Muslim Guys White Girls - Sex Fest

I was inspired by a thread I saw on here about Muslim guys and White “Christian” women…and it got me thinking about arranging an event for White woman wanting to get together with Muslim guys? This will take place in London or another cosmopolitan city at a private venue and it’ll be an exclusive event. Would any ladies be interested?

At this stage it’s just an idea and I’m testing the water before really looking into such an event. Let me know your thoughts.
I was inspired by a thread I saw on here about Muslim guys and White “Christian” women…and it got me thinking about arranging an event for White woman wanting to get together with Muslim guys? This will take place in London or another cosmopolitan city at a private venue and it’ll be an exclusive event. Would any ladies be interested?

At this stage it’s just an idea and I’m testing the water before really looking into such an event. Let me know your thoughts.

I can just speak for Germany. In many cities where we have refugee camps this already happens.
Not like a organised event, but some women go there to have some fun with refugees.

I started with helping refugess with their paperwork, goverment appointments ect.
But for some refugees it happens that I do a bit more...