Mrs Playin's First Experience..story and photos.

We went back to shooting photos and I'll share a few of them since it's part of the story. Our local friend still hung out in the area and in one of the photos below you can see him stroking in the background. I have to note that this trip was one of the limited few time you'll ever see Mrs Playin completely shaved smooth.


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We went back to shooting photos and I'll share a few of them since it's part of the story. Our local friend still hung out in the area and in one of the photos below you can see him stroking in the background. I have to note that this trip was one of the limited few time you'll ever see Mrs Playin completely shaved smooth.
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Being shaved completely smooth suits her. It matches the stunningly gorgeous perfection of her smooth skin everywhere else. Thanks for sharing her beauty with us! I know I am smitten!
DSC_1785.jpgShe changed from the light blue WW into another suit and we proceeded to take a series of photos with her wearing it.. Our local was still lurking so she decided to let him help "undress" her so she could change again. Here are a few photos of the second suit.


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