Does Donald Trump deserve a second term? Yes or No.

Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
your facts are fantasize

only to those to stupid to open their eyes.....and refuse to believe what is presented to them....

you don't think all of trumps people on his campaign with Russian connections just a bit odd?.....

his "private" phone calls with p.utin?....

his denying any involvement with Russia while trying get the rights to build a tower there....

his sudden move to stop any aid to Ven. because Russia moved in...and now Syria...…

sure nothing proved...…...but they couldn't get Al Capone either on racketeering instead got him on taxes...…...

John Bolton made a statement a while back that Rudy G was a time bomb....going to take the whole place down with him...…..and it is getting to that point!

with you guys it is like saying it is never dark outside because you have a flashlight.....sooner or later the batteries go dead!
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You are fed propaganda and believe it as truth . I give you contradicting evidence i see and you dismiss it you live in fantasy land

wrong ....I give you links to different site stating the could look up also....but get your info from a known right wing source that....just like Hannity and Carlson and Limbaugh and a few others make money feeding idiots ******* to keep the pot buy into it because you want to believe....not that it is could type in anything I post in your search engine and come up with the same thing from a variety of sources....but you don't...instead you only want to go to the conservative ones...if they don't have it...must be fake...or if they do have something on is far from facts but what you WANT to believe
The “facts” we see are that for over 2 years your sources told us our President was involved with Russia - hell you still believe that drivel - so obviously their brainwashing worked - at least with those that WANT to believe it. We see it was and is horseshite.
Since election night the left has tried one ploy after another to undo the 2016 election.

We SEE the truth and resent those - like yourself - that don’t - are obviously brainwashed by the biased media - AND push their agenda.
Let's see...
  • Hires criminals and works like a mobster (30-odd indictments, 7 guilty pleas, 4 jail sentences so far, just from Muller)
  • Doubled the budget deficit to give billionaires tax breaks that were unpopular even with them
  • Listens to incel scum toad Steven Miller and implements racist divisive policies like the "Muslim Ban" and family border separation a.k.a. kiddie concentration camps
  • Never released his tax returns
  • Caught on tape admitting to sexually assaulting women. Has been accused of sexual assault by dozens of women and young girls. Has been caught paying off porn stars with campaign funds
  • Never put his assets into a blind trust, and instead uses his own properties for official business (golfing at his own resorts and billing the government, hosting foreign leaders at Mar a Lago), in an attempt to make money from the office.
  • Abandoned the Kurdistan fighters who won the fight against ISIS should-to-shoulder with the US Military, letting a dictator (Erdogan) have control of the region and be as genocidal as he feels like. This will have repercussions for decades
  • Tried to ******* Ukraine to investigate a BS conspiracy theory against Biden by withholding congressionally-approved defense funding. Is currently getting impeached for it
  • At one point had a foreign agent of Turkey as National Security Advisor (before that guy went to jail), and Steve Bannon as the only permanent member of the Security Committee
  • Recognized Jerusalem as capital of Isreal, guaranteeing a two-state solution is impossible (and bowing to pressure from soon-to-be-jailed follow criminal Netanyahu)
  • Let Saudi Arabia get away with the documented ******* and ******* of a US Citizen
  • Put an unqualified campaign donor (DeVos) in charge of the Department of Education, which just lost a court case over for-profit colleges
For a guy who spends all his time golfing, he really makes a big mess of things. His next term should be served in Riker's
Nice compilation of Dem talking points - we’ll see what 2020 brings - I sure hope it isn’t one of your Dem bozos that are running.

A lot of them are also Republican talking points (even Graham was upset that we abandoned the Kurds). I think the typical Trump supporter line is to call Republican politicians "Never-Trumpers" if they try to hold Trump accountable for anything or disagree with them.

I'm a little concerned about the cult of personality that's built up around this guy. I know the US is really heavy into "us" vs "them" on politics right now (I often peek into Breitbart comment sections where I see people holding fantasies about a "civil war" where they get to shoot liberals and minorities). I definitely see this as a failure of the left to reach out to people who are getting screwed by the current system.

From your perspective though -- is Trump really that infallible? Saying "Trump is better than Clinton" I can get. A lot of people on the left did not like Clinton, and Trump was a wildcard. Saying "Trump can do no wrong" or "anything trying to hold Trump to any standard at all is just a talking point" seems a bit far though doesn't it? He's not Jesus, he's a reality TV star with a sketchy past and no previous political experience...
I was not a fan of what transpired in Syria either - although I think the President has recovered somewhat now.

People should support the President not constantly try to pull him down.

I am sick to death of biased leftwing reporting and an out of control Democrat Party that has tried to subvert this President since election night.

Guess people that support the President are just getting touchy because of 3 years of constant attacks by the media - the Democrat Party - and brainwashed people believing their horseshite.
People should support the President not constantly try to pull him down.

I am sick to death of biased leftwing reporting and an out of control Democrat Party that has tried to subvert this President since election night.

Guess people that support the President are just getting touchy because of 3 years of constant attacks by the media - the Democrat Party - and brainwashed people believing their horseshite.

I mean this is the job he signed up for. It's not all sunshine and rainbows. You also get death threats, you get a lot of people who disagree with you politically, and you get people who go after you personally.

Obama had to deal with a bunch of people (including Trump) saying he was a secret Muslim Kenyan who was taking all their guns. Bush had to deal with the fact that he was a war criminal and everyone knew it. Clinton had to deal with the fact that he had oral sex with a staffer, and also a bunch of conspiracy theories about an old real estate thing of his that got him an impeachment trial.

The media is always "biased" because they need something to report. It doesn't mean what they're saying is always right, but it also doesn't mean that what they're saying is always wrong.

edit: I actually don't know if the Whitewater thing is a conspiracy, some of it might be true. The Clintons are sketchy as heck, which IMO is one of the main reasons Trump is president right now
Never have I seen anything like what this President has had to deal with.

After 2 years of the media and Dems telling us he was a - Russian agent - Russian plant - compromised by P u t i n - colluded with Russia 24 / 7 and all of it essentially untrue - I have NO respect for the media or Democrat party.

Now they’re both starting it all up again with Ukraine - I really believe the American public is now fed up with them and they have lost ALL of their credibility.
I agree the Russia thing was overblown (though piss tape would have been hilarious). People on the left (not centrists or liberals) were also rolling their eyes at that.

That said, the Muller investigation did yield 4 prison sentences just so far for people in the White House or on Trump's campaign.

And the Ukraine thing is a real big deal (hence impeachment). You can't withhold congressional defense appropriations to pressure foreign leaders into following your whims to score points on a political campaign. I honestly think Trump didn't know that what he was doing was illegal, because he fired just about everyone that would try to keep him in check (replacing Kelly with Mulvaney, who is an obsequious yes-man)

edit: just saw this Politico article, which is a great little microcosm of how Trump is continually misled into making the worst possible decisions by the idiots he surrounds himself with:

he was instructed “at the last second” not to attend the debriefing, Vindman told lawmakers, because Trump’s advisers worried it might confuse the president: Trump believed at the time that Kashyap Patel, a longtime Nunes staffer who joined the White House in February and had no discernible Ukraine experience or expertise, was actually the NSC’s top Ukraine expert instead of Vindman.
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I was not a fan of what transpired in Syria either - although I think the President has recovered somewhat now.

People should support the President not constantly try to pull him down.

I am sick to death of biased leftwing reporting and an out of control Democrat Party that has tried to subvert this President since election night.

Guess people that support the President are just getting touchy because of 3 years of constant attacks by the media - the Democrat Party - and brainwashed people believing their horseshite.

trump has not done anything...he put sanctions on turkey and 2 days later pulled them because he said turkey was in a ceasefire....but congress and the senate put more on which i'm sure pissed trump off....might cost him some money
I actually don't know if the Whitewater thing is a conspiracy, some of it might be true. The Clintons are sketchy as heck, which IMO is one of the main reasons Trump is president right now

the right said whitewater was a plan for the Clintons to get rich.....and yet it went belly they get him on a blowjob
Let's see...
  • Hires criminals and works like a mobster (30-odd indictments, 7 guilty pleas, 4 jail sentences so far, just from Muller)
  • Doubled the budget deficit to give billionaires tax breaks that were unpopular even with them
  • Listens to incel scum toad Steven Miller and implements racist divisive policies like the "Muslim Ban" and family border separation a.k.a. kiddie concentration camps
  • Never released his tax returns
  • Caught on tape admitting to sexually assaulting women. Has been accused of sexual assault by dozens of women and young girls. Has been caught paying off porn stars with campaign funds
  • Never put his assets into a blind trust, and instead uses his own properties for official business (golfing at his own resorts and billing the government, hosting foreign leaders at Mar a Lago), in an attempt to make money from the office.
  • Abandoned the Kurdistan fighters who won the fight against ISIS should-to-shoulder with the US Military, letting a dictator (Erdogan) have control of the region and be as genocidal as he feels like. This will have repercussions for decades
  • Tried to ******* Ukraine to investigate a BS conspiracy theory against Biden by withholding congressionally-approved defense funding. Is currently getting impeached for it
  • At one point had a foreign agent of Turkey as National Security Advisor (before that guy went to jail), and Steve Bannon as the only permanent member of the Security Committee
  • Recognized Jerusalem as capital of Isreal, guaranteeing a two-state solution is impossible (and bowing to pressure from soon-to-be-jailed follow criminal Netanyahu)
  • Let Saudi Arabia get away with the documented ******* and ******* of a US Citizen
  • Put an unqualified campaign donor (DeVos) in charge of the Department of Education, which just lost a court case over for-profit colleges
For a guy who spends all his time golfing, he really makes a big mess of things. His next term should be served in Riker's

there are several on here that won't like all your FACTS...….they try to hide and deny all of that....guess you might say......the most corrupt cabinet in history...….and you just hit on the tip of the iceberg....just throw in one good one.....sending troop to Saudi...more or less to protect "cuckners" money ties