Is interracial becoming a fad? 🤔

I've noticed that while a good majority of people are turned on by the idea of interracial relationships whether it's long term or a one night stand, I've noticed many younger ones (18-25ish) don't really seem to care. Is it because interracial has become more mainstream or the norm in more and more places so it's no longer a taboo or at least fetishized like it once was? If so, living in the US is a blessing and a curse. On one side with the vast amount of various races, ethnic groups, and skin tones that live here there's a veritable buffet of options, but on the flip side because of the various nationalities in one country, interracial is poised to become the only option. I think many younger ones realize this and accept the fact that they may not be with someone of the same background or skin tone, thus leaving the fantasy of being with someone with a drastically different appearance than yours as a dying wish of the older. I do still love older women (if you got it, you got it 😉) but this leaves the newer men and women of this lifestyle without many others feeling the same. TL;DR, I think the interracial campaign has worked a bit too well 😅
Once the White Man accepted his inferiority and submitted to Black Men it became accepted to Go Black.Us White Boys realized we couldn't compete with Black Men and gave our wives and girlfriends to them,the white boy proved his love and wanting for there wives sexual gratification.
In the past it was much less accepted, even just 10 years ago. So a lot of white women just liked fucking black men but couldn’t date or marry them since it was way too taboo. It made the sex much more thrilling atleast for my wife :)

But now interracial of all types is more accepted so it’s less taboo as you see way more white women dating and marrying black men. My wife says if we ever broke up she’d most likely be dating a black guy hehehe not that she wants to that is
I've noticed that while a good majority of people are turned on by the idea of interracial relationships whether it's long term or a one night stand, I've noticed many younger ones (18-25ish) don't really seem to care. Is it because interracial has become more mainstream or the norm in more and more places so it's no longer a taboo or at least fetishized like it once was? If so, living in the US is a blessing and a curse. On one side with the vast amount of various races, ethnic groups, and skin tones that live here there's a veritable buffet of options, but on the flip side because of the various nationalities in one country, interracial is poised to become the only option. I think many younger ones realize this and accept the fact that they may not be with someone of the same background or skin tone, thus leaving the fantasy of being with someone with a drastically different appearance than yours as a dying wish of the older. I do still love older women (if you got it, you got it 😉) but this leaves the newer men and women of this lifestyle without many others feeling the same. TL;DR, I think the interracial campaign has worked a bit too well 😅
It was taboo now its normal. Women just like men. If he happens to be black then so what. The skin contrast is a definite turn on though.
I've noticed that while a good majority of people are turned on by the idea of interracial relationships whether it's long term or a one night stand, I've noticed many younger ones (18-25ish) don't really seem to care. Is it because interracial has become more mainstream or the norm in more and more places so it's no longer a taboo or at least fetishized like it once was? If so, living in the US is a blessing and a curse. On one side with the vast amount of various races, ethnic groups, and skin tones that live here there's a veritable buffet of options, but on the flip side because of the various nationalities in one country, interracial is poised to become the only option. I think many younger ones realize this and accept the fact that they may not be with someone of the same background or skin tone, thus leaving the fantasy of being with someone with a drastically different appearance than yours as a dying wish of the older. I do still love older women (if you got it, you got it 😉) but this leaves the newer men and women of this lifestyle without many others feeling the same. TL;DR, I think the interracial campaign has worked a bit too well 😅
i think mostly its because its becoming increasingly a non-issue.
its more scintillating to those who grew up when it was an issue & might have consequences.
I personally think it is becoming mainstream. The older generations were more rooted in racism. Now the younger generations don’t care. I know even in the last ten years it has become more normal to see interracial couples. Just as I think the sexual lifestyle is becoming more mainstream which I am very thankful for. My hubby is too we’ve been swinging for years now and we have noticed more couples are doing the same.
I've noticed that while a good majority of people are turned on by the idea of interracial relationships whether it's long term or a one night stand, I've noticed many younger ones (18-25ish) don't really seem to care. Is it because interracial has become more mainstream or the norm in more and more places so it's no longer a taboo or at least fetishized like it once was? If so, living in the US is a blessing and a curse. On one side with the vast amount of various races, ethnic groups, and skin tones that live here there's a veritable buffet of options, but on the flip side because of the various nationalities in one country, interracial is poised to become the only option. I think many younger ones realize this and accept the fact that they may not be with someone of the same background or skin tone, thus leaving the fantasy of being with someone with a drastically different appearance than yours as a dying wish of the older. I do still love older women (if you got it, you got it 😉) but this leaves the newer men and women of this lifestyle without many others feeling the same. TL;DR, I think the interracial campaign has worked a bit too well 😅
I think it depends where you live and what kind of people you hang out with.

I've lived in areas where interracial is still exceedingly rare even among young people, like in most areas of Connecticut I've been to, despite there being large black populations. I've also lived in areas where the dynamics are actually reversed. In San Francisco, white guys are definitely on top and have their pick of the races, white, black, Hispanic, Indian, Arab and especially Asian (there are tons there). White guys tend to exercise that privilege to the fullest there. You probably don't want to be black there.

In the middle of a average sized city in the Midwest, it's going to be very typical that all you see is interracial, but even in those places you'll find social circles that don't often mix with other races.

I know less about younger people. The trend you speak of does seem to be true to an certain extent, but definitely not nearly to the extent you're talking about where young people exclusively date interracial.

That said, I've heard that in so called "polyamorous relationships" becoming more common with young white couples , the third person is usually a black male.
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I think it’s becoming the norm. More and more white girls are able to hook up, and marry black men with society not condemning them and vise verse. I think it’s one of the greatest social evolutions I’ve heard of. It’s so exciting to be part of it!
Exactly! Something that was wanted decades ago, but as you said afraid of being condemned.