Does Donald Trump deserve a second term? Yes or No.

Does Donald Trump deserve a second term as president?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 74.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
yes but you trumptards just refuse to see the facts in front of you
it's like trying to talk to a door...….the nice part...….it's the exit door...same one he will use on his impeachment!

Dem facts are facts only to Dems - fair minded Americans see what’s going on and right now the media is only believed by about 13 % of the population - you being one of that small percentage ;}
Dem facts are facts only to Dems - fair minded Americans see what’s going on and right now the media is only believed by about 13 % of the population - you being one of that small percentage ;}
So you don't think trump begging China to investigate Biden yesterday was politically motivated? You know, asking a rival superpower to dig the dirt on a political rival - that's not politically motivated?
So you don't think trump begging China to investigate Biden yesterday was politically motivated? You know, asking a rival superpower to dig the dirt on a political rival - that's not politically motivated?

If we have corruption in a government official - such as using his power to enrich his family and himself - is it not proper to root that out and make it known to the public before an election???? Or does that only apply when it’s a Republican? My feeling is that corruption should be rooted out at it’s source and exposed.

President Trump’s request can hardly be characterized as begging - people would take lefties more seriously if they didn’t always try to frame their opposition in the most negative light.
If we have corruption in a government official - such as using his power to enrich his family and himself is it not proper to root that out and make it known to the public before an election???? Or does that only apply when it’s a Republican? My feeling is that corruption should be rooted out at it’s source and exposed.
Come on! It is a clear attempt to discredit a political opponent - is obvious to the watching world. Every single episode in the saga of trump drags America down. Trump is worse than p.utin in terms of trying to manipulate the electorate.
The fact that he's somehow got you fooled baffles the casual observer. He's a liability and you need to ditch him.
Dem facts are facts only to Dems - fair minded Americans see what’s going on and right now the media is only believed by about 13 % of the population - you being one of that small percentage ;}

you keep saying fair minded americans and yet your man has NEVER hit 50% in it would seem fair minded americans agree with that is posted

as for your media a link? or just shooting off your mouth

Most Americans prefer to watch the news, not read it ...
Dec 03, 2018 · Nearly half of the nation (47 percent) prefers to watch the news rather than read or listen to it, finds a new survey, out Monday from the Pew Research Center. That's up slightly from 46 percent ……

Americans Still Prefer Watching to Reading the News – and ...
Dec 03, 2018 · Overall, 47% of Americans prefer watching the news rather than reading or listening to it. That is unchanged from 46% in 2016 and outpaces the 34% who prefer to read the news and 19% who prefer to listen to it – both of which also remain on par with 2016 figures.

once again just another trumptard making up facts to suit his purpose
Come on! It is a clear attempt to discredit a political opponent - is obvious to the watching world. Every single episode in the saga of trump drags America down. Trump is worse than p.utin in terms of trying to manipulate the electorate.
The fact that he's somehow got you fooled baffles the casual observer. He's a liability and you need to ditch him.

You people are AMAZING - completely ok with overlooking a VP selling out his country and the world for money and turn this into an election move - if there IS corruption - and this seems obvious now to all but the most obtuse lefties - should it not be exposed prior to an election - so a corrupt candidate is not potentially put in another position of power???? Is the left SO blind - or are their brains just wired to see life from their own narrow perspective???? I wonder :|
I think the has a great chance of winning, but what will it change, I dont think the balance of power in Congress will change. I dont believe Trump is interested in being all inclusive.
For a president that is suppose to be so corrupt to leftist, I sure spends a great deal of time on Twitter making sure to involve all the American people. I realize that with social media making everything more available to us, we are able to watch almost every move President Trump makes, he don't need to stop and talk to the leftist unruly press after every public meeting at the White House, he certainly doesn't have to stop and answer questions for twenty minutes at a time whenever he is preparing to board and exit Air ******* One but he dose. I enjoy it so much the way he handles the fake news and the same repetitive stupid trap setting questions. Donald Trump has shown the true American people that he is the strongest, thickest skinned President we have ever known. blkdlaur is completely correct when he asks the query, Should it not be exposed prior to an election - so a corrupt candidate is not potentially put in another position of power? The fact is, what bidden did should be taken much more seriously because using his position as Vice President to blackmail an other country for the financial gain for both his ******* and himself, is open corruption and should require jail time.
Here we go with the great again..
Two questions:
1. At what point was America great for all people in it?
2. At what point are we saying America wasn't great.

Questions people refuse to answer?
Here we go with the great again..
Two questions:
1. At what point was America great for all people in it?
2. At what point are we saying America wasn't great.

Questions people refuse to answer?
when we converted mills to condos stopped making things here traded for cheaply made foreign products we lost a lot
when we converted mills to condos stopped making things here traded for cheaply made foreign products we lost a lot
I can agree with most of that.. but what period are we talking..80's, 70's, or when.
I have no problem with Make America Great.
It is the Again some point throughout American history a group or groups of people have been not treated Great. So what does again suppose to mean.. if we are just talking about economics make it clear
Funny mate that’s how I see you - in other people’s business - quite myopic and totally bonkers - you are not alone in that regard - our Democrat party has become quite bonkers as well.
I can agree with most of that.. but what period are we talking..80's, 70's, or when.
I have no problem with Make America Great.
It is the Again some point throughout American history a group or groups of people have been not treated Great. So what does again suppose to mean.. if we are just talking about economics make it clear
economically is how i always took it
Here we go with the great again..
Two questions:
1. At what point was America great for all people in it?
2. At what point are we saying America wasn't great.

Questions people refuse to answer?
Why do people refuse to answer? #1 It has never been Great for all people I agree, but I know of no other country where the opportunities to be economically successful were so available. #2 Now lack of morals, violence, corruption in government at all levels.
So you don't think trump begging China to investigate Biden yesterday was politically motivated? You know, asking a rival superpower to dig the dirt on a political rival - that's not politically motivated?

it's also against the law....asking another country to meddle in our elections.....part of why the impeachment inquery