Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Wonder which bozo won - guess it really doesn’t matter - one as bad as the next - all of them together couldn’t beat President Trump.
Funny how messed up the Dem party has gotten - guess it’s what comes of being such sore LOSERS :LOL:

Now you sound just like hottobe……..not a brain in your head....just talking to talk
Universities have always been insular retreats, where privileged people are protected from the harsh realities of the outside world and the real economic marketplace. (No where else but a university can someone get paid pretty well to study and elucidate on the lyrics of Bob Dylan.)

I have a theory that the Vietnam War permanently changed the worldview of the coddled uni-bubble elitists. With the threat of death in the jungle looming over them, their petty interdepartmental squabbles over position papers meant nothing. Either graduating or dropping out -- with a low draft number -- was a likely ticket to the Nam. This gave them a genuine cause to rally for, and they could protest the Vietnam War with fearful vigor and the smug self-righteousness that liberals love. Even today, the aging gray-ponytail professors are still wearing the symbol of their most important struggle.

Vietnam set the standard for university rebellion. We have nothing remotely as significant on campus today. So to feel as if they are fighting a worthy battle, today's safe, pampered uni-elitists invent microaggressions and social privilege classes to fight against. They look ridiculous to outsiders, but it's all they have.

glad you said theory......and that means opinion......because just like always you are full of *******....and just felt the need to say something

Teenagers: Why Do They Rebel?
Continued. Spend time together, say the experts. Offer to drive. You'll learn a lot about your young and her friends if you drive the ******* home from a concert or a dance.
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another key part of that headline got left out...…..

"So Says the Trump Campaign."

where the truth is listed below.....

Trump Tax Plan Benefits Wealthy, Including Trump - The New ...
Sep 27, 2017 · The Trump administration’s tax plan provides large benefits for the wealthy, modest benefits for the middle class — and no direct benefit to the poor.

Trump’s Corporate Tax Cut Is Not Trickling Down - Center ...
Sep 26, 2019 · A number of critics noted that the Trump administration’s claims were unlikely to pan out, in part because they hinged on the same supply-side economics that decades of tax cuts for the wealthy ...

Trump Administration Mulls a Unilateral Tax Cut for the Rich
Jul 30, 2018 · WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is considering bypassing Congress to grant a $100 billion tax cut mainly to the wealthy, a legally tenuous maneuver that …

Trump mulls bypassing Congress to cut capital gains tax on ...
Jun 27, 2019 · The Trump administration is reportedly considering cutting capital gains taxes, which would primarily benefit the wealthy, Bloomberg reported Thursday, citing …

and this is how he helps the beer and bluejeans people

Trump Wants to Take From the Poor and Give to the Wealthy
Dec 10, 2019 · Trump Wants to Take From the Poor and Give to the Wealthy . ... benefits. The new measure ... the Trump administration’s measures are aimed at making it easier for wealthy

Workers barely benefited from Trump’s sweeping tax cut ...
Apr 30, 2019 · The 2017 Tax and Jobs Act – the Trump administration’s one major piece of enacted legislation – did deliver the biggest corporate tax cut in US history, but ultimately workers benefited ...

Trump Administration Proposes Death-Dealing Rule Change ...
Jan 11, 2020 · Media marginalization of disabled people partly explains the near lack of coverage when, just in time for the holidays, the Trump administration proposed a rule change that would make accessing Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income benefits even harder than it already is. The agency offered no medical or ...

Trump’s cuts to Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicare ...
Mar 12, 2019 · Trump said he wouldn’t be like "every other Republican" who wanted to cut federal benefit programs. He is now proposing cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.

Social Security, Medicare ‘Easiest’ to Cut, Trump Says ...
12 days ago · News Social Security, Medicare ‘Easiest’ to Cut, Trump Says During an interview with CNBC at the World Economic Forum, Trump indicated that entitlement cuts may come later this year.

In U.S., wage growth is being wiped out entirely by inflation
Aug 10, 2018 · The Atlanta Federal Reserve’s wage tracker, which does not take inflation into account, is showing 3.2 percent wage growth over the past year, and White House officials promise that further ...

Trump's Economic Scorecard: Higher Inflation, Flat Wages ...
Aug 11, 2018 · While overall GDP growth has been solid, higher inflation is keeping wages in check. Combine that with a ballooning federal deficit from Trump’s tax cuts and everything isn’t as rosy as it ...

Donald Trump's tariffs hurt workers and weaken national ...
Jun 06, 2018 · Donald Trump's tariffs hurt American workers and ruin relationships with our allies. Donald J. Boudreaux. Opinion contributor. Last week, President Trump imposed tariffs on …

Trump’s tariffs will hurt the 6.5 million U.S. workers at ...
Mar 05, 2018 · President Donald Trump’s plan to impose tariffs on aluminum and steel imports is a near-term credit positive for steel producers, but it will hurt workers at...

Under Trump, US jobs are moving overseas even faster than ...
Dec 05, 2017 · Record numbers of jobs outsourced in five years according to the stats: So far, not so good. A group that advocates for federal workers says government records show (pdf) more than 10,000 jobs at federal contractors have been sent over overseas since Trump was elected.

Jobs: Trump has fallen short of goal to turbocharge job growth
Dec 04, 2019 · The success or failure of a U.S. president is often distilled to a baseball card-like statistic: jobs. And no president has hitched his legacy more closely to the labor market than Donald Trump, a ...
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talk about the height of stupidity.....see it on here daily

Why are so many Trump supporters the very people his ...
Jan 02, 2017 · ( first written Jan 2)—-Such persons are those for whom America is first, state is second and they third. A vast number of persons are like that. Generally this preference of theirs is not prominently visible but watch any moment of attack on Amer...

Trump voters hurt most by Trump policies, new study finds ...
May 04, 2018 · Trump voters hurt most by Trump policies, new study finds Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond warns southern states face greatest impact from rising temperatures. Joe …

How Trump’s Deregulations Mostly Hurt His Own Supporters
Mar 20, 2017 · How Trump’s Deregulations Mostly Hurt His Own Supporters ... The policy, they argue, reinforces an unfair stigma that people with mental disabilities are prone to violence. President Trump revoked the rule in late February, garnering praise from both conservative gun advocates and liberal civil liberties proponents. ... Perhaps most ...

Why are so many Trump supporters the very people his ...
Jan 02, 2017 · ( first written Jan 2)—-Such persons are those for whom America is first, state is second and they third. A vast number of persons are like that. Generally this preference of theirs is not prominently visible but watch any moment of attack on Amer...

Trump Freely Admits His Biggest Supporters Will Be Hurt ...
Trump Freely Admits His Biggest Supporters Will Be Hurt Most By Healthcare Plan ... And Trump has been told that two separate amendments will add in some of his more popular proposals, such as ...

Why Trump’s “Betrayal” of His ... - The New Republic
Mar 17, 2017 · The observation that President Donald Trump’s economic policies will hurt his base has been so widely repeated this year that even Trump himself seems to agree with it. ... Trump supporters

Tariffs Hurt Trump's Supporters Especially - Foundation ...
May 25, 2018 · And since Trump’s tariffs harm manufacturers more than they help, that means his trade policy is hurting the most unusual prospects – his staunchest supporters. The states with the five highest shares of manufacturing employment – Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, and Alabama – all voted for Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

“I’ve got the perfect slogan for President Trump’s reelection campaign,” Robinson writes. “Promises Made, Promises Not Kept, But I’m Betting My Voters Are Too Stupid to Notice.”

Trump supporters portrayed as the stupidest, most gullible ...
Mar 08, 2019 · Trump supporters portrayed as the stupidest, most gullible people on earth in merciless column ... “Trump promised to reverse trade policies that he said allowed the rest of the world to play ...
damn that friggn sanders has those college ******* we need a revolution

The revolution in the democrat party has been underway for 20+ years. You lost.

You are quickly becoming irrelevant. Democrat youth won't even bother to engage your endless yammering, as they push you aside. You are clinging bitterly to old-school elite-dem politics -- aging dem politburo chiefs still running a top-down structure -- trying to order the faceless minions what to believe.

You and they have failed to understand the era of the politically unaffiliated: immune to big party messaging. In your impotent anger, you fail to understand why Trump and Bolshevist Bernie resonate.

my nephew went to college a democrat...graduated a republican...….after using his dads working money to get the education....then turn his back on it......if my 2 were to came out leaning right there would be hell to pay

And this conveniently, is a perfect example of the intolerance of the liberal white male for opposing viewpoints.

The essence of conservativism is respect for the individual, which means respect for free thought.

The essence of elite liberalism is lockstep adherence to the big machine -- or else.
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The revolution in the democrat party has been underway for 20+ years. You lost.

You are quickly becoming irrelevant. Democrat youth won't even bother to engage your endless yammering, as they push you aside. You are clinging bitterly to old-school elite-dem politics -- aging dem politburo chiefs still running a top-down structure -- trying to order the faceless minions what to believe.

You and they have failed to understand the era of the politically unaffiliated: immune to big party messaging. In your impotent anger, you fail to understand why Trump and Bolshevist Bernie resonate.

And this conveniently, is a perfect example of the intolerance of the liberal white male for opposing viewpoints.

The essence of conservativism is respect for the individual, which means respect for free thought.

The essence of elite liberalism is lockstep adherence to the big machine -- or else.

speaking of should have stayed in might have a lot higher IQ than you do

can't even read an article for one thing......not interested in whatever else you have to say...….just more bullshit

great on it Norton pops up claiming virus.....but you know that isn't true because if the dems didn't work the right would have no one to steal from and tax and do the ******* they won't dirty their hands for

How Donald Trump Is Destroying America in Three Easy Steps ...
The second dangerous way Trump deflects any potential criticism is by pivoting to the perceived wrongdoing of others, said Oliver. ... How Donald Trump Is Destroying America in Three Easy Steps ...

How Trump is slowly destroying America's national security ...
Nov 25, 2017 · How Trump is slowly destroying America's national security agencies ... But in many ways, Trump is causing intangible damage that may have the most lasting consequences.

Mmmm Stiff must have missed this......he likes to post stuff on trump from minorities

Trump is Leading a “Revolution” to Destroy America
by Jesse Jackson

As the House of Representatives moved toward impeaching President Donald Trump this week — by what all predict will be a vote divided largely by party — it is time for reflection.

The House will indict the president for abuse of his office — trying to enlist a foreign government to intervene in our election by announcing an investigation of his potential opponent in the upcoming presidential race and for obstruction of justice in his extreme efforts to block the congressional investigation of his abuses.

This is an indictment focused, for simplicity sake, on a single course of action and its coverup.

In fact, the challenge posed by Trump is far greater than that. Trump is leading a counterrevolution against the America that is, and the America that will be.

He does so by savagely attacking American institutions — and by unrelenting lies designed to produce a cocoon of misinformation — an alternative reality — to con his ardent supporters.

Trump has scorned the Constitution and its tripartite division of power.

He scorns the Congress — both the Democratic House and the Republican Senate, ignores its subpoenas, dismisses its powers and holds himself and his administration immune from its oversight.

He traduces the courts, appointing right-wing activist judges while impugning the motives of any justice that rules in ways he does not like.

He floods the courts with lawsuits, many groundless, to delay and to avoid accountability both personally and as president.

He abuses the press, accusing them of being the enemy of the people and of spreading “fake news,” even as he retweets and recycles false conspiracy theories and big lies.

He has dismantled the interagency national security process, upended American policy — often with the sole apparent motive of reversing anything President Barack Obama accomplished — while abusing allies, his own appointees and the career professionals with sudden reversals of policy and pronouncement.

He has clearly decided that the presidency is above the law, as well as beyond the reach of Congress and courts.

While I, and many other reformers, agree with some of Trump’s stated goals — to bring the “endless wars” to a close, to transform our trading policy, to pressure the Federal Reserve to keep its foot off the brakes of the economy without clear evidence of rising inflation — Trump’s imperious and impetuous actions do more to discredit those goals than to serve them.

In other areas — most significantly in the existential threat posed by catastrophic climate change — Trump has abandoned the most important responsibility of the president to defend the nation’s security.

His conscious political strategy is to foster division, inflaming racial, gender and other divides. This has fed an already rising tide of hatred that is breeding more violence in this land.

Rather than signing the bipartisan immigration reform that he had previously agreed to support, he chose instead to preserve the contention rather than to move to solve the challenge.

The result of this reckless and ruthless course is a country ever more divided.

Trump clearly has cemented the support of about 40 percent to 45 percent of the American people.

That support has cowed Republican legislators — senators and representatives — who now rise to defend behavior that they know is dangerous and policies that violate their previously cherished conservative principles — from free trade to support for allies to presidents serving as moral examples.

Now, as senators gear up for holding what looks to be a sham trial on the impeachment charges brought from the House, they might pause for reflection.

For many, this vote may be their last historic vote, one which will help define their legacy.

All face constituents — Trump’s so-called “base” — who demand that they support the president no matter what he does.

This is a test of leadership.

True leaders don’t follow opinion polls, they mold opinion.

They do not allow the fervent few to drown out the call of their conscience. They recognize the obligations of party, but also the call of honest patriotism, of acting in moments of historic decision for the sake of the country.

They realize that history will hold them to account, as well as their own children and grandchildren. Trump’s minions are demanding abject loyalty.

Senate Leader Mitch McConnell has already confessed that he is taking his clues from the White House. Before bowing to that pressure, senators should pause, reflect, look in the mirror and probe their conscience.

Who are they? What are they prepared to stomach?

Jesse Jackson is the founder of Rainbow/PUSH.