My wife and a black dildo

Sorry if this question has been posed before, there are similar ones but not exactly this question. My wife has cucked me a couple of times, but she's never admitted any attraction to black guys, in fact I'd say he's generally un-attracted to them. However, there are black men she's into, like Idris Elba and others.

We've done some dildo play with pretty good results but this weekend I bought an 8.5 inch black dlido. This one actually:

I had her extremely wet and I told her I got a new one. I brought it in and she saw it but didn't comment, and then within a minute I got it all the way in her, so she immediately took 2.5 more inches than I have, and she came several times and hard. I then stuck the black dildo to the side table in front of her face and asked if she would suck it and with little hesitation she did, and passionately. She even got me up for a second round and I grabbed the dildo again much to her delight.

My question is, since she's clearly into it, how could that not lead her to desire a real one? Does anyone have this history and did she end up going for a real one eventually? Thanks guys!
It's like planting a seed. You can't expect it to grow into a tree overnight. You just have to carefully nurture and care for it over time. She has a primal drive to desire strong, hard, verile men. But she also has social programming that overides this desire. It will take time, incrimental steps, and patience to unravel that. It's crucial that you make her feel safe and loved along the way. If done right, you will likely be surprised at the sexual fire that you discover burried deep inside her.


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