Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

They are more than sore losers, They are angry and will not even accept the possibility that they just might be wrong. Have you ever seen anyone running for election cover this country doing three rallies a day, That is 21 a week not counting rallies the first Lady , vice president and Trumps family are doing. They all get way larger crowds and excitement than Biden or Harris.

That’s because Biden is a sellout and Harris is a commie. Dems still proud of those two - either just too myopic or dumb too consider the truth.
What we've never seen is people turning out early in record numbers to oust the worst president in our history.
Trump is averaging a couple of thousand idiots at his rallies. Democrats are voting at a few million a day.
You can go to multiple rallies but, only vote once. I day of voting wipes out all of the rallies Trump can do.
Rallies only speak to your supporters. They do nothing for people who need persuading to vote for you. Nothing. That's why he is losing.
And, I can get more people at a Taylor Swift rally (Biden supporter if you're wondering), than Trump the Entertainer can get.
Your side will cry foul, cheat, and try to lessen the number of people who's votes count over the next week. It's the absolute only way they can win.

Already prepping with excuses if ya lose - and if a Dem is accusing you of cheating ya can bet ya left nut it’s them doing the cheating.
Doesn’t mean the early votes are ALL Dems - I know tons of people that already voted - and NONE of them voted for sellout Biden - and I live in one of the bluest states in the country.

Nobody said they all are for Biden clown 🤡 Just like all the votes on Election Day won’t be for Trump. But what is well-established is that a big turnout always favors Democrats. That’s why your sorry ass side engages in gerrymandering and voter suppression!!!