As soon as the "Nobody tells me what to do and I dont have to prove myself to you" arguement comes out, then thats the end of the road. If you don't want to verifiy because its "infringing" on your rights BS then thats cool, but then you also lose the privledge of other members knowing (to some better degree) that you are indeed a real person and not a poser. I have my suspicions on several members here who use that exscuse and get very beligerent talking about it, as if thier indignation of being questioned is going to change anybody's mind. In fact its quite the contrary. The more the push back the stronger the chance its a poser trying the bluster to get out of the spotlight. There is absolutely zero risk to verification so the exscuse of "I dont post images on the net because of security concerns" is used thats BS too as its no face or any ID other than the simple requirements requested. Personally I do not interact with non verified in DM. Ive found its almost always a male pretending to be a female in a couple scenario or a male posing as female to get thier jollies.
Why are so many “Couples” or “Single” women on this site not verified it seems very sketchy why wouldn’t you want people to know your real and what’s stopping you.!?
Even some verified people are fakes :confused: What do you expect? :)

People are afraid of their fetishes x They masturbate here hiding it from their partners because they either don't have this deep level of trust between each other or afraid to implement their desires (even a single time) in reality ^^
As soon as the "Nobody tells me what to do and I dont have to prove myself to you" arguement comes out, then thats the end of the road. If you don't want to verifiy because its "infringing" on your rights BS then thats cool, but then you also lose the privledge of other members knowing (to some better degree) that you are indeed a real person and not a poser. I have my suspicions on several members here who use that exscuse and get very beligerent talking about it, as if thier indignation of being questioned is going to change anybody's mind. In fact its quite the contrary. The more the push back the stronger the chance its a poser trying the bluster to get out of the spotlight. There is absolutely zero risk to verification so the exscuse of "I dont post images on the net because of security concerns" is used thats BS too as its no face or any ID other than the simple requirements requested. Personally I do not interact with non verified in DM. Ive found its almost always a male pretending to be a female in a couple scenario or a male posing as female to get thier jollies.
I totally agree with you my dear and you are right. Most of those unverified members are men posing as women ( wankers ) or probably couples who are not into sex with black men seriously ( pretenders)
Jobs and the potential risk of loosing it ... One of my friends wife was a school head teacher she lost her job because she got her boobs out at a bar on holiday for a free round of drinks
I know a teacher from a few years ago was removed from a private school for having a suspected OF account. Sad, she was a fantatic teacher. Come to find out she did have a OF site and was / is a QOS!
Why are so many “Couples” or “Single” women on this site not verified it seems very sketchy why wouldn’t you want people to know your real and what’s stopping you.!?
Because being verified isn't 100% that the person is genuine. Being verified doesn't stop the catfishes trying it on. Being verified doesn't give peace of mind that everything is above board.

Having your own screening process gives better protection, gives better results than depending on someone being verified. And yes I/we haven't bothered this time around to verify us here. We don't need to as the people we chat to know we are genuine, know we are real. And yes, have met and still meet us in the real.

Hope that helps.
Even some verified people are fakes :confused: What do you expect? :)

People are afraid of their fetishes x They masturbate here hiding it from their partners because they either don't have this deep level of trust between each other or afraid to implement their desires (even a single time) in reality ^^
Or people are sick of the cat-fishing, fakes, time wasted with no shows , people ghosting after contact, the photograph stealing, fake accounts which has nothing to do with being afraid of their fetishes, and more to do with the repeated disappointment derived from all the faking going on
Or people are sick of the cat-fishing, fakes, time wasted with no shows , people ghosting after contact, the photograph stealing, fake accounts which has nothing to do with being afraid of their fetishes, and more to do with the repeated disappointment derived from all the faking going on
If you are not verified, you have no choice, but to talk only with fakes

If you are not verified, you have no choice, but to talk only with fakes
:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Not true at all.Where you got that idea from I've no idea.

You clearly are ignoring the fact that there are more than a few so called "verified" members are anything but genuine.

Threads like this have been appearing for years. Every year a thread like this opens up with indignation and the same old complaints, remarks are posted, replies made. And yet NOTHING changes other than new faces making the same old remarks about verification and genuine members.

I/we have been coming here for years and have had more success not being verified and using a well and trusted screening method than being verified and hoping they are as they say they are. Rely on the verification method on B2W. Nope. Be verified this time around. Nope. Use my own common sense and screen everyone. Yep, you betcha. But to each their own.

Every single person we have met on here, who, we have engaged in conversation, actually met were not verified. We have welcomed them, Spent time with them. Had fun with them.

Bottom line is this. You can be verified and still attract bottom feeder, fakes, liars and dishonest people. Exactly the same as not being verified. So why oh why would anyone want to go through the hassle of verification when there is no difference? Especially when the fakes are becoming more difficult to detect during verification

Well that's my piece said. I look forwards to next years new thread complaining about members not being verified, nothing changing. Just getting a year older.....
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