Do any other men or women find black women to be very sexy?

Nope, tried it, can't stand it...…….weird and definitely in the minority on this (unless others with the same distaste are afraid to reply because you get SLAMMED for TALKING and DISCUSSING in a forum about DISCUSSION)but a half dozen different experiences left me with the same lack of interest.....its like a constant BATTLE versus something sexy and sensual. And they ALL have very anti-douching explanations that are al crap but they continue to espouse them.

I've had the pleasure of Japanese, Chinese and black ladies and all have been lovely people in everyway, attractive
and sexy is about everything in someone and black ladies can be just as sexy as white ladies! Passion and being sexy is what you want it to be and what you put into something I think
I agree I think there are a few bad apples in every bunch