Eventual End to the White Race

Oh, whites are minority here in New Orleans. And lots of the white guys are gay. So we're on the right track.
Just looked at the demographics of New Orleans, its interesting.
Between the year 2000 and 2021 the ratio of blacks to whites totally switched places. Blacks make up almost 70% to 32% whites, today.
I wonder what happened? How in hell does Louisiana remain a Republican state with those ratios?

State wide, Whites remain the larger, at 2.9 million to blacks 1.5 million.
Just looked at the demographics of New Orleans, its interesting.
Between the year 2000 and 2021 the ratio of blacks to whites totally switched places. Blacks make up almost 70% to 32% whites, today.
I wonder what happened? How in hell does Louisiana remain a Republican state with those ratios?

State wide, Whites remain the larger, at 2.9 million to blacks 1.5 million.
Maybe the black people here are a little smarter than in other places.
Maybe the black people here are a little smarter than in other places.
Look at Louisiana as far as wages, education, covid statistics etc .... in the bottom 5% of all US states. Republicans aren't doing you folks any good down there. As my dad use to say "that dog just won't hunt". Time to consider other options.

Back when I was a young lad my dad & great Uncle use to rabbit hunt with dogs all the time. My Uncle had some awesome beagles, too. BUT, he had one that kept picking up the scent of foxes and chasing them. My G-Uncle tried a lot of things to change that dog's bad habit, then one day, while we were all hunting, that dog again started chasing the scent of a fox. My G-Uncle raised his shotgun and killed that dog right there. I was speechless. Dad & I returned after the hunt and buried that dog. I stayed in shock for a few days. I think I was around 12-14 at the time.
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You would think so. But in the US, and most other countries, fair skinned blacks who are actually mostly white, are considered black.
There is likely always to be distinct "races", it is evolutionary and sociological advantageous to do that.

Our country might be the ONLY one in the world with such openess of the various "races". The current trend of openess is likely to shift in the other direction at some point in the near future.