How should interracial be promoted more in society?

I spent pair of Hour thinking about it… and hope I will like my view/dream (avaible in privat talking for who wants)

Thinking about todays problems with covid, how about have a passport for sexuality based on BTW lifestyle !!
the pass will be valid for 3years , so every 3 years it has to be validated ! How ? In different ways for different kind of people into lifestyle and based on “brainwash” each different brain..

so starting from young , for girl once they become a lady , for boys once they get first ejaculations… so we can sure start their sexuality when brain is more plastic in “understand” how sexual life will works…

White guys/ man :

Being deported in a “passport city” where there is all the white guys dreams so… for one week every 3 years the white boys will pass all the week, watching football match, sport, eat junk food like there’s no tomorrow, and for at least 8hr.a day stand in a cinema where passes IR PORNOGRAPHY , ******* bbc, ******* cuckold and they must cum at least once for hour, so 8 times while watch this kind of porn. In plus. Of that 8 hour a day , they will have 2 hour with a psychologist who let them understand that their desire and their reaction on ir porn is ok and well done.
After this kinda Week, they will have their passport! And they can return to their life…

White girl:
As like the boys , girl/ woman will spent an entire week on a Carribean island , there will be a huge spa (ofc nudism spa). Where they will spent all weeks nude and discovering their body…
In this island there will be the black guys who (as we can read after) have to had sex with.

so during the day under the sun in beach the woman and the bbc will spent having sex and free nudes times

in evening woman as man (for at least one hour a day ) they spend with psicologist who push the interracial culture and explain all clinic benefits to have a bbc sex.
in the night all woman can use the spa and all clinics benefits, massage, stone massage, Beauty service…. For enjoy their body and can return to their life weel relaxed.

For bbc .
as we read up, the bbc will spent the week with white girl, but they have a rule, they have to fuck at least 5 times for a day… so they will spent all day in nude beach, spa, and other but they have that rules (for girl was optional). This increase their power to seduce, their security and their sexual stamina…

for the rest of the day, in evenings , while the woman attend psycologyst course, they can have free times in gym or for talking eachother about experiences and best practices for meet the lady…

If they have (5x7=35 fuck) They can have passport, if they can’t reach that, they must repeat the week, (ofc starting from 0)

Hope you like the whole ideas… and as I told , I will be avaible If someone wanna discuss about or want more details…
My fella said the other day after an accident
“Too many white people on the road” I told him off as I thought that was a tad racist.

Then I thought wouldn’t it be fun to restrict the licenses of some white people until there a bit older, thereby encouraging white girls to ask their black friends for lifts to work ect. You can’t get a closer better way for interacting with people!
Of course these girls would be expected to pay somehow for their black guy friends “driving them home”
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My fella said the other day after an accident
“Too many white people on the road” I told him off as I thought that was a tad racist.

Then I thought wouldn’t it be fun to restrict the licenses of some white people until there a bit older, thereby encouraging white girls to ask their black friends for lifts to work ect. You can’t get a closer better way for interacting with people!
Of course these girls would be expected to pay somehow for the black guy friends “driving them home”
I think the time has come to restrict the rights of those couples who do not have mixed children ...
And introduce a rule that every European married couple should take one African migrant to their home to settle in, for his integration into society, and help him to improve relations
I like this idea. My cousin over in Britain is housing a student who’s also a refugee. He’s a big Black guy from Cameroon.

My cousin has a wife (cute lady actually) and two daughters and his racist mom was like “Do you really want a Black man in your house living cheek by jowl to your daughters and your wife?” We need to stamp out these racist attitudes and if that has to be done with draconian laws then so be it.
could be the student will get all 3 of the
My fella said the other day after an accident
“Too many white people on the road” I told him off as I thought that was a tad racist.

Then I thought wouldn’t it be fun to restrict the licenses of some white people until there a bit older, thereby encouraging white girls to ask their black friends for lifts to work ect. You can’t get a closer better way for interacting with people!
Of course these girls would be expected to pay somehow for their black guy friends “driving them home”
This is a really interesting suggestion. There are ways of engineering these things.

With my sister I agreed to pay for a vacation for her and her friends for Christmas, but only if it was in a nation in sub-Saharan Africa. She doesn’t know the full extent of my involvement in this lifestyle. She just thinks it was cheaper!
We can all do far more I think to promote opportunities like this. Especially with family members. They may not respond well to direct suggestions, but there are many ways we can bring them into proximity with black workmen, colleagues, and friends l which is all , very often , that a black man needs to get into a white woman knickers.
Thread has kind of gone off the rails...

Initially, it was an honest question, now discussions are beginning to revolve around White Slavery.

I think it's already being promoted a lot in society, especially in America. Watch any television show and in the commercials, you'll always see a Black person. In fact, there are a lot of mainstream companies whose entire commercial consists of either Blacks or white women, no white men.

Also, movies and television itself has adapted, putting blacks in formally white positions. Captain America retiring? Replace him with a Black guy. The examples are endless.

So, to answer the initial question, I think it is already being promoted to the maximum without getting totally crazy, rendering the question as moot.

Regarding you guys out there who are supporting White Female Slavery... Well have fun with your fantasies... Because that's all they are, fantasies.
Thread has kind of gone off the rails...

Initially, it was an honest question, now discussions are beginning to revolve around White Slavery.

I think it's already being promoted a lot in society, especially in America. Watch any television show and in the commercials, you'll always see a Black person. In fact, there are a lot of mainstream companies whose entire commercial consists of either Blacks or white women, no white men.

Also, movies and television itself has adapted, putting blacks in formally white positions. Captain America retiring? Replace him with a Black guy. The examples are endless.

So, to answer the initial question, I think it is already being promoted to the maximum without getting totally crazy, rendering the question as moot.

Regarding you guys out there who are supporting White Female Slavery... Well have fun with your fantasies... Because that's all they are, fantasies.

Needle point objective analysis!!
Thread has kind of gone off the rails...

Initially, it was an honest question, now discussions are beginning to revolve around White Slavery.

I think it's already being promoted a lot in society, especially in America. Watch any television show and in the commercials, you'll always see a Black person. In fact, there are a lot of mainstream companies whose entire commercial consists of either Blacks or white women, no white men.

Also, movies and television itself has adapted, putting blacks in formally white positions. Captain America retiring? Replace him with a Black guy. The examples are endless.

So, to answer the initial question, I think it is already being promoted to the maximum without getting totally crazy, rendering the question as moot.

Regarding you guys out there who are supporting White Female Slavery... Well have fun with your fantasies... Because that's all they are, fantasies.
I quite agree. Much of it is of course fantasy. But another way of thinking of it is as an ideal. Maybe impractical and riddled with anomalies which cannot be easily resolved. But yet.... huge steps have been made in the last 40 years, that is unquestionable.

So where can we push further? It’s surely inevitable that the number of interracial relationships will carry on increasing. Including those between the unmarried, marriages between the races, and those relationships we here are more involved in- those involving cuckoldry. The first two will just happen anyway. But how do we see interracial cuckoldry developing?

I see it like this: the interest in it will carry on growing. More and more will be tempted to try it, and we will start to see more references to it as a phenomenon. Gradually it becomes discussed in mainstream media, not as a one off semi humourous treatment of bizarre behaviour as it is occasionally now, but as something a lot of very ordinary people are finding to be a lifestyle they enjoy. More and more couples ‘ come out’ and don’t feel ashamed . The critical point will be when it becomes possible for ordinary people to be open about it. For a teacher say, to be able to refer to both her husband and her boyfriend quite naturally without people being shocked and wanting her sacked! And for it to be a natural assumption that the boyfriend will likely be black.

Its not impossible. A generation ago a lesbian woman could not have openly talked about her wife, and accompanied her to social and professional gatherings. I don’t think its a completely unrealistic fantasy to imagine groups of female friends being able to share gossip about each others bulls, as they do about every other aspect of their lives! In other words it becomes normalised as a fact of social life. Not maybe for the majority, but for a large minority.
Society needs to serve sexual and romantic relationships between people of different phenotypes ( Homo Sapiens Sapines subspecies , but by no means separate human races ) in a way that elicits a positive emotional response from people!
Specifically, it looks like you have to set things up for what they’ve actually always been throughout history:pOSSIBILITY!!
It is possible to live with it or not to live with it, but it is by no means obligatory, because it is already a dictatorship, and dictatorships always carry with them the possibility of resistance. We must forget the silly thesis of white female slavery invented by masturbators with small penises and a lack of self-confidence who are white men so that they do not have to face their mental and physical softness.With this thesis, the part of black men with an inferiority complex is also identified, because then they can give themselves some self-confidence.
A person with a healthy emotional world does not need to enslave others!!
In parallel, the existence of relationships between people with different phenotypes should be made known to society through objective examples,
because historical and scientific facts help with emotional processing! Everything is based on psychology!!
I quite agree. Much of it is of course fantasy. But another way of thinking of it is as an ideal. Maybe impractical and riddled with anomalies which cannot be easily resolved. But yet.... huge steps have been made in the last 40 years, that is unquestionable.

So where can we push further? It’s surely inevitable that the number of interracial relationships will carry on increasing. Including those between the unmarried, marriages between the races, and those relationships we here are more involved in- those involving cuckoldry. The first two will just happen anyway. But how do we see interracial cuckoldry developing?

I see it like this: the interest in it will carry on growing. More and more will be tempted to try it, and we will start to see more references to it as a phenomenon. Gradually it becomes discussed in mainstream media, not as a one off semi humourous treatment of bizarre behaviour as it is occasionally now, but as something a lot of very ordinary people are finding to be a lifestyle they enjoy. More and more couples ‘ come out’ and don’t feel ashamed . The critical point will be when it becomes possible for ordinary people to be open about it. For a teacher say, to be able to refer to both her husband and her boyfriend quite naturally without people being shocked and wanting her sacked! And for it to be a natural assumption that the boyfriend will likely be black.

Its not impossible. A generation ago a lesbian woman could not have openly talked about her wife, and accompanied her to social and professional gatherings. I don’t think its a completely unrealistic fantasy to imagine groups of female friends being able to share gossip about each others bulls, as they do about every other aspect of their lives! In other words it becomes normalised as a fact of social life. Not maybe for the majority, but for a large minority.
I think the driver is something different.

Increasingly Birth Control is becoming an accepted part of a womans life. This social change occurred in my parents generation, and now, the current generation regards it as taking a vitamin pill or something else equally mundane.

With being protected from pregnancy, an increasing amount of women are not automatically shunning the idea of an affair. After all, men have never been restricted by this concern, and they've been having fun while we were still living in caves, why shouldn't we?

Looking at the greater picture, everyone in this forum is looking at affairs as a 'Black/White' thing. But there are an equal number of websites out there that are 'White/White,' 'LTR' or 'Bi/Bi' situations, not involving Blacks at all, or at least being involved with a Black guy isn't the primary motivator.

Same with cuckoldry. This site relishes in the idea of the submissive white male being intimidated by the superior black male. Nothing could be further from the truth. Of the percentile of men who share their wives with Black guys, a much smaller percentile is interested in being humiliated. That is fact, all you need to do is look around the various Stag/Vixen threads to see how many women actually prefer that sort of arrangement.

So, when you boil it all down, of all the women who are in to shared experiences, a fraction of them are only interested in Black/White situations. Of those, only a fraction are interested in Submissive White Male/Superior Black Male situations. But there are folks on this site who fantasize about it to the extent that they may even start to believe it's just around the corner.

Let me assure you, that corner is so far away that no one will see it in their lifetimes.