Natural born cuckold

I consider myself to have been born a cuckold. By that I mean that as a natural beta male it is completely natural for me to become a cuckold to my wife. Not only do I believe this is the case for me personally, I believe it is something very common among men. A survey recently showed that 67% of men have a cuckold fantasy showing that this is a very common desire among men. I believe that is because it is very natural for humans to practice cuckolding and something that if accepted would actually improve the gene pool. First, consider nature which has multiple examples of cuckolding. Situations where the female seeks the dominate male for impregnation and a beta male for maternal care. Or groups of mammals in which there is a single dominate male who has full sexual rights over the females of the group. In both of these situations the beta males naturally take their place as providers, caregivers and companions to the females and their offspring. (Sex for them is often rare if ever and they accept this.)

Second, consider the wide spread interest and practice of cuckolding among humans combined with research that shows this practice was present among ancient tribal groups, suggest that humans are also designed for cuckolding relationships. If this is the case and clearly there is more evidence for than against!

Finally, there are males who are clearly born to be alphas and males that are born to be beta. I consider myself to obviously be a beta cuckold for several reasons. The most obvious indication is the fact that I have very small testicles and a small penis. So, naturally I am not physically designed to be a bull. Also, a very real scientific paper recently stated that men with small testicles make better dads. (For the record, yes I am a great highly involved dad!) This points once again to cuckolds being born and not "made." The research shows all the reasons that there is a direct link between small testicles and faithful men who are naturally great caregivers. This is what cuckolds; not the men who have the sex but rather the men who care for the females and their young after the alphas provided for them sexually.

Natural cuckolds are beta males who typically have small testicles. They are loyal caregivers who desire to love and support their wives. They have an instinctual understanding that they are lack the ability to truly fulfill their wives sexually. And they are happy to step aside and see this role fulfilled by an alpha.
i totally agree. is my case. From my very first years i knew i was beta, cuckold and submissive. my life is no other thing than accept that fact and embrace my identity as fate. i think is probably a matter of natural low testosterone. i always envied ALPHA MEN, and if THEY are Dominant the difference with me is absolut. The way They treat women. i don't know. They act as if women are there to do what They want. i can't do that. i never could.