I would like to tell the stories of some of my wife's experiences

I would fear they would get arrested. My wife has sucked a couple of guys off in public. Once in a bar with people standing around. I was freaking out inside and trying to stand so as to block the view from the bartender and waitresses. I was sure we were going to jail that night.
I don't know what they could be charged for. They're in public,but hiding from public view for the most part. I honestly think it's a little silly,but if they're having fun doing it,who am I to say? Lisa was giggly when she told me about it,so she obviously likes it.
There's no doubt I find it very hot. Once the threat of being arrested was over I was fine. To this day she brags about it, and just beams when she does. We are also talking about a woman that lost her virginity in a laundromat while survalence cameras supposedly recording. I'm sure she could be easily talked into doing it again.
Lisa mentioned a few months ago having had black guys blowing their car horns and whistling at her as she walked back to her car after they finished with her. If that happens now,it's not her car she's walking back to,but my pickup truck. We switched vehicles before Jody and I left.

Almost all of this is happening in the next biggest town,just a few miles up the road. There are no real shopping centers of significant size here,but she's participated in similar things here. Lisa would've never thought of doing such things on her own. It's the younger black guys who're influencing her.

Virtually everything Lisa does is hot because she's hot. Just saying...
Cat calls are common when I'm out with Lisa. Some might take offence and maybe understandably so,but Lisa doesn't. Those things always bring a smile to her face and it's not out of the ordinary for her to approach the vehicle it comes from to lean in and talk to them. She'll be sixty in a couple of months and few,if any would guess she's as old as she is. I'm not sure exactly how old Audrey is,but I know she's about ten years younger than Lisa . She looks damn good too,but I think most people would guess the two of them to be around the same age or thinking that Lisa's the younger of the two. Guess what Lisa claims to be the reason why she's not showing her age.
This is to explain or clarify some details that may have been better described as well as a thing or two that I've recently been set straight on. I apologize that this is not in any particular order. I'm just trying to get it down for anyone who's trying to read and understand what I've said on this thread and possibly some of what Lisa contributed,although I think she was probably more concise than I've been. I'll try to remember to use quotations when appropriate. There will be some from Lisa and Jody.

First,because it's recent and at top of mind for me. Jody's okay with Jody again. She hoped that after Leaving her longtime home that she might be able to use her given name,but it didn't work out as she hoped. Introducing her as Joanna resulted in more people calling her Jo,which she can't tolerate. "Jody's fine. I'm used to it. Most people won't bother to pronounce three syllable names,and I fuck'n hate being called Jo. It's like a tomboy name and I'm not a tomboy. At least Jody,while not my real name,sounds more feminine than Jo." Okay. Now that we got that straight.

The next item started as a result of a conversation between Jody and me,went to Lisa,then resulted in Lisa setting me straight. "At this point in my life,I'm definitely a PAWG in virtually all black men's opinions,which are the opinions that matter. I'm certain that's where the term originated,so they should know who it applies to. If I'm borderline anything,I'm borderline thick. I've always tried to stay in the best shape I can be in and I am. I'm healthy and my muscle tone is good. I'm tight,but I'm bigger than I was a while back. It was always going to be. You never saw pictures of my mom,did you? My legs are short and bigger than ever. My tits,which were always big,are bigger than ever and so is my ass. I'm all tits and ass,which I'm told isn't a bad thing. Sure,Jody and I wear a lot of each other's clothes,but they don't fit us the same. You're right about Jody being a borderline PAWG. The girl's got a great ass on her,but if you'll notice,clothes that fit her perfectly are tighter on me. It works out pretty good,because I like mine to fit tighter than she does. If I'm kinda spilling over some of my clothes,it's intentional. That crap about women dressing for other women is stupid. Who does that? I certainly don't. I dress to please myself and 99% of my consideration is what I think black men will like. It's not like I don't give you any consideration. The more attention I get from black men,the better you like it,and you know it."

A friend recently mentioned Bonnie,who I think of often. The comparison was the relationship between,Bonnie,Lisa,and myself compared to that of Jody,Lisa and me. There are more differences than similarities. Lisa and Bonnie were much closer in age,and they were lovers. Lisa could bring Bonnie to orgasm faster and more intensely than almost any man could. There's a big difference in Lisa and Jody's ages as well as their relationships. It's more of an older sister,younger sister relationship.

As for me,older men aren't immune from infatuations. I'm right there with Jody,but realistically,our relationship needs to be a bridge from a less than desirable phase in Jody's life to something better. So far,it seems to be and I hope that's how it will be in the long run. I'm enjoying every minute with her and trying to be a positive influence. She knows what she doesn't want and she's in kind of a holding pattern,exploring new avenues and indulging in some long-denied lustful delights.

I'm trying to remember if there's anything I meant to cover and left out. I can't think of anything,except that I should thank everyone for all of the likes and follows. I'm often in too much of a hurry to do that and I know I should.
I should be use to it after all this time with Lisa,but I'm still surprised at the degree that some women are enamored with black men. Okay,as they often point out,it's not all black men,but there are just so many of them that are exceptionally hot beyond belief.

We were in a store this morning. Jody's wearing denim shorts and a tank top that has the spade on it and says"Queen of Spades For Life." A young black guy noticed her and her top and asked her if she was for real. I was a few steps away,but I heard her say;"Of course I'm real. Wanna pinch me to see for yourself?" A conversation ensued and Jody told him how to find her and invited him to the motor home this evening. He seemed kinda unsure and maybe nervous about me,so there's some question as to whether or not he'll show up. Maybe he thinks I'm her *******? Jody certainly hopes he shows. When we were back in the car she went on and on about how hot he is,saying she would swallow his cock and that he could fuck her in every orifice that he can fit it into. I'm guessing that he's around twenty years old,medium height and muscular build,clean cut with one of those haircuts that's flat on both sides and on top. A good-looking guy in my judgement,but Jody's practically creaming her shorts over him.
It's been a busy weekend and I'm admittedly more than a little detached from what's going on at home because of my involvement with Jody,but I'm still faced with a question that keeps coming back around,and it frankly causes me some discomfort. I didn't have to make this decision at a particular junction as I understand many men now do because Lisa and I started our relationship differently from most at the beginning. Still,I've had to face a reality that's inevitable in a cuckold relationship and it keeps coming back around over time in various situations and to a different degree each time. How much or to what degree are you or I ready to relinquish any degree of influence we might have with our wives? Control is completely out the window from the onset,so we shouldn't even consider that possibility. Retaining some degree of influence and consideration is something I assumed for a long time,but I'm less sure now that exists to any degree or at all. Lisa cutting me off a couple of years ago made sense. I'm several years older than her and I certainly can't physically compete with her black men. I really never thought I needed to. As long as she got what she needed,why should it matter who gave it to her? Nothing has changed my opinion about any of that,but I recently learned that it wasn't Lisa's idea to cut me off when she did. As far as I know,there's no one particular man responsible,but collectively they convinced Lisa that she should do it. They want her to be all black,all the time with no exceptions. The question of where her commitments are became clear in our Army years,and for reasons I agreed with,but I was always an exception. Not anymore.

Jody and the availability of modern pharmaceuticals are making me question some of my earlier assumptions and perspective.
Quote: "How much or to what degree are you or I ready to relinquish any degree of influence we might have with our wives".

I've been reading, rereading and thinking on this since you posted it over 3 hours ago. A very deep question that I am sure is different for everyone. I am sure it would cause me more than a little discomfort finding out someone else was having more influence on my wife than I was, IF indeed this is the case. It hits home to some degree because I have for some time been wishing my wife was more like Lisa, Independence wise.

On the other hand, your present relationship with Jody, may be a result of Lisa's consideration for you. Jody seams to bring something completely different to the table for you. Lisa sounds like someone who is very deep, leaving very little to chance. Several times Lisa has made the statement " I know what is best for you". I bet she has spent a lot of time thinking of how she can make your life better, while enjoying hers.

Being far from home for a long time can play tricks on our minds, causing us to doubt and question our selves and others. It's difficult in your present situation but direct communication between the two of you may ease your mind.
Two or three weeks ago Jody told me that she would rather not wear panties unless that's all she's wearing. My first thought was enjoying her wearing dresses or skirts without panties,and that's an often occurrence. What I didn't immediately think of was the,"unless that's all I'm wearing" part. That's more often than not when Jody's indoors,and there are no words to describe how much I enjoy the view.

Jody had quite a weekend and of course when she does,so do I . I meant to try to describe a lot of it in detail,but we've taken on too much work for that to be possible. There's also a lot going on with Lisa and she's given me her okay to divulge it.

Very briefly on the weekend with Jody: The young man she met in the store did show up Friday night and they had super hot sex. I saw part of it close up and the rest from the distance between the kitchen and the bedroom of the motorhome,15-20 feet away and at a very good bottom of the bed angle. When he left,I was left with a very messy,wet and still hot Jody.

Saturday evening we went to a club where Lisa and I have been a number of times,but it's been several years since our last visit. It's not officially a veteran's club,but a lot of vets go there,as well as some active duty military. Most of the people were new to me,but there were several I knew including a bartender. Unsurprisingly,Jody stood out made quite an impression. I saw an opportunity to offer her to two black men and I made good on it,gaining some serious points with Lisa when Jody told her how it happened. It was almost ceremonious and Jody loved it,so I actually got kudos from her first.

Now,Lisa. This is a really big year for Lisa,and for some important reasons.

Forty years ago,Lisa was in the early months of her breaking in to black sex. I should have made that connection to her wish to replicate her living arrangements as closely as she can to the way everything was then. That's part of the reason she doesn't want me to be there now,because I was away more than I was home during that time. We did have sex when I was home then,but it's been more than two and a half years now that's she's been exclusively with black men. Whether or not it was all her idea or not,that's obviously the way she wants it. Considering the situation that she's most responsible for arranging for me,I certainly don't have any reason to complain.

What I'm divulging here isn't something Lisa lets be known at home. I think it's because most people think she's much younger than she is and she likes that. Lisa will turn sixty in less than two months. She doesn't look it. She says that she doesn't feel old at all and she certainly doesn't act old. She's hooking up with guys who're a third to half her age on a regular basis. She's living it up,in many ways the same as forty years ago. She's outnumbered five to one just counting the guys who're living at the old house now,and there are more that come and go regularly. I know I keep saying that it's not like an non-stop orgy,and it really isn't. At least it wasn't when I was last there. But,the potential is there for as much sex as Lisa wants,and when it comes to sex,Lisa always wants.
" It was almost ceremonious"

I know you are realy busy and don't have the time to explane, but this sounds so intriguing. Sounds realy hot and exciting! So glad you guys had a great weekend! We wish you many more.
That was because of the way Jody was escorted out of the club,one man on either side of her arm in arm. It was their idea and their doing,but I kinda got credit for it because I suggested to them that treating her special would get her full cooperation,and so it happened.
They were among several men who couldn't keep their eyes off Jody and were obviously friends and there together. One of them approached me to compliment me on my tastes when Jody excused herself to the women's room. I invited them to join us and told them that we already had a motel room at a motel that's the second business down from the club. Unfortunately,Jody hasn't been used to the kind of respect that she deserves in the past. She appreciates treatment that many women might take for granted and purrs like a kitten with a little special treatment. I just clued those guys in on that fact and they took it from there.
Lisa has put a lot of effort into convincing Jody that she has a lot to offer men. She's been acting very bold,but I can tell that it has taken some real effort. Her confidence level is building with her recent successes and she's becoming the natural temptress that she's so well-suited to be.
We hadn't been at the club for more than a couple of hours Saturday night when I followed Jody being escorted by the two black men and it was still early when they finished with her and left our motel room.

After watching Jody being stuffed with black cock from both ends and seeing both of them maximize their depth of penetration each time they unloaded their semen into her belly,my very sloppy seconds had only lasted a few short minutes. Sinking my dick into Jody's slippery,stretched and cum-flooded pussy and feeling her sweaty and freshly fucked body on mine is the pinnacle of ******* for me.

As I laid in bed propped up on pillows with Jody laying half on top of me,one leg over me and her pretty face next to mine,I studied her expression through smeared make-up as I played in her pussy with my hand. I was thinking about how happy and beautiful she looked in the exact moment that she asked what I was thinking. I told her that I was wondering if she needed another half dozen black men to fuck her really good. She giggled as she confessed that if they were there in the room that they could. That many? All of them? I asked. Still giggly,she answered,"Yes,of course."

I asked her when she was going to tell me her number and she answered: "Soon" I stated the obvious,that it's growing fast lately and she agreed,smiling.:)
I was barely awake when Jody went to the shower. I stayed in bed until I heard her turn the shower off,then went into the bathroom as she came out wearing a towel and told me that she would make coffee. When I turned the shower off,I could hear Jody on the phone and knew she was talking to Lisa. Lisa's the only person she talks to on the phone now. She actually threw her phone away and got a new one the day before we left.

I dried myself,put on a pair of shorts and sat down to ******* the cup of coffee that Jody poured for me.

Jody was still wearing the towel as she brushed her long dark hair when her phone rang. She looked at the phone and put her finger to her lips signalling me to be quiet,then answered her phone and put it on speaker before laying it on the table beside me.

I immediately recognized the sounds on the other end of the phone being Lisa becoming aroused and undoubtedly preparing to be fucked.

Jody laid her hair brush on the table,dropped her towel at my feet and knelt on it before undoing my shorts and tugging them down. In the following minutes,Jody sucked my dick as I listened to Lisa's moaning as she was being pounded to orgasm at the other end of the phone. The moment I heard Lisa starting to cum,I came into Jody's mouth and down her throat. She swallowed every drop and licked me clean before standing and walking to the other bed where her colorful bikini with the Q and spade on the ass and one breast cup laid waiting. After waiting a minute for me to turn off the near silent phone,she announced that she wanted to check out the pool area before checkout time if I would be okay with having a late breakfast on our way back to the motorhome.