Does the size of the dick define if you are a bull or not?


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Real Person
Hey all, have a question that I hope someone can answer. Does the size of the dick define if one is a bull or not? If so, at what size would one be considered as such? Now I may be wrong, but I thought or think, it's not the dick, but the attitude or should I say the personality that does. Meaning, having a dominant/alpha mentality. If I am wrong then please correct me. Now I did look it up, but still want to hear from the massive and crew. That is an island term we use back home to mean everyone lol.
You are so silly. Hey, that skinny dude might want you to pick him up and nurse him lol. But I know what you mean, it is kind of the equivalent of why most women won't date a guy shorter than them. ......unless you are Kevin Hart with tall money haha.
I've never had the height hang up, most men are at least my same height or shorter lol I lost my virginity to a dude that was 5'6.

Most women want to feel like tiny delicate things, I have never been that. I've been almost 6ft since the third grade so finding someone who makes me feel small is unlikely. My hubby is 6ft and built like a strongman but I go toe to toe with him all the time lol
I've never had the height hang up, most men are at least my same height or shorter lol I lost my virginity to a dude that was 5'6.

Most women want to feel like tiny delicate things, I have never been that. I've been almost 6ft since the third grade so finding someone who makes me feel small is unlikely. My hubby is 6ft and built like a strongman but I go toe to toe with him all the time lol
Yeah you definitely would not fit in as a submissive type. That's cool though cuz I like that balance cuz nothing wrong with a good assertive strong woman.
Hey all, have a question that I hope someone can answer. Does the size of the dick define if one is a bull or not? If so, at what size would one be considered as such? Now I may be wrong, but I thought or think, it's not the dick, but the attitude or should I say the personality that does. Meaning, having a dominant/alpha mentality. If I am wrong then please correct me. Now I did look it up, but still want to hear from the massive and crew. That is an island term we use back home to mean everyone lol.
A bull is more defined by his attitude and self confidence than it is by the size of his organ. At least for me I place a high value on my oral skills. As I am somewhat above the Masters and Johnson average a very wet pussy or extra lubrication is needed. A bull needs to know what a woman will respond to and what gives her pleasure. The real power the bull possesses is to take his partner(s) to sensual places she hasn't experienced. Great sex isn't about taking pleaure it is about giving pleasure.
I would say that I am not just my dick size. I am 9 in with thick girth. But I am also 6'2 and muscular I am considered more of a Dom and have been able to do the daddy roleplay. And I think that all of this encompasses demand that I am but even that is just one flavor of the many flavors that I possess. It just depends on what people are in need of or looking for.
Hey all, have a question that I hope someone can answer. Does the size of the dick define if one is a bull or not? If so, at what size would one be considered as such? Now I may be wrong, but I thought or think, it's not the dick, but the attitude or should I say the personality that does. Meaning, having a dominant/alpha mentality. If I am wrong then please correct me. Now I did look it up, but still want to hear from the massive and crew. That is an island term we use back home to mean everyone lol.
We agree with you. The attitude is the important part. We don't look at size. We look only at color: if it is black is better, in any case ;)
Hey all, have a question that I hope someone can answer. Does the size of the dick define if one is a bull or not? If so, at what size would one be considered as such? Now I may be wrong, but I thought or think, it's not the dick, but the attitude or should I say the personality that does. Meaning, having a dominant/alpha mentality. If I am wrong then please correct me. Now I did look it up, but still want to hear from the massive and crew. That is an island term we use back home to mean everyone lol.
For my wife, size isn't necessarily a requirement for play, as we've been in the swinging lifestyle for a long time and she has enjoyed lots of different kinds of play. I can remember a couple of men who she's found handsome, who were respectful and flirtatious and did well with having me present, who turned out not to be packing a magnum size cock. They weren't turned away for it, a good time was had, no regrets, BUT she doesn't think of or refer to them as bulls, and they tend to move on quickly. She's never had to tell somebody he didn't do it for her, I think the decision not to keep it up has been mutual, even when it was fun the first time. The root cause is that there just weren't fireworks, and I think everybody felt that to some extent.

And it's not solely a function of dick size. She's encountered a couple of men who were hung like horses who didn't earn the title of bull either. One was a total teddy bear. Really nice guy, but lacked any of the energy and presence that drives her crazy. He wanted slow, romantic, passionate love making, but she gets plenty of that with me. It's not what she's looking for in a bull, and he wasn't looking for a lady who needs her hair pulled or her ass smacked. The other one was a decent fuck, but didn't really care much about the cuckold dynamic. She enjoyed it, and probably wouldn't rule out playing with him again should their paths cross, but again, he doesn't fit what she's looking for in a "bull."

Not too long ago, there was also a guy who was making decent headway chatting her up, but he lost her interest when he said that what he's looking for is a switch who will Domme and peg him. We wish him luck and think everyone deserves to find what they're looking for, but he's not my wife's idea of a bull.

I guess the stag/vixen crowd use the word bull as well, but for us, it's very specifically someone who fills the single male role in a cuckold dynamic. My wife looks for dominant bulls who want to help her cuckold her husband. Being hung at least noticeably more than I am (and I'm about average) is kind of part of that role, as are stamina, strength, and at least some level of dominance. It's a complete package kind of designation, greater than the sum of its parts.

Despite having experiences we can talk about now, we're not really super high circulation. These experiences have been over many years. Her cukoldress friends think she's picky as hell. She doesn't have time to talk to more than maybe a guy or two at once, and she prefers ones who bring enough chemistry to make it a regular thing, so she'll go long periods without seeing anyone besides me, and often she'll have only one other. That man could be her boyfriend or her bull. Other men have come and gone, at events like Splash Mocha, or failed attempts at finding someone worthy of becoming her bull. I've always liked the way Dr. Dave put it on his Stag's Stable podcast (paraphrasing): "You don't get to decide you're a bull. 'Bull' is a title a couple can choose to give you. You earn it." For us, that's done by making my wife cum more times than she can count in a single session, making her want to submit to you, while having your way with her, right in front of me, her adoring husband. Maybe you can do that without a big dick, but I mean, your odds taper quickly the smaller you are.
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For my wife, size isn't necessarily a requirement for play, as we've been in the swinging lifestyle for a long time and she has enjoyed lots of different kinds of play. I can remember a couple of men who she's found handsome, who were respectful and flirtatious and did well with having me present, who turned out not to be packing a magnum size cock. They weren't turned away for it, a good time was had, no regrets, BUT she doesn't think of or refer to them as bulls, and they tend to move on quickly. She's never had to tell somebody he didn't do it for her, I think the decision not to keep it up has been mutual, even when it was fun the first time. The root cause is that there just weren't fireworks, and I think everybody felt that to some extent.

And it's not solely a function of dick size. She's encountered a couple of men who were hung like horses who didn't earn the title of bull either. One was a total teddy bear. Really nice guy, but lacked any of the energy and presence that drives her crazy. He wanted slow, romantic, passionate love making, but she gets plenty of that with me. It's not what she's looking for in a bull, and he wasn't looking for a lady who needs her hair pulled or her ass smacked. The other one was a decent fuck, but didn't really care much about the cuckold dynamic. She enjoyed it, and probably wouldn't rule out playing with him again should their paths cross, but again, he doesn't fit what she's looking for in a "bull."

Not too long ago, there was also guy was making decent headway chatting her up, and lost her interest when he said that what he's looking for is a switch who will Domme and peg him. We wish him luck and think everyone deserves to find what they're looking for, but he's not my wife's idea of a bull.

I guess the stag/vixen crowd use the word bull as well, but for us, it's very specifically someone who fills the single male role in a cuckold dynamic. My wife looks for dominant bulls who want to help her cuckold her husband. Being hung at least noticeably more than I am (and I'm about average) is kind of part of that role, as are stamina, strength, and at least some level of dominance. It's a complete package kind of designation, greater than the sum of its parts.

Despite having experiences we can talk about now, we're not really super high circulation. These experiences have been over many years. Her cukoldress friends think she's picky as hell. She doesn't have time to talk to more than maybe a guy or two at once, and she prefers ones who bring enough chemistry to make it a regular thing, so she'll go long periods without seeing anyone besides me, and often she'll have only one other. That man is her bull. Other men have come and gone, at events like Splash Mocha, or failed attempts at finding someone worthy of becoming her bull. I've always liked the way Dr. Dave put it on his Stag's Stable podcast (paraphrasing): "You don't get to decide you're a bull. 'Bull' is a title a couple can choose to give you. You earn it." For us, that's done by making my wife cum more times than she can count in a single session, making her want to submit to you, while having your way with her, right in front of me, her adoring husband. Maybe you can do that without a big dick, but I mean, your odds taper quickly the smaller you are.
When I read this post there's so much of it I agree with and actually there's none that I disagree wjth come to think of it. Because it shows that there's some versatility in being a true bull. And again, it can come down to the so-called eyes of the beholder or the pussy holder lol. But the bottom line is, as you expressed and your wife expects, there has to be a full package no pun intended. And as I've already expressed, I know I'm not the largest guy or that big but at the end of the day I'm so comfortable with myself and my personality and confidence I use that as part of my toolkit. Even in my everyday life I bring a certain level of dominance and I'm not saying this to pat myself on the back. I'm saying it because even when I was in military, people would come up to me and express that. I've had people say I walk around like my ******* don't stink and maybe so, but because I knew that my ******* was on point. As an example, I elevated to six ranks in 6 years in the army. At the level that I was at at that point based on army standards, it should take 9 years. And it's not about me bragging I'm just trying to make the point that I always took charge of my life and whatever I was doing. Even now when I am on a conference call for work I have to sometimes check myself because I tend to take charge even when I'm not the one in charge lol. But anyway I digress, I wish you and your wife continued success and good ventures in this journey.
Because it shows that there's some versatility in being a true bull. And again, it can come down to the so-called eyes of the beholder or the pussy holder lol. But the bottom line is, as you expressed and your wife expects, there has to be a full package no pun intended. And as I've already expressed, I know I'm not the largest guy or that big but at the end of the day I'm so comfortable with myself and my personality and confidence I use that as part of my toolkit.
Same page, for sure. For us, attraction and desire are complex and nuanced. Things aren't always as cut-and-dry as "the bigger the better." Yes, my wife enjoys big cock, but she enjoys a lot of things. We aren't looking for a huge cock attached to a disrespectful or boring partner, and my wife has had plenty of fun with men who were endowed maybe only slightly above average, but who understood how to arouse her and still stepped up to the plate where it counted.

Even in my everyday life I bring a certain level of dominance and I'm not saying this to pat myself on the back. I'm saying it because even when I was in military, people would come up to me and express that. I've had people say I walk around like my ******* don't stink and maybe so, but because I knew that my ******* was on point. As an example, I elevated to six ranks in 6 years in the army. At the level that I was at at that point based on army standards, it should take 9 years. And it's not about me bragging I'm just trying to make the point that I always took charge of my life and whatever I was doing. Even now when I am on a conference call for work I have to sometimes check myself because I tend to take charge even when I'm not the one in charge lol.
For sure! There's definitely a reason for recognizing different personality types. As much as the word can become a bit of a cliché, "alpha" personalities do have an unmistakable allure to my wife when it comes to power play, and there has to be some authenticity to it. I don't think a person can say "I can be alpha," generally speaking. There may be exceptions, and a person can decide to make an effort to be more confident and assertive, for example, but for the most part, I think you either do or do not have an alpha personality naturally.

But anyway I digress, I wish you and your wife continued success and good ventures in this journey.
Thank you, that's very nice of you. We wish you the same!
Hey all, have a question that I hope someone can answer. Does the size of the dick define if one is a bull or not? If so, at what size would one be considered as such? Now I may be wrong, but I thought or think, it's not the dick, but the attitude or should I say the personality that does. Meaning, having a dominant/alpha mentality. If I am wrong then please correct me. Now I did look it up, but still want to hear from the massive and crew. That is an island term we use back home to mean everyone lol.
Larger is nice, but a relative thing.
A confident, relaxed and sincere manner goes much farther than just a big ol' hard-on.
Say what you mean, mean what you say and deliver.
I think dick size is what makes an Alpha-male. Confidence comes from dick size. If a 6' 5" man had a 3' cock, sure he could be strong, tough, fearless, but a bull, no. Being a bull is attitude, and the attitude comes from dick size. Yes a guy with a 6" cock can be a good lover, but not compete with a guy 8-9 fat inches, he would be intimidated, while the 8-9 inch guy would feel power. Bulls don't even need to show power, yet its given to them.
I think dick size is what makes an Alpha-male. Confidence comes from dick size. If a 6' 5" man had a 3' cock, sure he could be strong, tough, fearless, but a bull, no.
Really? Three feet of dick is too small to be a bull? 😉

Being a bull is attitude, and the attitude comes from dick size.
Amongst other places, yes. My wife definitely gravitates toward men with "big dick energy," but if you know how to be a good lover, have a ton of stamina, respond well to a woman's cues and can get give her what she desires, you don't necessarily have to be huge to exude that kind of attitude. A track record of solid performances and a wake of happy, satisfied lovers can absolutely be a similar source of confidence as a 9" dick. My wife has definitely experienced disappointing encounters with men with huge cocks and enjoyed being with bulls who were only slightly above average. She prefers bigger, but dick size is absolutely not guaranteed to be directly proportional to the amount of fun she will have with someone. There are many other factors as well.
Yes a guy with a 6" cock can be a good lover, but not compete with a guy 8-9 fat inches, he would be intimidated, while the 8-9 inch guy would feel power.
Intimidated by whom? Do you imagine people pick bulls out of a lineup? If a confident dude with a 6-7" cock is never around a dude with a 9" cock, who is going to intimidate him?
Bulls don't even need to show power, yet its given to them.
Absolutely false. My wife is dominant in our relationship, so outside of it, she looks for dominant men, who make her want to be submissive. She doesn't fall into that role with a man who doesn't command that kind of behavior. The guy with the biggest dick she has ever experienced did not have power "given to him." He fucked her and it was good, but he was far from the highest level of bull energy she's had. There simply wasn't the kind of mental connection and responsiveness she has had from those who did well enough to be invited back for repeat encounters.
Dick size does not the man make. Making wifey cum hard each and every time is what counts. Taking the time to explore and discover what she likes the most. Exploiting it. Literally, driving her up the wall. A bull is the man she cannot keep thinking about. who she cannot wait to be with again.