Is cuckolding the result of evolutionary biological programming?

Yes, I agree with you. To become a biological ******* doesn't take a long time and it's not very difficult.

But to be a good ******* takes a lot of time and effort.

Women look for a man who can be loyal for eighteen years and give the baby security. Of course it doesn't have to be the same man who supplies the sperm to make the baby. What if the best supplier of genetics isn't the kind of man who can be happy having sex with only one woman? Many women would still want to take his sperm, and find another man to raise the baby. In cuckolding this can be done openly.

There have been countless studies as to why women ‘cheat’ and they all come to the same general conclusion. The primary focus of the female is to find a male with compatible genes and who is stable enough (mentally and within society) to stay with her to help nurture the offspring. This usually requires that the male be ‘well grounded’, of the same race, no obvious genetic defects and financially secure (the ‘within society’ aspect) to fulfill his role in her eyes. Once she had obtained that goal, her eyes begin to wander.

She will become increasingly interested in finding partners for fun. She has a sable environment at home, but like men, want to inject excitement into an otherwise mundane existence. They will frequently look for the ‘different’ the ‘taboo’ and that’s where the interest in BBC, “Bad Boys”, and the “Cougars” come into play.

This drive is very common and I’ve seen at least four or five different reports on television outlining the same basic scenario. Also, you can find it on the internet if you search for it.

Of course, it’s been long understood that men have a much higher desire to ‘play around’ then women have. This is natural in that they have much less to lose. Consider, a man can’t get pregnant, but we can. So it’s been wired into the female brain that she needs to be selective as any encounter can result in impregnation. Additionally, a man isn’t penetrated like the female is. This also provides a large degree of apprehension.

So, considering that men have this constant drive, and now, with numerous birth control avenues open to women, we are seeing a rise in ‘open relationships’. Whereas before the female had to worry about impregnation, now she doesn’t.

So, this boils down to communication. Something I constantly harp on in my posts. Husbands should talk to their wives about this interest and conversely, wives should talk to their husbands. Once can only help but wonder how many couples want to explore an open relationship lifestyle, but keep it secret out of fear that their partner would disapprove?

Just my two cents worth.



Excellent post, Donna!! ?

Women look for a man who can be loyal for eighteen years and give the baby security. Of course it doesn't have to be the same man who supplies the sperm to make the baby. What if the best supplier of genetics isn't the kind of man who can be happy having sex with only one woman? Many women would still want to take his sperm, and find another man to raise the baby. In cuckolding this can be done openly.

Very beautiful, Richard.

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Then you are lucky that your husband accepted it. Most husbands will just say you were cheating and divorce.
forsing someone to do something is always wrong, no matter who's forsing who.
He loves me and I definitely told him I want to do this! He can ask for things, but I won't stop. I promised him that he would enjoy it and so it happened. We're happier now. I'm getting more sex and he's a lot of creampie. ???

Anyone familiar with evolutionary biology knows that traits benefiting the survival of a species tend to become more deeply ingrained over time while those that are detrimental tend to die out. Could the cuckolding desire be beneficial to human survival and therefore be something that developed into our biological programming? My contention is YES.

The ******* kingdom is rife with examples in which the strongest males spread their seed among many females while weaker males are rejected and do not mate. This obviously benefits the gene pool by producing superior offspring. But how does this work for social animals living in groups, like we believe even the earliest humans did? Even though only the strongest and best males would be desired sexually by the females and therefore would mate, the group/tribe would still benefit if the weaker males remain otherwise contributing members of the society (hunting, protecting, rearing children, etc.).

What might induce weaker males to stay on and support females who have sex with stronger, sexier males, even helping to raise their children? Perhaps this is the origin of the desire to be cuckolded. It would be biologically advantageous to the species if somehow the weaker males could become accepting of the shame and humiliation of being judged unworthy to procreate, if it somehow gratified them when the women they love and protect were mated with the studs of the tribe. Such a system would be very biologically efficient for us: the superior males' desire to knock up as many women as possible would be facilitated, the women could enjoy the sexual satisfaction of breeding with the hottest guys while benefiting from the love and protection of the lesser men, and the men unfit to mate could derive a cuckold's satisfaction and therefore learn to live with it.

If we had such programming from our evolutionary past, it might very well manifest itself today in the cuckold lifestyle. I'd love to hear what others think.
This doesn't make sense, because the genes for cuckolding would not be passed on, they would be wiped out quickly. There is a basis for cuckolding, but it's not the benefit of the whole species. Both sexes are promiscuous and not monogamous naturally. When a man sees a woman having sex with another man there are two responses evolution has selected for 1) mate-guarding behavior/aggression to prevent him from fertilizing her (but it may be too late and this can be dangerous) 2) arousal so that you can fuck her next, get your sperm inside and compete for a chance to fertilize her and pass on your genes.

Because we are programmed to aroused and jealous seeing people, and especially our partners, having sex, cuckolding causes excitement and angst which people seek out.
This doesn't make sense, because the genes for cuckolding would not be passed on, they would be wiped out quickly. There is a basis for cuckolding, but it's not the benefit of the whole species. Both sexes are promiscuous and not monogamous naturally. When a man sees a woman having sex with another man there are two responses evolution has selected for 1) mate-guarding behavior/aggression to prevent him from fertilizing her (but it may be too late and this can be dangerous) 2) arousal so that you can fuck her next, get your sperm inside and compete for a chance to fertilize her and pass on your genes.

Because we are programmed to aroused and jealous seeing people, and especially our partners, having sex, cuckolding causes excitement and angst which people seek out.
I appreciate your reply. You're right, in order for the genes for cuckolding to be passed on, they must be in the alpha males as well, and I believe they are. My contention isn't that cuckolds and bulls are programmed differently. All heterosexual males are programmed to desire females. But in societies there are always hierarchies, so by definition there will always be alphas in any population. I'm positing genes that allow males lower in the sexual desirability hierarchy to accept it and remain contributing members of the tribe/group.