Do you say the N word ?

Yes when soooo hi on sex but not derogatory. Enjoy being called n whore too
lol that black dick be making you think you a black girl................How deep i gotta get before your high and start saying the n-word? Or do i need to visit to find out.........Us Ninjas wanna know????
I respect everyone’s opinions here! But what about a Black King that requires his Queen to say it?
Exhibit A:
My wife was on her knees, worshipping a King, he asked her, “do you submit to this black man dick?”
She nodded, with him still in her mouth...
He firmly demanded, “Say it!”
She popped him out of her mouth, regains her composure, looks right into his eyes and declares, “I submit to your black man dick”

It completely turned everything around between us and that bull... and to be honest... all others after!

We do find ways to show full submission to any Black King that comes our way!
Black man(s) dick is VERY different than “N-Dick” of you are quoting him in your post...nothing wrong with what you wrote...
As a Black Man that grew up during the civil rights movement I wetness first hand black men, women and children ( yes children like emit till or the 3 young black girls killed when the church they were in was bombed) being called the N word while being beaten and killed simply for being black. Black men killed for just walking down the street and spotted by a group of white men that had nothing better to do they hang a black man because they knew they could get away with simple because they knew no white jury would convict a white man for killing a black man. And for you fools that say “ it’s black man and not black man let me say this “ I can take a piece of *******, paint it red and call it a rose it’s still *******”. So the next time you see a black man being shot down like a dog don’t say a word because every time we use it to towards each other we giving them permission to do so and you giving police the right to do what they have been doing for year they just changed the rope for bullet. Like the KKK has been saying for years “ What’s the problem? We just killing black men!”

Each on teach one
*THANK YOU* for sharing your honest, ******* experience. So much pain and inhumanity in 400 years.

And from that, black Americans gave the nation its survival, its freedom, its culture, its music, its very soul. Black people took 400 years of inhuman savagery towards your people and gave back blues, jazz, gospel, soul, rock n roll, funk, hip hop, electronic.

The whole world listens to the creations of ALL forms of modern music which were given to America and all humanity.

And that's just 1 contribution. The entire world's music.

The racism and violence and degradation and bondage continue fully today. More black men in chains today than in 1860. Pure prison state oppression, worse than ever.

So for us as a couple, part of the enormous appeal for sharing her for submissive sex is breaking the white patriarchy in our own conditioning and embracing One Love in the most personal, intimate way possible.

Its not guilt, its defiance. Its solidarity in a small way. Its giving back and saying thanks, if only for a few who will soon be gifted with a highly valued sexual trophy shared experience.

One Love, always. Fuck racists. More interracial sex of all types, but especially the long forbidden fruit.

Fun fact - Mrs PAWGs lifelong hero and pretty close celebrity lookalike is Elizabeth Montgomery from Bewitched. She was uninhibited, put black people prominently in scenes on TV long before the Jeffersons etc, and made a TV movie playing a cop who has an interracial sex affair with her black man partner, played by OJ. Back in 1976.

Only white person ever on the cover of Jet?IG BlondePAWG Stockings Jamaica.jpgBewitched Lookalike_273.jpg
This is a popular (and controversial) subject with a number of different threads on the same topic. This is what I wrote recently in another thread about the same thing:


OK, I'm going to be 100% frank because I believe that keeping it real is always the best policy. I happen to like it when pretty white women are comfortable saying the "N-word" (and it's variants) during sex. There, I said it! I like it even more when they publicly state that this should not be said, but then they are secretly saying it with me behind the scenes ;) Last month, I was having anal sex with an attractive blonde in her "pinky" as she put it, when she yelled out how much she liked my "N-word dick" all up in her white asshole. That made me nut like a big horsey LOL :p! So yes, in the right time and place . . . I do like it, and I make no apologies for that :)

Now, I'm not going to sit here and go as far as to say that the "N-word" is just that, only a word. Clearly it is not. Otherwise, we wouldn't be having this very conversation. But you know what? Neither are words like bitch, ho, whore, slut, etc. And I know damn well from direct experience that words like those and others get used all the time. In fact, by many of the very same people who object to use of the N-word! I've had so many white girls want me to call them "white bitch" during sex that I always joke that I'm going to make a full-length feature film about it . . . Call Me White Bitch!!!

So, I say hey pick your poison. Like has already been said, you need to talk about it all first to make sure everybody feels the same way about whatever kind of sexual language is going to be OK for use during sex. Or, just stick to "politically correct sex" with the lights off and in the missionary position only . . . and DEFINITELY nooooooo butt fucking ever . . BOOOOOORRRRRRIIIIING :cool:!!!
Its not guilt, its defiance. Its solidarity in a small way. I'll giving back and saying thanks, if only for a few who will soon be gifted with a highly valued sexual trophy shared experience.

Willing to bet that most couldn't care less that you're liberal, but will gladly just accept the offer of free pussy,
Tabboo words come and go and the reality is that people think all kinds of nasty things without saying anything. If you look at a map of South America you will see the n word used often for names of rivers and such. Politeness is a social grace that makes life more pleasant but political correctness can go to far. The word slave comes from Slavic because so many Europeans were sold into slavery.
Tabboo words come and go and the reality is that people think all kinds of nasty things without saying anything. If you look at a map of South America you will see the n word used often for names of rivers and such. Politeness is a social grace that makes life more pleasant but political correctness can go to far. The word slave comes from Slavic because so many Europeans were sold into slavery.

I have lived in and traveled all over South America. I speak good Spanish and a little Portuguese . . . and I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

Good point about the origins of the word "slave" though. By the way, I love me some pretty, white, Slav girl puss and ass though! Ruskie girls cornhole pretty much as good as the Brazilian ones do 👍🏽
I'd never say the word in the normal course of my day. I'm not built like that. But if a seriously hot black man requested it during sex, heck yeah I'd say it. But then, I'm slutty enough to do almost anything a black man asks of me. I LOVE pleasing black men. LOVE it.