Eventual End to the White Race

And you, BigGrasp, couldn't have advertised your superior youthful beaitiful Black physique any better than you did by your super-sexy avatar image.

PHEWWW!!! It's making me sweat and giving me a hard-on-----and I'm only 20% homosexual.

Happy hunting Spunky Boy.
Thanks, lol! Stay cool man
Thanks, lol! Stay cool man
Me?? Stay cool you say??? That's utterly impossible with a super-hot young Black like you parading your glorious body on this forum.

But I promise to try----if you really want me to that is.

But I can't guarantee my wife will. She REALLY has the Hots for you.
Anyone that thinks that any race will disappear is not being realistic , as not all women of any one race will have sex with someone outside of her race. Those that do have sex outside of their race not all will become pregnant and bear children. So goes that idea.
So much documentation to back all this BS up ... lol
I think we're confusing "race majority" in this conversation with "race elimination".

Interesting article for this thread to read ....

The US white majority will soon disappear forever (theconversation.com)
The nation is diversifying even faster than predicted, according to new census data (brookings.edu)

At any rate, I don't think I nor my ******* or grandkids are going to lose a lot of sleep thinking about this. Too much serious stuff to worry about.
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RESPECTFULLY, why is it ALWAYS the “white” race that is going to come to an end with questions regarding race mixing? If you’re suggesting that a “pure” Hispanic, black, or Asian person has a baby with a “pure” white person, then the white race is becoming extinct, well… so is the other race involved. This is why questions like this often get labeled as white supremacist or racist, FYI! Not saying that you are but it’s now the elephant in the room, trust me!
You clearly didn’t read my whole post your asshat
The more I read people’s posts in here, the dumber they are. Seriously. Some of the comments of people who think they are being smart is hilarious.
The more I read people’s posts in here, the dumber they are. Seriously. Some of the comments of people who think they are being smart is hilarious.
It’s not my fault you didn’t read my post where it clearly states that I didn’t think it would be because just white women and black men eliminating the white race. You didn’t read it all, got snippy and now look at ya..egg on your face. Just own it and move on
The more I read people’s posts in here, the dumber they are. Seriously. Some of the comments of people who think they are being smart is hilarious.
It’s not my fault you didn’t read my post where it clearly states that I didn’t think it would be because just white women and black men eliminating the white race. You didn’t read it all, got snippy and now look at ya..egg on your face. Just own it,
Anyone that thinks that any race will disappear is not being realistic , as not all women of any one race will have sex with someone outside of her race. Those that do have sex outside of their race not all will become pregnant and bear children. So goes that idea.
Your position is not backed by statistics
It’s not my fault you didn’t read my post where it clearly states that I didn’t think it would be because just white women and black men eliminating the white race. You didn’t read it all, got snippy and now look at ya..egg on your face. Just own it,

Your position is not backed by statistics

You are a mess. Not just did I never question your silly hypothesis, which is not backed by any sources, so I could have just as easily questioned it as you did another user (saying it was “not backed by stats”) BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY your latest reply suggests you actually didn’t read MY QUESTION to your post. Your tiny little fragile brain got all in an uproar and started calling me names because you think I disrespected your post, despite starting my question with “REPECTFULLY” in caps.

AND NOW, you’re here crying about a comment I made about other people’s comments, still crying about not reading your post, and suggesting I have egg on my face? I know this is a fantasy site but you are vying for fantasy respect. Plus, you still haven’t answered my original question… though, I actually don’t even care at this point because you unknowingly answered it with your neurosis.

Here’s a different question. What is the point in posting a racially charged opinion on a public forum if you have no room for anyone’s input on it? If it looks like white supremacy, it probably is.

You are a mess. Not just did I never question your silly hypothesis, which is not backed by any sources, so I could have just as easily questioned it as you did another user (saying it was “not backed by stats”) BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY your latest reply suggests you actually didn’t read MY QUESTION to your post. Your tiny little fragile brain got all in an uproar and started calling me names because you think I disrespected your post, despite starting my question with “REPECTFULLY” in caps.

AND NOW, you’re here crying about a comment I made about other people’s comments, still crying about not reading your post, and suggesting I have egg on my face? I know this is a fantasy site but you are vying for fantasy respect. Plus, you still haven’t answered my original question… though, I actually don’t even care at this point because you unknowingly answered it with your neurosis.

Here’s a different question. What is the point in posting a racially charged opinion on a public forum if you have no room for anyone’s input on it? If it looks like white supremacy, it probably is.

I think you're having a hard time accepting the reality of things
Anyone that thinks that any race will disappear is not being realistic , as not all women of any one race will have sex with someone outside of her race. Those that do have sex outside of their race not all will become pregnant and bear children. So goes that idea.
Another delusional fool tsk tsk
You are a mess. Not just did I never question your silly hypothesis, which is not backed by any sources, so I could have just as easily questioned it as you did another user (saying it was “not backed by stats”) BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY your latest reply suggests you actually didn’t read MY QUESTION to your post. Your tiny little fragile brain got all in an uproar and started calling me names because you think I disrespected your post, despite starting my question with “REPECTFULLY” in caps.

AND NOW, you’re here crying about a comment I made about other people’s comments, still crying about not reading your post, and suggesting I have egg on my face? I know this is a fantasy site but you are vying for fantasy respect. Plus, you still haven’t answered my original question… though, I actually don’t even care at this point because you unknowingly answered it with your neurosis.

Here’s a different question. What is the point in posting a racially charged opinion on a public forum if you have no room for anyone’s input on it? If it looks like white supremacy, it probably is.

This isn't a term paper I'm not citing sources, but hey if you have the time which it's clear you do...go to the vital statistics government website. White babies being born vs white people dying is a clear indication that the population is dwindling. Hispanic births is skyrocketing. Interracial babies are increasing. I'm not saying what the causation is, I'm simply saying that the pure white race seems like at some point will be a mixture of other races. AGAIN, I'm not defining what the causation is. If you don't agree that's fine its a forum, have your opinion I don't care LOL.
The white race is here to stay, as is I the black, brown, and Asian. You color racists are a bunch of kooks. Dream on , just because an insignificant amount of white women enjoy sex with a black cock means absolutely nothing in the big scheme of things. No race is “superior”, that’s a crock of *******. Some of You may be a superior fuck but I assure you others are superior in their own way. Superior ethics, superior health, superior intelligence, superior morality.. the list goes on. All people and all lives matter, for anyone to say other is true racism. This superiority thing is ignorance and elimination of a race is exactly what Adolf Hitler proposed in 1933 and it was wrong then and it’s wrong now . So get your hands off you dick and join the human race, celebrate diversity , and treat your neighbor as you would like him to treat you.
Lol you've got to find better things to do with your time.