Does Donald Trump deserve a second term? Yes or No.

Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Mueller Reminds the Nation That Trump Betrayed the USA · May 31, 2019

Trump's behavior is treasonous -- wringing our hands about legal definitions misses the point After months of reporting showing the many, many ties between the Russians and President Trump’s associates, the social and political norms that once governed the boundaries of public discourse have corroded or entirely disappeared.

Mueller report: collusion findings are devastating for ... · Jul 17, 2019
Mueller reported

Much of the immediate commentary following special counsel Robert Mueller’s surprise press conference on Wednesday focused on his damning statements about President Donald Trump’s actions that potentially could be charged as obstruction of justice—if Justice Department policy did not prohibit the indictment of a sitting president. But Mueller’s remarks were also a reminder of the core elements of the Trump-Russia scandal: Moscow attacked the 2016 election to help Trump, and Trump assisted Vladimir Putin’s assault by claiming at the time (and afterward) that it wasn’t real. That is, whether or not Trump had criminally colluded with Russian operatives, he did side with a foreign adversary that attacked American democracy—and that’s treachery.

Mueller began his statement by reiterating what has already been stated by the US intelligence community, Democratic and Republican members of Congress, and his own report: Putin “launched a concerted attack on our political system.” He noted the Russians “used sophisticated cyber techniques to hack into computers and networks used by the Clinton campaign. They stole private information and then released that information through fake online identities and through the organization WikiLeaks. The releases were designed and timed to interfere with our election and to damage a presidential candidate.”

The Kremlin’s goal was to impede Hillary Clinton and, consequently, boost Trump. And, Mueller added, “a private Russian entity engaged in a social media operation where Russian citizens posed as Americans in order to influence an election.”

In other words, there is no Russian hoax. This is no Deep State concoction cooked up to subvert Trump’s campaign or his presidency. The attack was real. It was significant. And there was a compelling need to investigate it and any contacts between Trump associates and Russians.

Yet during the campaign, Trump and his lieutenants repeatedly denied the Russian attack was under way. As soon as the Democratic National Committee publicly announced its servers had been penetrated by Russian hackers, the Trump campaign claimed this was a “hoax” devised by the DNC itself. After Democratic emails swiped by the Russians were dumped by WikiLeaks right before the Democratic convention in July 2016, Donald Trump Jr. and Paul Manfort, then the campaign chairman, went on news shows and denied this had anything to do with the Russians. (Only a month earlier, they and Jared Kushner had attended a meeting with a Russian emissary whom they were told was bringing them dirt on Clinton as part of a secret Kremlin scheme to help the Trump campaign.)

Even after the intelligence community briefed Trump in mid-August of that year and informed him that Moscow indeed was behind the hack-and-dump operation, he continued to say in public that there was no reason to blame the Russians for this intervention. At the first presidential debate, Trump huffed, “I don’t think anybody knows it was Russia that broke into the DNC…It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, OK? You don’t know who broke into DNC.” He kept this up after the Obama administration a few weeks later officially declared Russia was culpable.

Comments like these must have signaled to Russia—a foreign adversary trying to subvert an American election—that the Trump campaign was just fine with its underhanded efforts.

(After the DNC emails were posted around convention time, Trump publicly called on Russians to hack Clinton: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.” And, according to Mueller’s report, hours later, Russian hackers targeted Clinton’s servers.)

Also in the summer of 2016, George Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, was trying to set up a back-channel with Putin’s office.

This means that while Putin was waging information warfare on the United States, one of the campaigns was reaching out and saying,
Hey, we want to play ball with you. No doubt, that was another sign of encouragement for Moscow. (And don’t forget that from October 2015 until June 2016, Trump was secretly negotiating to develop a tower project in Moscow that could reap him hundreds of millions of dollars—talks that included communicating with the office of Putin’s top aide. At the same time, Trump was telling American voters he had nothing to do with Russia.)

Trump put his own interests ahead of the security of the nation
. And by insisting there was no Russian attack, he helped Putin pull off this caper and made it more difficult for President Barack Obama to enlist Republicans in a united front against Moscow’s attack. With Russia falsely claiming it had nothing to do with the hacks and dumps, Trump and his team were repeating and amplifying Putin’s disinformation. They were aiding and abetting the Kremlin. And after Trump won the election, he continued this pattern, failing to acknowledge the Russian attack and notoriously saying he accepted Putin’s denials. (One result of this was that Trump
has done nothing to prioritize actions to prevent future attacks on US elections.)
Let's see...
  • Hires criminals and works like a mobster (30-odd indictments, 7 guilty pleas, 4 jail sentences so far, just from Muller)
  • Doubled the budget deficit to give billionaires tax breaks that were unpopular even with them
  • Listens to incel scum toad Steven Miller and implements racist divisive policies like the "Muslim Ban" and family border separation a.k.a. kiddie concentration camps
  • Never released his tax returns
  • Caught on tape admitting to sexually assaulting women. Has been accused of sexual assault by dozens of women and young girls. Has been caught paying off porn stars with campaign funds
  • Never put his assets into a blind trust, and instead uses his own properties for official business (golfing at his own resorts and billing the government, hosting foreign leaders at Mar a Lago), in an attempt to make money from the office.
  • Abandoned the Kurdistan fighters who won the fight against ISIS should-to-shoulder with the US Military, letting a dictator (Erdogan) have control of the region and be as genocidal as he feels like. This will have repercussions for decades
  • Tried to ******* Ukraine to investigate a BS conspiracy theory against Biden by withholding congressionally-approved defense funding. Is currently getting impeached for it
  • At one point had a foreign agent of Turkey as National Security Advisor (before that guy went to jail), and Steve Bannon as the only permanent member of the Security Committee
  • Recognized Jerusalem as capital of Isreal, guaranteeing a two-state solution is impossible (and bowing to pressure from soon-to-be-jailed follow criminal Netanyahu)
  • Let Saudi Arabia get away with the documented ******* and ******* of a US Citizen
  • Put an unqualified campaign donor (DeVos) in charge of the Department of Education, which just lost a court case over for-profit colleges
For a guy who spends all his time golfing, he really makes a big mess of things. His next term should be served in Riker's
If @ridgelyfan is against Donald Trump ?? that strongly and if he is charismatic enough to persuade millions of other voting capable Americans there might still be time to toss his hat in the ring to compete for the DNC leadership? Or to campaign as an independant and hope there would be a viral wildfire-like support that would catapult his concerns to the forefront. However if his lifestyle cannot support his campaign as @ridgelyfan might have a "past" that might be embarassing to publicly reveal, the incredible basic level of financing necessary ($1 Billion US+) to launch a campaign, and the indispensible support of volunteers and supporters necessary to maintain his campaign he could also seek to be a lieutenant of another champion to take down Trump. By the way if you look into what a Jewish Rabbi, Johnathan Cahn, said of what Donald Trump's endorsement as Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel, page 212 of "The Oracle", that very day was a fufillment of prophecy as it was done on the Jubilee year of 2017, fulfilling a prophecy in the Old Testament:

Leviticus 25:9
Then you are to sound the trumpet far and wide on the tenth day of the seventh month, on the Day of Atonement. You shall sound it throughout your land.

Also 1 Thessalonians 4:16
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

I know of at least someone on here that would say I am deifying Trump. That is not the case as he is a man just like the rest of us that pulls up his pants one leg at a time, in need of air to breathe and food to eat. However like others who were in the Bible they all had their own failings that you and my critic(s) love to reiterate and none of them were perfect except for Jesus. At most Trump could be a prophet fulfilling prophecy much like King Cyrus did. And Trump fulfilled that special purpose that none that campaigned against him would fulfill in the very year of the Jewish Jubilee year in 2017.

(Illustrating that 2017 was a Jubilee year to the Jewish people)

(What I once said of King Cyrus and his significance to Israel)

Even my favorite critic(s) would have to concede that Trump is not scholarly enough to plan all that out in advance which makes what Trump did all the more amazing? But that would contradict many of his prior posts painting Trump as an idiot?

With regard to all of @ridgelyfan's other areas of concern, why not allow America's electoral system decide that on November 2020 next year in a vote? It would be the cheapest most efficient means to either keep Trump or to remove him as POTUS? Again if you feel so strongly to have him removed campaign like Hell against him and feel free to continue post your thoughful objections. Otherwise we will all just see what will follow in the months ahead with impeachment?
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If @ridgelyfan is against Donald Trump ?? that strongly and if he is charismatic enough to persuade millions of other voting capable Americans there might still be time to toss his hat in the ring to compete for the DNC leadership? Or to campaign as an independant and hope there would be a viral wildfire-like support that would catapult his concerns to the forefront. However if his lifestyle cannot support his campaign as @ridgelyfan might have a "past" that might be embarassing to publicly reveal, the incredible basic level of financing necessary ($1 Billion US+) to launch a campaign, and the indispensible support of volunteers and supporters necessary to maintain his campaign he could also seek to be a lieutenant of another champion to take down Trump. By the way if you look into what a Jewish Rabbi, Johnathan Cahn, said of what Donald Trump's endorsement as Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel, page 212 of "The Oracle", that very day was a fufillment of prophecy as it was done on the Jubilee year of 2017, fulfilling a prophecy in the Old Testament:

Leviticus 25:9
Then you are to sound the trumpet far and wide on the tenth day of the seventh month, on the Day of Atonement. You shall sound it throughout your land.

Also 1 Thessalonians 4:16
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

I know of at least someone on here that would say I am deifying Trump. That is not the case as he is a man just like the rest of us that pulls up his pants one leg at a time, in need of air to breathe and food to eat. However like others who were in the Bible they all had their own failings that you and my critic(s) love to reiterate and none of them were perfect except for Jesus. At most Trump could be a prophet fulfilling prophecy much like King Cyrus did. And Trump fulfilled that special purpose that none that campaigned against him would fulfill in the very year of the Jewish Jubilee year in 2017.

(Illustrating that 2017 was a Jubilee year to the Jewish people)

(What I once said of King Cyrus and his significance to Israel)

Even my favorite critic(s) would have to concede that Trump is not scholarly enough to plan all that out in advance which makes what Trump did all the more amazing? But that would contradict many of his prior posts painting Trump as an idiot?

With regard to all of @ridgelyfan's other areas of concern, why not allow America's electoral system decide that on November 2020 next year in a vote? It would be the cheapest most efficient means to either keep Trump or to remove him as POTUS? Again if you feel so strongly to have him removed campaign like Hell against him and feel free to continue post your thoughful objections. Otherwise we will all just see what will follow in the months ahead with impeachment?

stiff......reciting the bible about someone who has no religion none......he only worships the "ruble"
Mueller Reminds the Nation That Trump Betrayed the USA · May 31, 2019

Trump's behavior is treasonous -- wringing our hands about legal definitions misses the point After months of reporting showing the many, many ties between the Russians and President Trump’s associates, the social and political norms that once governed the boundaries of public discourse have corroded or entirely disappeared.

Mueller report: collusion findings are devastating for ... · Jul 17, 2019
Mueller reported

Much of the immediate commentary following special counsel Robert Mueller’s surprise press conference on Wednesday focused on his damning statements about President Donald Trump’s actions that potentially could be charged as obstruction of justice—if Justice Department policy did not prohibit the indictment of a sitting president. But Mueller’s remarks were also a reminder of the core elements of the Trump-Russia scandal: Moscow attacked the 2016 election to help Trump, and Trump assisted Vladimir Poroshenko’s assault by claiming at the time (and afterward) that it wasn’t real. That is, whether or not Trump had criminally colluded with Russian operatives, he did side with a foreign adversary that attacked American democracy—and that’s treachery.

Mueller began his statement by reiterating what has already been stated by the US intelligence community, Democratic and Republican members of Congress, and his own report: Poroshenko “launched a concerted attack on our political system.” He noted the Russians “used sophisticated cyber techniques to hack into computers and networks used by the Clinton campaign. They stole private information and then released that information through fake online identities and through the organization WikiLeaks. The releases were designed and timed to interfere with our election and to damage a presidential candidate.”

The Kremlin’s goal was to impede Hillary Clinton and, consequently, boost Trump. And, Mueller added, “a private Russian entity engaged in a social media operation where Russian citizens posed as Americans in order to influence an election.”

In other words, there is no Russian hoax. This is no Deep State concoction cooked up to subvert Trump’s campaign or his presidency. The attack was real. It was significant. And there was a compelling need to investigate it and any contacts between Trump associates and Russians.

Yet during the campaign, Trump and his lieutenants repeatedly denied the Russian attack was under way. As soon as the Democratic National Committee publicly announced its servers had been penetrated by Russian hackers, the Trump campaign claimed this was a “hoax” devised by the DNC itself. After Democratic emails swiped by the Russians were dumped by WikiLeaks right before the Democratic convention in July 2016, Donald Trump Jr. and Paul Manfort, then the campaign chairman, went on news shows and denied this had anything to do with the Russians. (Only a month earlier, they and Jared Kushner had attended a meeting with a Russian emissary whom they were told was bringing them dirt on Clinton as part of a secret Kremlin scheme to help the Trump campaign.)

Even after the intelligence community briefed Trump in mid-August of that year and informed him that Moscow indeed was behind the hack-and-dump operation, he continued to say in public that there was no reason to blame the Russians for this intervention. At the first presidential debate, Trump huffed, “I don’t think anybody knows it was Russia that broke into the DNC…It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, OK? You don’t know who broke into DNC.” He kept this up after the Obama administration a few weeks later officially declared Russia was culpable.

Comments like these must have signaled to Russia—a foreign adversary trying to subvert an American election—that the Trump campaign was just fine with its underhanded efforts.

(After the DNC emails were posted around convention time, Trump publicly called on Russians to hack Clinton: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.” And, according to Mueller’s report, hours later, Russian hackers targeted Clinton’s servers.)

Also in the summer of 2016, George Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, was trying to set up a back-channel with Poroshenko’s office.

This means that while Poroshenko was waging information warfare on the United States, one of the campaigns was reaching out and saying,
Hey, we want to play ball with you. No doubt, that was another sign of encouragement for Moscow. (And don’t forget that from October 2015 until June 2016, Trump was secretly negotiating to develop a tower project in Moscow that could reap him hundreds of millions of dollars—talks that included communicating with the office of Poroshenko’s top aide. At the same time, Trump was telling American voters he had nothing to do with Russia.)

Trump put his own interests ahead of the security of the nation
. And by insisting there was no Russian attack, he helped Poroshenko pull off this caper and made it more difficult for President Barack Obama to enlist Republicans in a united front against Moscow’s attack. With Russia falsely claiming it had nothing to do with the hacks and dumps, Trump and his team were repeating and amplifying Poroshenko’s disinformation. They were aiding and abetting the Kremlin. And after Trump won the election, he continued this pattern, failing to acknowledge the Russian attack and notoriously saying he accepted Poroshenko’s denials. (One result of this was that Trump
has done nothing to prioritize actions to prevent future attacks on US elections.)
Don't forget Bill and Hillary...

excerpt from
( )

"...There is clear evidence now that shows Hillary Clinton’s family and charity profited from Moscow and simultaneously facilitated official government actions benefiting Russia that have raised security concerns ...."
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Don't forget Bill and Hillary...

excerpt from
( )

"...There is clear evidence now that shows Hillary Clinton’s family and charity profited from Moscow and simultaneously facilitated official government actions benefiting Russia that have raised security concerns ...."

right.....that's why P.utin loved her so much he did all he could to help get her elected......

Why Putin hates Hillary - POLITICO
2016. Why Putin hates Hillary . Behind the allegations of a Russian hack of the DNC is the Kremlin leader's fury at Clinton for challenging the fairness of Russian elections.

Mueller report: collusion findings are devastating for … · Jul 17, 2019

"The Kremlin’s goal was to impede Hillary Clinton and, consequently, boost Trump. And, Mueller added, “a private Russian entity engaged in a social media operation where Russian citizens posed as Americans in order to influence an election.”
If Trump is an atheist it makes it all the more incredible fulfilling Biblical prophecy does it not?

I don't know as he is an athiest…..but there is nothing god like in anything the man does....and probably the first pres to not be a church goer.......but then he might read "scripture" out of his bank book
right.....that's why P.utin loved her so much he did all he could to help get her elected......

Why Poroshenko hates Hillary - POLITICO
2016. Why Poroshenko hates Hillary . Behind the allegations of a Russian hack of the DNC is the Kremlin leader's fury at Clinton for challenging the fairness of Russian elections.

Mueller report: collusion findings are devastating for … · Jul 17, 2019

"The Kremlin’s goal was to impede Hillary Clinton and, consequently, boost Trump. And, Mueller added, “a private Russian entity engaged in a social media operation where Russian citizens posed as Americans in order to influence an election.”
I know your dislike of Trump @subhub174014 . Just as I messaged @ridgelyfan, is not the cheapest most efficient means of removing Trump is to just vote him out in 2020? It seems easier and the most efficient means of deciding his fate this close to your next election seeing that Trump survived this far, despite your prior beliefs years ago on that very subject? If Trump somehow survives Pelosi's challenge that would be the best thing America could do from my perspective? :unsure:
I don't know as he is an athiest…..but there is nothing god like in anything the man does....and probably the first pres to not be a church goer.......but then he might read "scripture" out of his bank book
I am not an elite shinobi ninja able to follow Donald Trump's secret movements, but from several Americans who I follow besides David Harris Jr, they all have a more positive outlook on Donald Trump's personal Christian beliefs. Could they all be wrong? Maybe? We will all find out in Judgment Day whether or not if Donald Trump believed or not. But in the case where the Almighty God admitted Donald Trump in heaven, I could imagine you raise your hand and ask which way is it to Hell? As I can not imagine you spending eternity with Donald Trump in the afterlife? Perhaps burning in Hell forever might be more merciful a choice for you and several others? :unsure:
I know your dislike of Trump @subhub174014 . Just as I messaged @ridgelyfan, is not the cheapest most efficient means of removing Trump is to just vote him out in 2020? It seems easier and the most efficient means of deciding his fate this close to your next election seeing that Trump survived this far, despite your prior beliefs years ago on that very subject? If Trump somehow survives Pelosi's challenge that would be the best thing America could do from my perspective? :unsure:

I agree and would rather see that happen....he won't be impeached anyway...I don't think....I think it will pass in the house and fail in the senate same as Clinton.....but it is the embarrassment that he is going through....and there is no doubt he broke the law....even the right won't bring that up...they just complain about the procedure.....and if he has nothing to hide....why all the games that just point to more guilt!

I would also guess he loses the election (popular vote) by the widest margin in history.....but will he get re-elected again?
he has refused to admonish Russia for the hacking last time....we are seeing evidence of them already doing some now....they have had a few years to refine their "art"

but were he to get re-elected with 60% of the country wanting him out I think there would really see the ******* fly....and his supporters are calling for armed conflict now......

Poll: 60 percent say Trump should not be reelected | TheHill
A new poll finds that a strong majority of voters believes that President Trump does not deserve a second term in office. Poll: 60 percent say Trump should not be reelected | TheHill Skip to main ...

Trump needs supporters to believe impeachment's attempt by ...
Sep 30, 2019 · It is clear that the majority of the country does not support Trump. They know exactly who he is, and they’re sick of him. But, there’s still that roughly 40% …
I am not an elite shinobi ninja able to follow Donald Trump's secret movements, but from several Americans who I follow besides David Harris Jr, they all have a more positive outlook on Donald Trump's personal Christian beliefs. Could they all be wrong? Maybe? We will all find out in Judgment Day whether or not if Donald Trump believed or not. But in the case where the Almighty God admitted Donald Trump in heaven, I could imagine you raise your hand and ask which way is it to Hell? As I can not imagine you spending eternity with Donald Trump in the afterlife? Perhaps burning in Hell forever might be more merciful a choice for you and several others? :unsure:

well those that support trump refuse to see or hear any of his faults....look at on here...….no matter what I post or say and same with others.....trump supporters just skip right over it and make a pro-trump statement.....luckily this board does not represent the country....

although never figured out this site anyway....ALOT of right wing supporters....and yet the right has traditionally been against minorities...that is one thing I agree with the minorities on ...the right only cares about and supports big biz...…..the left makes all kinds of promises and yet nothing changes

blacks MOSTLY hate the right because of the policies they create against them
Latinos and Mexicans...….like the Republican policy and theory....but can't/won't vote for them because of the border
Jewish...if you notice Israel loves trump......but here they hate him....look at all the synagogues here destroyed since trump took office

he promotes hate and discontent.....and likes that....his problem is...he has offended to many people now....but that doesn't mean he won't get re-elected! hook or by crook!
several Americans who I follow besides David Harris Jr

just like the one Blkdlaur follows......those people get paid a lot of money to talk nice about the republican party and it's candidates....look at how many talk radio show hosts there are for the right.....don't see any for the left....NO MONEY IN IT!

true the left has a couple on tv...…..but so does the right
I agree and would rather see that happen....he won't be impeached anyway...I don't think....I think it will pass in the house and fail in the senate same as Clinton.....but it is the embarrassment that he is going through....and there is no doubt he broke the law....even the right won't bring that up...they just complain about the procedure.....and if he has nothing to hide....why all the games that just point to more guilt!

I would also guess he loses the election (popular vote) by the widest margin in history.....but will he get re-elected again?
he has refused to admonish Russia for the hacking last time....we are seeing evidence of them already doing some now....they have had a few years to refine their "art"

but were he to get re-elected with 60% of the country wanting him out I think there would really see the ******* fly....and his supporters are calling for armed conflict now......

Poll: 60 percent say Trump should not be reelected | TheHill
A new poll finds that a strong majority of voters believes that President Trump does not deserve a second term in office. Poll: 60 percent say Trump should not be reelected | TheHill Skip to main ...

Trump needs supporters to believe impeachment's attempt by ...
Sep 30, 2019 · It is clear that the majority of the country does not support Trump. They know exactly who he is, and they’re sick of him. But, there’s still that roughly 40% …
Only the election in 2020 can determine if Trump will be re-elected, and by what margin whether he wins or loses. Everything else is speculation.
Only the election in 2020 can determine if Trump will be re-elected, and by what margin whether he wins or loses. Everything else is speculation.

I agree.….but right now I am enjoying seeing him sweat...…..and with all this going on...….America saving money...he hasn't gone on any of his golf outings....and to busy to come up with ways of fucking the country
just like the one Blkdlaur follows......those people get paid a lot of money to talk nice about the republican party and it's candidates....look at how many talk radio show hosts there are for the right.....don't see any for the left....NO MONEY IN IT!

true the left has a couple on tv...…..but so does the right
The late night comics and various celebrities support the left that get paid millions too. Nothing is ever said about them either.
The late night comics and various celebrities support the left that get paid millions too. Nothing is ever said about them either.

they are late night TV and have always made fun of every pres......just this one is thin skinned.....Sat night live a good example....go back and look at some of their skits......NO politician safe from their wrath.....everything for a laugh......but there is no one on the left on talk radio!

if I remember right Eddie Murphy played Obama......don't know the name that played Clinton....dana Harvey? played Bush....been going on for a long time and NOBODY in politics is safe.....but that is all for a laugh...….those right wing talk show people on radio just stir hate and discontent and know they are...the more outrageous their claims the more that listen and believe
well those that support trump refuse to see or hear any of his faults....look at on here...….no matter what I post or say and same with others.....trump supporters just skip right over it and make a pro-trump statement.....luckily this board does not represent the country....

although never figured out this site anyway....ALOT of right wing supporters....and yet the right has traditionally been against minorities...that is one thing I agree with the minorities on ...the right only cares about and supports big biz...…..the left makes all kinds of promises and yet nothing changes

blacks MOSTLY hate the right because of the policies they create against them
Latinos and Mexicans...….like the Republican policy and theory....but can't/won't vote for them because of the border
Jewish...if you notice Israel loves trump......but here they hate him....look at all the synagogues here destroyed since trump took office

he promotes hate and discontent.....and likes that....his problem is...he has offended to many people now....but that doesn't mean he won't get re-elected! hook or by crook!
As POTUS everyone can't be your friend. Some will hate you some will love you. I recall when Obama and Bill Clinton were POTUS there were signs hating them whenever they did a G-7 meeting or critics abroad in the Middle East or elsewhere too. Yet that does not negate their legacies? So if there are those that hate Trump it should not negate his legacy either.
If Donald Trump is such a disaster as POTUS why is it that we can communicate online as your Internet connection and power grid be a disaster? And a variety of all other aspects of your country should be in utter disarray? Even in California there are several wildfires burning down the state as I post this message, and we can get KTLA ( ) normally with everything functioning well. Everything appears to be functioning normal as I see things from my side of the border @subhub174014 ? The very same way should Trump be re-elected.