Does Donald Trump deserve a second term? Yes or No.

Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Are you calling my country a *******-sucking leach country?
Yeah - well obviously you know shite about our country.
Our president was elected and is doing just fine - expect him to win in 2020 and continue bringing our country back to greatness - and better yet if it’s at the expense of ******* sucking leach countries.
All I'm doing is pointing out that your current president is a dangerous idiot. And, for doing you that favour (and I'm being helpful), you insult my country!
I mean, I'm calling a politician an idiot and in return my entire country is insulted! You guys aren't nice!
I certainly have less respect for America after chatting with you lot.
Sub and mac are exempt because they are normal and decent people who can see the situation as it is.
All I'm doing is pointing out that your current president is a dangerous idiot. And, for doing you that favour (and I'm being helpful), you insult my country!
I mean, I'm calling a politician an idiot and in return my entire country is insulted! You guys aren't nice!
I certainly have less respect for America after chatting with you lot.
Sub and mac are exempt because they are normal and decent people who can see the situation as it is.

now you know why they like trump....a lot of similarities in their hate for others
Oh really, President Trump is far from an idiot to more then half the Americans in our country, you have every right to comment as you wish, it is called free speech as I am sure you know. As Far as Mac and Sub go, yes they are normal democrats, Sub in my opinion is not decent in the way he treats those who disagree with him. My ancestors arrived here on the Mayflower from England, at least I know for a fact on my fathers side anyway. Because of the internet we all get to witness world events and England is suffering from far left movements as much as The USA is. Leftist are rebelling against securing the boarder even with the influx of ******* other criminals. and people coming here with no intention of adapting to the American way of life ( flying the countries flag where they are escaping from, forsing their language upon a country that from its beginning instituted English, as its official language to give direction and balance, not confusion ( or Babel ). Most immigrants are good people that would fit into the American life, we know that, but we must control our borders. Of course they hate Trump, he goes against everything that the Democrats of today stand for along with many in the Republican party, because corruption and greed has overtaken government at all levels in this country.
funny how you don't make that comment to stiff.....actually it's not yours GAVE it to trump and he is doing what he has done with everything else he has done his whole life...….milk it for all he can....and then dump what's left

As you would say : “Wrong”

According to you it’s Russia’s now ;}

Must be HARD to be so delusional :{
Oh really, President Trump is far from an idiot to more then half the Americans in our country, you have every right to comment as you wish, it is called free speech as I am sure you know. As Far as Mac and Sub go, yes they are normal democrats, Sub in my opinion is not decent in the way he treats those who disagree with him. My ancestors arrived here on the Mayflower from England, at least I know for a fact on my fathers side anyway. Because of the internet we all get to witness world events and England is suffering from far left movements as much as The USA is. Leftist are rebelling against securing the boarder even with the influx of ******* other criminals. and people coming here with no intention of adapting to the American way of life ( flying the countries flag where they are escaping from, forsing their language upon a country that from its beginning instituted English, as its official language to give direction and balance, not confusion ( or Babel ). Most immigrants are good people that would fit into the American life, we know that, but we must control our borders. Of course they hate Trump, he goes against everything that the Democrats of today stand for along with many in the Republican party, because corruption and greed has overtaken government at all levels in this country.
Thank you for a pleasant response. ?
You know, the left is called the labour party in the UK. We have had a right wing government for the last few years and they have been extremely unpopular, because they tightened the country's belt in the wake of the sub-prime mortgage thing and the resulting crash. Despite the dislike of this government, the labour party has been unable to gain any advantage, such is their ineptitude. The UK (of which England is one part) is generally speaking further left than the USA and we love our free health service. We have had years of unrestrained immigration, mainly because Pakistan and India were part of the empire and we invited many over when independence was given to those countries. It did start to get out of control, but us leaving the EU is more to do with sovereignty and control than immigration.
Guys I'm just talking, no need to get so worked up. I guess things are a bit fraught over there, with the whistle blowers etc

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You know what though, it isn't the fact the trump is a right winger - that's fine, no issues there. The guy seems totally classless, tells a lot of lies, is a shameless self-publicist, is really quite ignorant about the world about him and he's a bully.
They are just some issues, in my humble opinion.
Oh really, President Trump is far from an idiot to more then half the Americans in our country, you have every right to comment as you wish, it is called free speech as I am sure you know. As Far as Mac and Sub go, yes they are normal democrats, Sub in my opinion is not decent in the way he treats those who disagree with him. My ancestors arrived here on the Mayflower from England, at least I know for a fact on my fathers side anyway. Because of the internet we all get to witness world events and England is suffering from far left movements as much as The USA is. Leftist are rebelling against securing the boarder even with the influx of ******* other criminals. and people coming here with no intention of adapting to the American way of life ( flying the countries flag where they are escaping from, forsing their language upon a country that from its beginning instituted English, as its official language to give direction and balance, not confusion ( or Babel ). Most immigrants are good people that would fit into the American life, we know that, but we must control our borders. Of course they hate Trump, he goes against everything that the Democrats of today stand for along with many in the Republican party, because corruption and greed has overtaken government at all levels in this country.

do you ever get anything right?

most americans think he is a fucking idiot!....that's why his approval rating at best has been 40%.....and that is NOT half or a majority!.....maybe in the trumptard book of rules maybe....but then that is STILL less than half the country
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See all results for this question
As you would say : “Wrong”

According to you it’s Russia’s now ;}

Must be HARD to be so delusional :{

it is...….until we can get rid of P.utin's puppet...AND several others

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How the GOP Became the Party of Putin - POLITICO Magazine
Jul 18, 2017 · How the GOP Became the Party of Putin. He ran as the most pro-Russian candidate for president since Henry Wallace helmed the Soviet fellow-traveling Progressive Party ticket in 1948, extolling Vladimir Putin’s manly virtues at every opportunity while bringing Kremlin-style moral relativism to the campaign trail.
All I'm doing is pointing out that your current president is a dangerous idiot. And, for doing you that favour (and I'm being helpful), you insult my country!
I mean, I'm calling a politician an idiot and in return my entire country is insulted! You guys aren't nice!
I certainly have less respect for America after chatting with you lot.
Sub and mac are exempt because they are normal and decent people who can see the situation as it is.

problem on here is.....we have Dumb...dumber...and dumbest....sprinkled in with a few assholes....mix it all together and you have a trump campaign stop