Interracial Sex - Still a Taboo in Your Society?

Lmao better question, who the fuck are you?

Hey now, I'm a classy broad, I just have no patience for fucking idiots lol

But I don't have time today, I have a date to be getting ready for.. So I'll just go ahead and log off instead of blaming the internet for my poor time management skills..
Leaving Rachel Mcadams GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Isn’t it cute that both of you are butthurt just because I said black men are the most desirable 🤷🏾‍♀️ That’s how all this started 😂😂😂
And they both are on a forum wanting Black men and then denying it! They are delusion...
The jokes write themselves. This forum is literally about white men and white women fetishising black men 😂😂😂 but when I say that black men are the most sexually desired men, all hell breaks loose. Why are they here if they don’t like black men, these people are nuts 🤦🏾‍♀️
The jokes write themselves. This forum is literally about white men and white women fetishising black men 😂😂😂 but when I say that black men are the most sexually desired men, all hell breaks loose. Why are they here if they don’t like black men, these people are nuts 🤦🏾‍♀️

I think they have a hard time accepting their men are weak and need our genes to be stronger. Oh well nature always chooses the best and that's us!
I think they have a hard time accepting their men are weak and need our genes to be stronger. Oh well nature always chooses the best and that's us!
The thing is, I didn’t even insult them. All I said was that black men were the most attractive and they start attacking me and calling me a man. So black women can’t uplift our men now? I have to be a man to compliment black men? 😂😂😂😂
The thing is, I didn’t even insult them. All I said was that black men were the most attractive and they start attacking me and calling me a man. So black women can’t uplift our men now? I have to be a man to compliment black men? 😂😂😂😂
haha true true....smh they think whites have a shot ! I have had debates here where one guy tried to bring up IQ...but there are more and more people of African heritage in Maths, Sciences, Arts. I think they have a hard time accepting their weakness and then get off on it lol
haha true true....smh they think whites have a shot ! I have had debates here where one guy tried to bring up IQ...but there are more and more people of African heritage in Maths, Sciences, Arts. I think they have a hard time accepting their weakness and then get off on it lol
Lol Nigerians that go to the USA to study do better than the white and Asians already there. So they can’t try it with that IQ stuff. And then this corny white guy saying to me, ‘oh she’s even tougher than me.’ Like what is she gonna do? Give me a spanking on an anonymous messaging board? What a joke. 😂😂😂😂 I’m sorry that me loving and preferring black men make some of you white folks uncomfortable but ganging up on me and calling me a man is a bitch move.
Lol Nigerians that go to the USA to study do better than the white and Asians already there. So they can’t try it with that IQ stuff. And then this corny white guy saying to me, ‘oh she’s even tougher than me.’ Like what is she gonna do? Give me a spanking on an anonymous messaging board? What a joke. 😂😂😂😂 I’m sorry that me loving and preferring black men make some of you white folks uncomfortable but ganging up on me and calling me a man is a bitch move.

White ppl are funny...literally throughout history men fought for their women, died for their women, conquered for they women. Now white men want us to reproduce with their women. If that isn't a defeated race I dunno what is...
Lol Nigerians that go to the USA to study do better than the white and Asians already there. So they can’t try it with that IQ stuff. And then this corny white guy saying to me, ‘oh she’s even tougher than me.’ Like what is she gonna do? Give me a spanking on an anonymous messaging board? What a joke. 😂😂😂😂 I’m sorry that me loving and preferring black men make some of you white folks uncomfortable but ganging up on me and calling me a man is a bitch move.
Black people overall are superior to whites and asians in everyway
No, actually it started when I challenged your incorrect declaration that "All women- black, white, asian or Latinas are all fighting over the same men and that’s black men," because the statement was demonstrably not true.
Most women prefer and choose black men. Like I said men before would fight and die for their women, now you give yours to us for pleasure and procreation.
Black men and women are far superior to all other races in sports, music, dance, art, creativity, etc.
Black men and women are in high positions in academics and professions.

Care to post a counter argument?
Nah, it would be a waste of time. I learned a long time ago not to engage in discussions with people who hold firmly to racist nonsense.
I'm gonna move on, guys. It's been fun. Take care!