Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

not sure where you got that info...china announced a couple weeks ago no more

China Stops Buying US Agricultural Products Entirely ...
Aug 07, 2019 · On Tuesday, the Chinese Commerce Ministry announced that China will no longer be buying American agricultural products, a decision with huge, wide-ranging implications. Zippy Duvall, president of the normally conservative-leaning American Farm Bureau, called the decision a “body blow” to American agriculture.

Trump says China not buying US agricultural products amid ...
Jul 11, 2019 · President Donald Trump says China is not buying agricultural products as it said it would. The development could be a bad sign for efforts to reach an agreement to …

China suspends buying new US agricultural products ...


Aug 05, 2019 · China suspends buying new US agricultural products, reports Chinese state media Chinese firms will stop buying new U.S. agricultural products, according to state media. CNBC's Kayla Tausche...
  • Author: Kayla Tausche
not sure where you got that info...china announced a couple weeks ago no more

China Stops Buying US Agricultural Products Entirely ...
Aug 07, 2019 · On Tuesday, the Chinese Commerce Ministry announced that China will no longer be buying American agricultural products, a decision with huge, wide-ranging implications. Zippy Duvall, president of the normally conservative-leaning American Farm Bureau, called the decision a “body blow” to American agriculture.

Trump says China not buying US agricultural products amid ...
Jul 11, 2019 · President Donald Trump says China is not buying agricultural products as it said it would. The development could be a bad sign for efforts to reach an agreement to …

China suspends buying new US agricultural products ...
Aug 05, 2019 · China suspends buying new US agricultural products, reports Chinese state media Chinese firms will stop buying new U.S. agricultural products, according to state media. CNBC's Kayla Tausche...
  • Author: Kayla Tausche
I know thumper is sweating the economy....and is now backtracking on another 5% increase in tariffs say it is in respect to china's 70 year anniversary…..but don't think he folded and gave china what they wanted yet....maybe he did...he knows without an economy ...he has nothing!
sorry cnbc but check it

well when anyone on here makes a statement I know nothing about....I ALWAYS do a search....and I never make a statement that I can't back on the net....making rash statement from the 'heart" or whatever and proves wrong just makes them look foolish

not that I don't doubt you...just know what I heard trump say in one of those interviews on his way to the chopper...and then when you said that I checked and you see what I came up with...but I will look some more
well when anyone on here makes a statement I know nothing about....I ALWAYS do a search....and I never make a statement that I can't back on the net....making rash statement from the 'heart" or whatever and proves wrong just makes them look foolish

not that I don't doubt you...just know what I heard trump say in one of those interviews on his way to the chopper...and then when you said that I checked and you see what I came up with...but I will look some more
click link
With China it’s all about face - their face - President Trump’s face

Hope we end up with China’s face up President Trump’s arse ;}

sorry ...but I don't think so...…….trump is back peddling in a hurry....he is worried about the economy...….he really needs the farmers...bad...…...think he lost the middle class...….they have seen nothing in their pocket since he took over.....and a lot have lost jobs like in Mich and Ohio....2 states he really needs....not looking good.....and if he eats to much crow on the china deal...even though he spared the economy for a short time...people will be mad about losing to china after all everyone paid for.....have to wait and see what he ends up with China...he is not doing good at all on anything overseas...and so far here it's just been the wealthy....workers have seen nothing....the trumpies won't be able to save him...he is at less than 40%...….there are about 40% of the country independents…….any election for's the independents that swing things....normally dems won't get off their ass and vote....but pretty sure they will this time
just like with guns...the chump backpeddles on vaping.....was going to ban them......but big money won out and now vaping is a "good alternative"
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Two Harvard P.h.D Students Completely Debunk Study Showing Rise in Hate Crimes After Trump Rallies
Rich Welsh
September 8, 2019

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A study that all Fake News outlets and Democrat politicians cited with enthusiasm and glee, claimed to show a rise in hate crimes in areas that held Trump rallies. That study went viral when it came out earlier this year, but the methodology used, according to a new analysis using the same exact data, shows the conclusion of the study was fatally flawed.

That means the original conclusion is bunk, garbage (Fake Study?).

Two economics PhD students at Harvard University looked at the original study that claimed to find a 226 percent increase in white nationalist hate crimes and propaganda incidents in counties that held Trump campaign rallies, but they didn’t take into account that political campaigns always prefer to host rallies in highly populated areas that normally tend to witness more hate crimes, according to Harvard PhD candidates Matthew Lilley and Brian Wheaton.

The original study was produced by three professors at the University of North Texas and Texas A&M, Ayal Feinberg, Regina Branton, and Valerie Martinez-Ebers. It was cited in articles published by Vox, the Washington Post, the San Francisco Chronicle, and CNN as evidence that Trump’s anti-immigration rhetoric incites violence.
Democrats also jumped in on that speeding bandwagon.
“Your language creates a climate which emboldens violent extremists,” wrote Senator Bernie Sanders (I–VT) in a social media post.
It’s absolutely amazing that Sanders would say something like this knowing that one of his 2016 supporters in June 2017 went to a baseball field of Republicans playing a game to shoot as many of them as possible. That’s the incident where Steve Scalise was shot and nearly lost his life.

Republicans and conservatives were quick to point out that Sanders should not be blamed because one of his lunatics supporters went on a shooting spree. It would have been nice if Bernie were as mature in mind as he is in body.
“Your rhetoric is directly and indirectly inciting hate, Mr. President,” tweeted Representative Ilhan Omar (D–MN).

Omar is an anti-Semitic bigot who spreads hate against Jewish people and the state of Israel every chance she gets.
The two Harvard students were able to duplicate the study’s findings about hate crimes rising after Trump rallies, but they discovered that there was an even greater increase in hate crimes in counties that hosted Clinton campaign rallies during the same 2016 time period.
I bet you won’t hear CNN and MSNBC mention that. And we damn sure won’t ever hear Bernie Sanders or Ilhan Omar talk about it.

When the research was controlled for population size, the effect that Trump rallies had on hate crimes became “statistically indistinguishable from zero.”
Democrats and media type liberals are political whores who share the single goal of defeating Trump in the 2020 presidential election. They will do and say anything it takes to destroy his chances, and they don’t care how much their own reputations are tarnished by spilling such maniacally stupid rhetoric.

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oh my....another book by stiff....took him several days to come up wit 2 more trump lovers.....what does that make? 7 now?
If you desire a prècis of that article @subhub174014 the title says it all:

Two Harvard P.h.D Students Completely Debunk Study Showing Rise in Hate Crimes After Trump Rallies

Otherwise if you desire more detail read the article. And should you desire to investigate further as usual my reference to the link is there too. No rocket science @subhub174014 . ;)

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