How many cuckold relationships identify as conservative in their political views.

I noticed in my dive into being a Bull in this scene, that all the couples I have played with is conservative. I wonder why this the case. I like to see any conservative couples explain why they enter this lifestyle.
I'll offer my two cents worth. For a lot of religious conservatives, interracial relationships, swinging, etc, they're seen as sinful and taboo. It's the forbidden fruit. That makes it all the more hotter for them. It's something they're not supposed to be doing.
I'll offer my two cents worth. For a lot of religious conservatives, interracial relationships, swinging, etc, they're seen as sinful and taboo. It's the forbidden fruit. That makes it all the more hotter for them. It's something they're not supposed to be doing.
Valid point!
The left tries to label conservatives in various ways for political reasons but the truth is the farther left someone is the bigger liar they are. They are usually fake and phony and have no principles whatsoever. Conservatives are more honest about who they are and what they believe. They understand public life and personal life are different. For instance there is nothing wrong with a couple inviting some other people into their bedroom for private playtime but teaching ******* in grade school about lgbt stuff or having a drag queen story hour is evil plain and simple. Keep your kinks in your own bedroom.
Im conservative and I don't think it's correlated for me, I fell in love with a video with a bwc fucking a white girl, a picture my gf in the video, and then I've found that when the dude is black it's even more exiting.
At that time I was a lefty and turning conservative is maybe adding something to it.
I'll offer my two cents worth. For a lot of religious conservatives, interracial relationships, swinging, etc, they're seen as sinful and taboo. It's the forbidden fruit. That makes it all the more hotter for them. It's something they're not supposed to be doing.
The idea that church people think interracial marriage is sinful is ridiculous. Are you still living in the 1600s? Decades ago my grandmothers church in Memphis was half white and half black. The Bible Belt is the area with the fastest growing number of black and white marriages. These are heavy conservative areas. In fact you are probably more likely to see a frowning on it in a very liberal area like Boston which is the most racist city in the country. The whole northeast which is heavily liberal is where all the virtue signaling old white people live that tell the rest of us how racist we are. Meanwhile they have to keep a quota of white basketball players on the Celtics to prevent a fan rebellion. Things are usually the opposite of what the media tells you.
We are very conservative. We don't smoke, we dri.nk socially and moderate. We don't have any tats.
We're are in reasonably good shape, not overweight. We are polite and considerate.
We have a pretty big socal circle of friends.
We have some very hot sex fun with a guy we know pretty regularly.
None of our friends know.
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The idea that church people think interracial marriage is sinful is ridiculous. Are you still living in the 1600s? Decades ago my grandmothers church in Memphis was half white and half black. The Bible Belt is the area with the fastest growing number of black and white marriages. These are heavy conservative areas. In fact you are probably more likely to see a frowning on it in a very liberal area like Boston which is the most racist city in the country. The whole northeast which is heavily liberal is where all the virtue signaling old white people live that tell the rest of us how racist we are. Meanwhile they have to keep a quota of white basketball players on the Celtics to prevent a fan rebellion. Things are usually the opposite of what the media tells you.
Saying my post is ridiculous and asking if I live in the 1600s shows you truly have not a damned clue what you're talking about. You mention ONE place in the south, Memphis. Throughout the rest of the south, the Southern Baptists do not consider things like this anywhere near acceptable. And the SBC is the largest denomination.

I think you need to get out more.
Nope you are entirely wrong period. One area? I haven’t been to Memphis since I was a kid. Since then I’ve been to Nashville a million times, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Asheville, Charleston, Charlotte, Myrtle Beach, Savannah, New Orleans, Orange Beach, Raleigh, Atlanta, and Wilmington as well as every town in Florida although I wouldn’t consider Florida Bible Belt. I have been to a dozen areas of Texas though and that would be considered Bible Belt. If you are going to say interracial marriage is frowned upon in those areas MORE than in norther areas then I will confidently say you are intentionally lying or woefully ignorant. Don’t tell me I’m wrong when you don’t know what you are talking about. Is interracial marriage considered taboo by many people? Yes. By many people in the Bible Belt? Yes. But more in the Bible Belt than in the west or north or east? No absolutely not and you will find more there than other places I bet. How about this tough guy. Look at the locations here on this sight of all the white women looking for sex with black men and tell me where the majority are.
The left tries to label conservatives in various ways for political reasons but the truth is the farther left someone is the bigger liar they are. They are usually fake and phony and have no principles whatsoever. Conservatives are more honest about who they are and what they believe. They understand public life and personal life are different. For instance there is nothing wrong with a couple inviting some other people into their bedroom for private playtime but teaching ******* in grade school about lgbt stuff or having a drag queen story hour is evil plain and simple. Keep your kinks in your own bedroom.
My political views would be classified as to the left; liberal. According to you I start as a liar. You and conservatives are more honest, and only you know the difference between public and private life.
Nope you are entirely wrong period. One area? I haven’t been to Memphis since I was a kid. Since then I’ve been to Nashville a million times, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Asheville, Charleston, Charlotte, Myrtle Beach, Savannah, New Orleans, Orange Beach, Raleigh, Atlanta, and Wilmington as well as every town in Florida although I wouldn’t consider Florida Bible Belt. I have been to a dozen areas of Texas though and that would be considered Bible Belt. If you are going to say interracial marriage is frowned upon in those areas MORE than in norther areas then I will confidently say you are intentionally lying or woefully ignorant. Don’t tell me I’m wrong when you don’t know what you are talking about. Is interracial marriage considered taboo by many people? Yes. By many people in the Bible Belt? Yes. But more in the Bible Belt than in the west or north or east? No absolutely not and you will find more there than other places I bet. How about this tough guy. Look at the locations here on this sight of all the white women looking for sex with black men and tell me where the majority are.
Dude, lighten up! Is it truly necessary to go to calling someone a liar or 'woefully ignorant' because their opinion doesn't match yours? Must we AGAIN fall into the "tough guy" testosterone?

The OP spoke of couples in this interracial lifestyle. We've drifted into interracial marriage dialog in a country where over 50% of marriages end in divorce. And damn near ALL of them stood before God and man and said "...til death do us part."

Bottom line-conservative or liberal doesn't matter. We need you, we need you to talk with your friends, family and co workers! Stand up and support my right to grab any and all white women by the pussy, it'll make America great!
My political views would be classified as to the left; liberal. According to you I start as a liar. You and conservatives are more honest, and only you know the difference between public and private life.

Dude, lighten up! Is it truly necessary to go to calling someone a liar or 'woefully ignorant' because their opinion doesn't match yours? Must we AGAIN fall into the "tough guy" testosterone?

The OP spoke of couples in this interracial lifestyle. We've drifted into interracial marriage dialog in a country where over 50% of marriages end in divorce. And damn near ALL of them stood before God and man and said "...til death do us part."

Bottom line-conservative or liberal doesn't matter. We need you, we need you to talk with your friends, family and co workers! Stand up and support my right to grab any and all white women by the pussy, it'll make America great!
The point was your opinion is wrong so while you have the right to say something false I have the right to point out it is false. Thats the point.
Ahhh the old fascist accusation. So typical of a lunatic Marxist. Please give me the definition of fascism. Would it be the Biden administration colluding with big tech companies and social media companies to censor speech they don’t like? Would it be the Biden administration colluding with big pharma to falsify the effectiveness of Covid vaccines and pressure companies to mandate the shot? Would it be the Biden administration sending federal DAs to state courts to prosecute political opponents? Yes you see you retard leftists always accuse your adversaries of what you actually do. You are the fascist.
Again you're all over the place in your ignorance! Is it fascist or marxist? No matter. You espouse that any opinion other than your extremist right wing views are immaterial; your refusal to acknowledge the testimony of YOUR compatriots in order to disavow the behavior of your Fuhrer directs a truly objective individual, whether liberal or conservative toward this literal definition.
