Does Donald Trump deserve a second term? Yes or No.

Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Was wondering whether you give any credence, or place any importance on events outside America? Do you think it matters what people outside America think about events in your country?

Not much really - under Obama it seemed to me he cared TOO much about that. I like a president that puts America first again.
to far right?....really?

how about the guy you stated had proof that Biden was corrupt?...right wing talk show host...….and has a record of starting false info to stir the fell for it hook line and sinker

He had documents to prove his position - I was surfing TV stations and saw him make his case. John Solomon has exposed a lot and has a lot more to go.
hows that song go when the whole world laughs at you...…...the world is laughing at us...….and most probably cheering right now hoping events take trump down...…….really don't know if they will or not...they have him on a bunch....even the case where he is making money off being pres...they are investigating him on so much corruption...but he is using the office to hide a lot and right now getting away with it....he makes each thing go to court for will eventually come his taxes....but right now the right is protecting him....if it were to happen soon...he gets off with a little embarrassement….if they get more before the vote and public opinion wants him out......the right won't protect him anymore...and he's gone....public opinion is starting to sway for impeachment.....but still would just create havoc in the country if not more for it.....the right does a pretty fair job of putting out the bullshit and lies...and their people just believe everything they are told!

right now I really don't think the Senate will impeach will...but that won't put him out of office....the right knows trump has a following....that just doesn't care whatever he does...and he is their late for another....the left is still shooting it's self in the the key will be the independent voters as always

The left needs to shoot itself in the mouth to end the perpetual whining that Trump won and they can’t get rid of him no matter how HARD they try : }
Not much really - under Obama it seemed to me he cared TOO much about that. I like a president that puts America first again.
So, do you accept that the USA does not exist in a vacuum and that relations with other countries and people in other countries can affect the USA positively and / or negatively?
Yes of course - however - I LIKE our President putting our country first - not kiss arse like Obama did for 8 years - had quite enough of that.
Yes of course - however - I LIKE our President putting our country first - not kiss arse like Obama did for 8 years - had quite enough of that.
But, if you care what other countries think, why do you defend a man that the rest of the world sees as a knob head? A person who is very definitely damaging your country as a 'brand'.
But, if you care what other countries think, why do you defend a man that the rest of the world sees as a knob head? A person who is very definitely damaging your country as a 'brand'.
I care about the rest of the world. But the fact is even in your country the liberals are spreading hate and discontent so there is a portion that don't like President Trump because he isn't a knot head, but the first President in over 50 years to step up and say not on his watch is he going the allow all the government corruption to continue without a fight. President Trump is standing with the hard working American people to defend our rights written in the United States Constitution, he is not going to allow all this leftist, Socialistic stupidity to change the Capitalism that has given people the chance to work hard and succeed. Lastly of course other countries don't like him, the United States has been taken advantage by the countries of the EU, Robbed by China and many other countries because of unbalanced trade deals. We give aide in the billions around this world every year.
try telling me why his opponent is better instead of trying to piss people off

I don't know anything about his opponent. I just think that, if trump is the best you have, you are fucked as a country.

Happily, I'm certain he isn't the best you have, because that's just impossible.
I care about the rest of the world. But the fact is even in your country the liberals are spreading hate and discontent so there is a portion that don't like President Trump because he isn't a knot head, but the first President in over 50 years to step up and say not on his watch is he going the allow all the government corruption to continue without a fight. President Trump is standing with the hard working American people to defend our rights written in the United States Constitution, he is not going to allow all this leftist, Socialistic stupidity to change the Capitalism that has given people the chance to work hard and succeed. Lastly of course other countries don't like him, the United States has been taken advantage by the countries of the EU, Robbed by China and many other countries because of unbalanced trade deals. We give aide in the billions around this world every year.
Well it looks to everyone else like he IS the corruption. The man can't open his mouth without lying or getting something wrong.
This from a country that in the year of 2019 still worships other human beings and calls them royalty. And talk about corruption, the skeletons in prince Charles's closet could fill a graveyard. Him and Al Gore are two of the leading forces behind this Global Warming threat to scare the world into economic control, and to decrease the world population to millions instead of billions.
I want to know what President Trump has done to deserve, that the world finds trump hilarious and scary in equal quantities.

well if you take the time to look it up you see that most countries around the world respect and trust P.utin over trump.....his lies his demeanor......gut just an ass.....and they see it...….just saw a thing about how some of his inner circle are shocked at the way he talks to other world leader

Why the World Trusts Putin More Than Trump When It Comes ...
A new survey issued by the Washington-based fact tank Pew Research Center has revealed that most of the world, including US-allied countries, trusts Russian President Putin more than Donald Trump when it comes to foreign affairs.

Xi and Putin are more trusted than Trump in world affairs ...
Oct 02, 2018 · Xi and Putin are more trusted than Trump: Pew survey President Trump inspires less confidence among the public than Chinese President Xi Jinping or Russian President Vladimir Putin
i think you should worry about your own ******* he's the best we've had in a long time.

that complete statement is wrong.....first....trump has more than once stuck his nose in the UK biz

Trump criticizes May on Brexit while on UK visit Video ...


Jul 13, 2018 · Transcript for Trump criticizes May on Brexit while on UK visit. ... And ptesters of London trump says he feels unwelcome. Sing O trump baby blimp thatill B flying all day. ... he tried tell the ...

and second when stiff posts something you applaud his posts because he is for trump!
and as for the best we have had in a long time......records don't show that

Trump ranks dead last on list of ‘Presidential Greatness’
A group of historians and political scientists have ranked President Trump dead last in their survey of “Presidential Greatness.” The survey had Trump at the bottom behind Presidents James ...

I don't know anything about his opponent. I just think that, if trump is the best you have, you are fucked as a country.

Happily, I'm certain he isn't the best you have, because that's just impossible.

Yeah - well obviously you know shite about our country.
Our president was elected and is doing just fine - expect him to win in 2020 and continue bringing our country back to greatness - and better yet if it’s at the expense of ******* sucking leach countries.