Having read that Donald Trump thread

B Brown

Real Person
Having read that Donald Trump thread I've updated my profile, starting off by saying in bold:

DO NOT CONTACT ME IF YOU SUPPORT DONALD TRUMP. If we are already chatting and you support him and I never knew, please block "ignore" me by using the ignore button because I don't want to have anything to do with you going forward.

Getting laid isn't everything, and if you ask me it's not worth getting involved with anyone who would support someone as vile as Trump, not that I support the Democrats and whoever their current flavor of the day is either. Some things call for taking a firm stand, letting people know what you are about. If they don't like it, fine. They can go their merry way.
My attitude, regarding Trump, is pretty much along your line, however, I suggest WE ALL make efforts to un-polarize the parties and try to reach some middle ground so the country can actually "function" again. The only ones benefiting from today's political climate are our adversaries who choose to intensify the conflict we're having. We must realize that much of what's going on today is due to outside influences encouraging it.
So, we talk about "middle ground" ... here's an example of what I see is middle ground regarding the issue of Right To Life, a topic that draws the religious right to Trump like a magnet, for example.
• trying to overturn Roe vs Wade, but neglecting the support poor children need to survive in the US ... food, healthcare, etc. I see what they really stand for as "Right To Birth" and no more, which is a ridiculous position to represent. Either one is totally for the entire Right To Life or they are NOT. And taking the position that no one asked the woman to get pregnant is NOT the response, as the children concieved of these pregnancies had nothing to do with the conception ... we're talking about the LIFE, not just the BIRTH.​
That, to me, is MIDDLE GROUND ... get IN for it ALL or get OUT of the discussion. I'm amazed at how the religious right can feel comfortable taking a partial stance on such a traumatic issue.
We can do that for EVERYTHING we have issues about ... if we'll TRY. So, B Brown, don't give up on the righties, some actually have that desire to come to the middle, even if they are supporting Trump. Think about it, its ALL they have other than supporting extreme Lefties.
I suggest WE ALL make efforts to un-polarize the parties and try to reach some middle ground so the country can actually "function" again.

Ok, in the spirit of de-polarization, I'll cooperate and holster my snark weapon. This is an experiment in finding middle ground, and I will remain polite, expecting the same.

So, we talk about "middle ground" ... here's an example of what I see is middle ground regarding the issue of Right To Life, a topic that draws the religious right to Trump like a magnet, for example.
• trying to overturn Roe vs Wade, but neglecting the support poor children need to survive in the US ... food, healthcare, etc. I see what they really stand for as "Right To Birth" ... we're talking about the LIFE, not just the BIRTH.​
That, to me, is MIDDLE GROUND ...

So Right-to-Life is a Right cause and Ongoing Social Support for the offspring's life is a Left cause. Then I believe we can distill Middle-Ground from the Right perspective as:


I question if you consider this a solution to the Birth vs Abortion issue. Is Ongoing Social Support satisfactory to the Left? Abortion is often hailed by the Left as a fundamental women's right. If Abortion is never to be compromised, then what constitutes Middle from the Left perspective?

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My attitude, regarding Trump, is pretty much along your line, however, I suggest WE ALL make efforts to un-polarize the parties and try to reach some middle ground so the country can actually "function" again. The only ones benefiting from today's political climate are our adversaries who choose to intensify the conflict we're having. We must realize that much of what's going on today is due to outside influences encouraging it.
So, we talk about "middle ground" ... here's an example of what I see is middle ground regarding the issue of Right To Life, a topic that draws the religious right to Trump like a magnet, for example.
• trying to overturn Roe vs Wade, but neglecting the support poor children need to survive in the US ... food, healthcare, etc. I see what they really stand for as "Right To Birth" and no more, which is a ridiculous position to represent. Either one is totally for the entire Right To Life or they are NOT. And taking the position that no one asked the woman to get pregnant is NOT the response, as the children concieved of these pregnancies had nothing to do with the conception ... we're talking about the LIFE, not just the BIRTH.​
That, to me, is MIDDLE GROUND ... get IN for it ALL or get OUT of the discussion. I'm amazed at how the religious right can feel comfortable taking a partial stance on such a traumatic issue.
We can do that for EVERYTHING we have issues about ... if we'll TRY. So, B Brown, don't give up on the righties, some actually have that desire to come to the middle, even if they are supporting Trump. Think about it, its ALL they have other than supporting extreme Lefties.

This is not middle ground or 'un-polarizing'.

This is you saying, “If you don’t agree with me on this ideological feeling of mine, then you must agree with me on my laundry list of other left-wing social engineering ideological feelings. AND if you don’t, then you are a bad person, homophobe, misogynist, racist, xenophobe and a right-wing extremist.” "Did you fall for my many strawman shaming tactics?" "Oh and based on what my left-wing media masters told Orange Man Bad."

Example of middle ground on abortion-
Unwanted pregnancies' = abortion/ killing of babies, therefore,
How do we end unwanted pregnancies before the women and men chooses to have sex and by doing so reducing abortions?
FYI 98 to 99.5% of all abortions are to avoid responsibility, NOT some terrible health/ *******/******* strawman.

And for this to have chance and middle ground, avoid the only answer you usually have- Government growth, government violent enforce and taxation.
My attitude, regarding Trump, is pretty much along your line, however, I suggest WE ALL make efforts to un-polarize the parties and try to reach some middle ground so the country can actually "function" again. The only ones benefiting from today's political climate are our adversaries who choose to intensify the conflict we're having. We must realize that much of what's going on today is due to outside influences encouraging it.
So, we talk about "middle ground" ... here's an example of what I see is middle ground regarding the issue of Right To Life, a topic that draws the religious right to Trump like a magnet, for example.
• trying to overturn Roe vs Wade, but neglecting the support poor children need to survive in the US ... food, healthcare, etc. I see what they really stand for as "Right To Birth" and no more, which is a ridiculous position to represent. Either one is totally for the entire Right To Life or they are NOT. And taking the position that no one asked the woman to get pregnant is NOT the response, as the children concieved of these pregnancies had nothing to do with the conception ... we're talking about the LIFE, not just the BIRTH.​
That, to me, is MIDDLE GROUND ... get IN for it ALL or get OUT of the discussion. I'm amazed at how the religious right can feel comfortable taking a partial stance on such a traumatic issue.
We can do that for EVERYTHING we have issues about ... if we'll TRY. So, B Brown, don't give up on the righties, some actually have that desire to come to the middle, even if they are supporting Trump. Think about it, its ALL they have other than supporting extreme Lefties.
Mac, despite our wide gulf between our political beliefs, I’d still buy you a beer. You know, we are all adults and if you are a decent person, why let politics sew hatred?
Ok, in the spirit of de-polarization, I'll cooperate and holster my snark weapon. This is an experiment in finding middle ground, and I will remain polite, expecting the same.

I meant what I said. I will remain civil to test this experiment in finding middle ground.

Awaiting Mac's reply.
This is not middle ground or 'un-polarizing'.
Sure it is, just not to a polarized Right Wing Nut. If Republicans cared about the life AND health of the baby, and also wish to overturn Roe vs Wade, then they should look at pre-natal care, well-baby care, and services which support that baby's life AFTER the mom has been ****** to deliver the baby, like possibly adoption centers. They would also support grade school educational classes on sex, birth control, prevention, etc. ReThuglicans are cutting all those types of programs including Medicaid services which specifically ARE for the poorest having children. The sex educational courses they provide children now are pretty much a laugh ... hell, all you need are your crayolas to color in the hand drawn cartoons.
All Rethuglicans promote is "stop killing fetuses" when there is NO fetus but an embryo. I personally don't see a human being until that baby is in the fetus stage. Conception doesn't mean a human being for several weeks. You want women to quit having abortions, provide them the information and services they need to make a better choice. Don't ******* them to give birth to a baby, then abandon the baby.
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I will remain civil to test this experiment in finding middle ground.
Awaiting Mac's reply.
Ohhhh, I'm soooooo sorry I forgot about you, nanci. I simply do NOT have the time to stay on this website like all you who are either unemployed, have NOTHING to do, or retired folks. Most my weekdays, daytime activity is focused upon "working for a living" and my weekend with my family. I did read your post a few nights ago but didn't have the time to DWELL on our "middle ground" political discussion. By the way, don't limit your points to just abortion, if you have an opinion on guns, the electoral voting system, the best condoms for ass fucking, or sucking uncircumcised cocks, etc .... please, express yourself. I just can't go back and forth for days and days regurgitating the same BS over and over as we seem to do on so many topics. I'm certainly NOT a far-left individual; I consider myself a left leaning moderate, actually. I believe there should be give & take from both parties. BUT, my TIME is valuable to ME and its NOT with politics.
I'm just curious, however, exactly what "experiment" are we doing? And what are the parameters and success/failure measures for this experiment? Did I miss something?
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Well, that went well. :rolleyes:

Mac's hostile response indicates the degree to which the liberal left is actually willing to:

make efforts to un-polarize the parties and try to reach some middle ground so the country can actually "function" again.

and Mac's appeal to:

The only ones benefiting from today's political climate are our adversaries who choose to intensify the conflict we're having.

was to intensify the conflict with disrespectful name-calling.

Did I miss something?

Weeell yeaah, you sorta missed that whole part about de-polarizing to reach middle ground so the country can function....making the political climate less adversarial.....yeah, loony ideas huh? Some weirdo musta wrote it.

Sure it is, just not to a polarized Right Wing Nut. If Republicans cared about the life AND health of the baby, and also wish to overturn Roe vs Wade, then they should look at pre-natal care, well-baby care, and services which support that baby's life AFTER the mom has been ****** to deliver the baby

This also makes it clear that only the Right is expected to compromise in seeking middle ground, while the Left rigidly adheres to doctrine. It is not compromise the Left is after. They want only capitulation from the Right. This is important for all conservatives to understand about Left offers of compromise.

There is a deep crack in Mac's abortion argument however:

All Rethuglicans promote is "stop killing fetuses" when there is NO fetus but an embryo. I personally don't see a human being until that baby is in the fetus stage. Conception doesn't mean a human being for several weeks.

Several weeks? Several weeks is the difference between an "embryo" and a "human being". Got it? ;)

Well Dr. Mengele-n-Fries, please tell us the exact day that an embryo becomes a human, so that we can perform correct abortions. 👩‍⚕️🔪🚽
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Well, that went well. :rolleyes:
Mac's hostile response indicates the degree to which the liberal left is actually willing to:
was to intensify the conflict with disrespectful name-calling.
I'm sorry I missed "my" disrespectful name calling. Remind me again exactly what Disrespectful NAME I called you. I can't seem to locate it in my post.

Weeell yeaah, you sorta missed that whole part about de-polarizing to reach middle ground so the country can function....making the political climate less adversarial.....yeah, loony ideas huh? Some weirdo musta wrote it.
This also makes it clear that only the Right is expected to compromise in seeking middle ground, while the Left rigidly adheres to doctrine. It is not compromise the Left is after. They want only capitulation from the Right. This is important for all conservatives to understand about Left offers of compromise.
Again, maybe I'm lost with YOUR interpretation of de-polarizing. I thought I was quite clear. Conservatives wish to overturn Roe vs Wade in its entirety, and Liberals simply want Conservatives to therefore remove the risks & costs associated with THAT DECISION. So, conservatives ******* women to carry pregnancies to full term, regardless of the situation causing it, or remove or assist in the financial and medical risks/expenses to both baby & mom for doing so. Maybe in your reading you forgot exactly what those RISKS are for a mom with very low income and/or no health insurance to provide pre-natal or post-delivery care for a new born baby. I refuse to go through that AGAIN, but I will add something to it. In the Sunday newspaper today it was mentioned that in the USA black babies are twice as likely to die before their first birth date than white babies. You might ask yourself WHY that is.
As far as the stages of embryonic development to fetus are; I'm sure you're a big boy ... uhhh girl, or whatever. You know the answer, but you desire to grandstand your post with your erroneous, non-essential BS. If you need educated in the birth stages/cycle, plenty of material is available ... but be careful, some is media provided and you know you can't believe ANYTHING coming from the media, right?
The concession, therefore, to reach middle-ground on removal of the abortion rights, that will flood the system with many more illegitimate AND sick children, is to enhance pre-natal care, post-natal care, baby health care, more explicit sex & birth control education in our school system, school lunch care ... you know, all those things that your great Trump is either cutting or reducing currently.

I might add, however, that IF conservatives are truly AGAINST abortion, that would include birth control pills as well, since the birth control pill causes the conception to abort in its earliest stage of development. So, here we are, in a society, RUN BY CONSERVATIVES who say any interruption in the conception cycle is in fact ABORTION, therefore all women are now outlawed to stop taking birth control pills as well. Way to go, conservatives ... another fucking mess created by you conservatives who refuse to give any serious topic ANY long term thoughts or considerations past the length of your pointy little dickies.

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I just heard in the news, today, that SUDDENLY President Trump AND Republicans are now admitting that Global Warming exist and that we need to do something about it.
Now, I wonder why, with just nine more months before the general election that the conservatives SUDDENLY decide that global warming exist and they can FIX IT? So Trump truly admits he made an ASS of himself by pulling out of the summit with our allies.
Is Trump or the Republicans NOW confessing their ERRORS regarding global warming OR just shoring up the weak spots in their overall weak spots of addressing critical issues in the world?
Maybe we should now wonder if Republicans will decide to abort with the NRA and admit that putting some restrictions and laws on the books to keep military weaponry from the hands of IDIOTS is making sense now. You THINK!?
I'm sorry I missed "my" disrespectful name calling. Remind me again exactly what Disrespectful NAME I called you. I can't seem to locate it in my post.

You proposed a thread with civil discussion. I agreed. Then you came back with "polarized Right Wing Nut" and "ReThuglican", thus violating your own terms of civility in your first response (not to me, but still against the spirit of your proposal).

I thought I was quite clear. Conservatives wish to overturn Roe vs Wade in its entirety, and Liberals simply want Conservatives to therefore remove the risks & costs associated with THAT DECISION.

Yeah, yeah, I get it. For the umpteenth time. You want the Right to compromise on birthed babies by providing on-going social care -- thus achieving middle ground.

As far as the stages of embryonic development to fetus are; I'm sure you're a big boy ... uhhh girl, or whatever. You know the answer

That's girl, thank you very much. So progressive of you to notice. Trans-girls are girls. Any leading dem candidate can explain that to you sweetie. :cool:

And I consider humanity to begin at conception. You are the one who stated that it takes weeks.....so the onus is on you to explain when the embryo becomes a human fetus -- and you must provide the exact time -- abortion law must be accurate to be enforceable.

The concession, therefore, to reach middle-ground on removal of the abortion rights, that will flood the system with many more illegitimate AND sick children, is to enhance pre-natal care, post-natal care, baby health care, more explicit sex & birth control education in our school system, school lunch care ...

Am I understanding you correctly? You appear to be saying the proposal for Left compromise is removal of abortion rights.....ending abortion. :oops:
Is that right? That the middle ground compromise between Left and Right is to end abortion and then provide on-going social care for birthed children.

I don't want to misunderstand you, because I'm a bit taken aback -- because ending abortion is a giant step for the Left.
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You proposed a thread with civil discussion. I agreed. Then you came back with "polarized Right Wing Nut" and "ReThuglican", thus violating your own terms of civility in your first response (not to me, but still against the spirit of your proposal).
So I specifically called YOU a polarized Right Wing Nut and ReThuglican, did I? You better read it again, but, as they say, "if the shoes fit, lace them bad boys up"
Yeah, yeah, I get it. For the umpteenth time. You want the Right to compromise on birthed babies by providing on-going social care -- thus achieving middle ground.
If the left is willing to allow Roe vs Wade to be overturned or majorly modified, I'd think the right would be willing to give ground on baby help after birth, don't you think? I mean, the one that seems to be balking is YOU, my dear friend.
And I consider humanity to begin at conception. You are the one who stated that it takes weeks.....so the onus is on you to explain when the embryo becomes a human fetus -- and you must provide the exact time -- abortion law must be accurate to be enforceable.
I never agreed to such a thing, but to be safe, abortions within the first 3 months should satisfy whether there's a embryo or fetus. I suggest you educate yourself on conception and "survivable ******* growth". If I must, I can always provide you a photo of a embryo in the first 12 weeks of development. But I feel fairly confident if your 12-13 year old ******* were gang raped & ******* by children preditors, and she was wanting an abortion, you'd damn well give her one, no doubt.
Am I understanding you correctly? You appear to be saying the proposal for Left compromise is removal of abortion rights.....ending abortion. :oops:
Is that right? That the middle ground compromise between Left and Right is to end abortion and then provide on-going social care for birthed children.
I don't want to misunderstand you, because I'm a bit taken aback -- because ending abortion is a giant step for the Left.
You're not misunderstanding me. but only IF early abort (first 12 weeks for example) is allowed for *******, *******, major deformity, or life threats to the pregnant mom (as diagnosed by a qualified doctor), I'm sure the left would be willing to "move the sticks" on Roe vs Wade as far as voluntary abortion is concerned. Remember, here, nanci, we are negotiating. Don't expect to walk to the negotiation table and get everything YOU WANT. 'Tis why its called negotiation, right. Your hard sell isn't with the lefties, anyways, its with the evangelical RIGHT. Right now they want abortion rights completely eliminated. If that was the arrangement, pregnant ladies would still get abortions, but, WHERE do you think they would GO to get them? Maybe states rights should come more into play.
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