my verification stripped from me because some idiots reported me as ‘fake’ despite me blatantly showing my boobs and username clearly for one to see.
still you would e more believable with a profile pic and some media
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It's funny how white women degrade white men in this thread. And all through out this site. But still married to them
Funny..? Or varying degrees of sadomasochism. The women being sadistic. The men being masochistic. Pretty common power dynamic in psychological terms.
Just noticed you're a staff remember @Orion Pax . Could you tell me why my thread "A radical departure" disappeared without a trace off this site? Was it because it wasn't perverse and obscene enough ? LOL. I would appreciate an answer. Thanks Brother.
Just noticed you're a staff remember @Orion Pax . Could you tell me why my thread "A radical departure" disappeared without a trace off this site? Was it because it wasn't perverse and obscene enough ? LOL. I would appreciate an answer. Thanks Brother.
somebody didn't like it. And people got in their feelings. Picture that on this site
somebody didn't like it. And people got in their feelings. Picture that on this site
Damn...And I wasn't even trying to push anybody's buttons...This time. Lol. Kind of flattered it would cause that effect though. Thanks for letting me know Brother. I got to say I think that's B.ullshit. There's no place for feelings in this Carnal Pit. Lol. 🤣
If these men were smart. They would leave this were-thots where they found them
You know what Brother. I don't think it has anything to do with intelligence. I think it has more to do with the psychology that gets them off. I try not to judge... I could never be treated that way. I think any "normal" person with a healthy self-esteem would feel the same way. But obviously we're not all the same.🤔
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