Does anyone else absolutely love rap music?

Beats the literal people are swimming in on your side of that world

The right side of the world seems to don't understand how a fucking sewer works

Your side of the world smells like ass 🤷🏾🤣🤣🤣
Beats the literal people are swimming in on your side of that world

The right side of the world seems to don't understand how a fucking sewer works

Your side of the world smells like ass 🤷🏾🤣🤣🤣
Waow, how elegant
there s always a moment where you re insulting those who do not think like you !!
Fortunatly, I ve been raised in a family and environment where we dont do that
After all, it s not your fault if you re so rude ! nobody told you how to behave
there is no tune, they dont even sing, they talk !! !many reasons to say, respectfully that rap is a form of expression, but it s not music, at all !
It’s because you haven’t had a struggle nor a soundtrack to explain your plight like how black men are able to thru music not limited to rap.

Yu seem to forget we gave your hero’s “ Elvis Beatles ozzy” inspiration
It’s because you haven’t had a struggle nor a soundtrack to explain your plight like how black men are able to thru music not limited to rap.

Yu seem to forget we gave your hero’s “ Elvis Beatles ozzy” inspiration
Many Black singers are absolutly fantastic, no doubt !and their contribution for decades is priceless
the list is long, and very impressive
But rap !! honestly ???
Waow, how elegant
there s always a moment where you re insulting those who do not think like you !!
Fortunatly, I ve been raised in a family and environment where we dont do that
After all, it s not your fault if you re so rude ! nobody told you how to behave

I feel good !!Lucky enough to be born in the right side of the world
My apologies for this, I admitt it s not fair ;)
🤦🏿 boy if you don't get that little boy b.s . Out of here .. you a pussy not a victim ITS a difference lol
You re a victim?? Of what, please?
Huh?? Wtf boy
Why do you keep saying things nobody is saying ..
You want to insult people then get mad because somebody insulted you .

I mean you showing plenty of pussy like behavior pretty sad that you are trying to have a grown man conversation and think that's flies smh
The topic is " does anyone love rap music ...
And here comes the bums with a opinion who thinks people actually care ..

Is it not simply ? You don't like rap then this conversation isn't for you
Why jump on here and get mad because people disagree?

Why interject in a conversation that about something you don't like in the first place?
Mfer be miserable with their own life so they think coming on the internet and being a troll make others miserable until they realize they whole purpose of being in the conversation was simply useless from the beginning .

Mfers love having to right to speak freely until they realize that they are the goofyass of the conversation, now it everyone else fault
I liked rap back in 2004-2006 with rappers like 50-Cent, Eminem, Ludacris, and Busta Rhymes. Today's rap all sounds the same to me.
The topic is " does anyone love rap music ...
And here comes the bums with a opinion who thinks people actually care ..

Is it not simply ? You don't like rap then this conversation isn't for you
Why jump on here and get mad because people disagree?

Why interject in a conversation that about something you don't like in the first place?
Mfer be miserable with their own life so they think coming on the internet and being a troll make others miserable until they realize they whole purpose of being in the conversation was simply useless from the beginning .

Mfers love having to right to speak freely until they realize that they are the goofyass of the conversation, now it everyone else fault
you re so full of hate and contempt !!
I hope you could one day solve your inferiority complex !!!
and I remind you the title of this thread is" Does anyone else love rap music"? So I m free to answer " not me I dont "
you re so full of hate and contempt !!
I hope you could one day solve your inferiority complex !!!
and I remind you the title of this thread is" Does anyone else love rap music"? So I m free to answer " not me I dont "
See here we go again
Nobody give a fuck about you being free?
Suck a free dick

Hip hop /rap isn't music ?

well it is .

Feel free to fuck off in your free time 👍🏿
you re so full of hate and contempt !!
I hope you could one day solve your inferiority complex !!!
and I remind you the title of this thread is" Does anyone else love rap music"? So I m free to answer " not me I dont "
I must say, your assertion that rap is not music is utterly preposterous and displays a profound lack of understanding about the genre. To claim that rap is not music is akin to saying that Van Gogh's Starry Night is not art because it doesn't look like a photograph. It's a ridiculous and uninformed opinion.
Moreover, your lack of qualifications to have an opinion on rap music is glaringly obvious. You're not a musician, a musicologist, or a music critic. You don't have the experience or the expertise to make such a sweeping statement about a genre that has been around for decades and has produced countless classics.
Rap music is a complex and deeply expressive art form that has its roots in African American and Latino communities. It's a genre that has evolved over time, incorporating elements of funk, soul, jazz, and hip-hop. It's a genre that has given voice to the experiences and struggles of marginalized communities, and it's a genre that has inspired countless people around the world.
To dismiss rap as not being music is to dismiss the hard work, creativity, and talent of countless artists who have dedicated their lives to the genre. It's to dismiss the cultural significance of rap and the impact it has had on society.
Your opinion on rap music is not only uninformed, but it's also deeply disrespectful to the artists and communities that have contributed to the genre. I strongly encourage you to educate yourself about rap music and the experiences of the people who create it before making such baseless and ignorant statements in the future.
gif_ThumbsUp.gif Super Awesome Southern RAP MUSIC gif_Hearts-flyingAir2.gif "The Devil Went Down To Georgia" by Charlie Daniels ..... gif_FiddlePlayer2.gif
"The Devil went down to Georgia, he was looking for a soul to steal. He was in a bind, and way behind, and was willing to make a deal."

And not ONE WORD of racial slurs or vulgarity used in the song, either!
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Waow, how elegant
There s always a moment where you re insulting those who do not think like you !!
Fortunatly, I ve been raised in a family and environment where we dont do that
After all, it s not your fault if you re so rude ! nobody told you how to behave
Gotta remember where you are, ernest. You can't win here even when you're right. The deck's stacked against you, man.
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Gotta remember where you are, ernest. You can't win here even when you're right. The deck's stacked against you, man.
Lmfaoo...are you completely dumb can't win then most likely you are wrong 🤦🏿 that was to dumbest most close minded excuses I have ever heard .

In a world populated with most white people the odds is stacked against white people because certain people have a hard time admitting fault ..

Well I'm sorry that fact is that rap music is a genre of music .you can't change that even with that "poor us" b.s.

Ya be in these conversations literally trying to redefine words and meanings ,and when yall can't do that yall turn into victims and bitches

Nobody cares
View attachment 7473385 Super Awesome Southern RAP MUSIC View attachment 7473418 "The Devil Went Down To Georgia" by Charlie Daniels ..... View attachment 7473465
"The Devil went down to Georgia, he was looking for a soul to steal. He was in a bind, and way behind, and was willing to make a deal."

And not ONE WORD of racial slurs or vulgarity used in the song, either!
Nobody ask you ..southern rap basic country music that need to sound cool .lol

so now that whitey basically stole music and redefine again

Please tell us since you claim to speak on fact what is southern rap ?


I was just wondering where does it say rap/hip hop at?

Are you done lying ?
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Olympics Breaking GIF by NoireSTEMinist

More proof that a white person will lying and redefine hip hop to look like that know what they are talking about ..

This bitch knew she suck.
This 36 year old bitch knew she wasn't good enough to compete against younger girls

What she do
made it seem the internet was bullying her for calling her out on the truth
This is what mac and earnest does

Get big fucking salty because nobody believes that goofyass is they made up to sound cool
Follow Yes GIF by systaime

My thing is get mad and rap music for racial slurs but not at white people or racist for using them ..