Church Going...

We are. And I don’t think it’s that uncommon.
I think it's very common!
Religious people also have sexual needs and frustration.
Alot of white men are devoted regardless of extramarital affairs.
I knew of a couple 15 years ago with the middle s o n was mixed race. Never even was an issue to anyone there. It happens alot imo!
My three best friends and our wife's have a catholic background. Twice a year we try to do couples weekend trip. Usually it centered around a sporting event or concert within driving range. We usually a visit to strip club also. Our wife's will decide if they want come with us or they want to go to a different strip club with male dancers by themselves.

Sunday morning we usually split up. I have to decide who I want to spent the day with and drive back home with. Either my friends or our wife's. My friends will be trying to figure how early the strip clubs open on Sunday. Then how much time they want to spend there, watching 'football' at Hooters and go to the casinos.

While our wife's were trying to search online for a church so they can take in a Sunday morning service. Then they do some shopping, maybe have lunch and try to leave earlier then what my friends plan on doing. Usually I went with our wife's. It was a choice of a hour service and getting home early verses three to nine hours sitting in Hooters and hours at the other places.

They try to pick a close catholic church, but will pick something close to our hotel if its more convenient. Things were pretty routine and boring on our causal Sunday days. A big change happened the first time we went to a predominantly black church. It would after the service when we were walking to our car. When walking pass one or more black males, they would start a friendly chat with the wife's. Maybe at some point one of the black males would ask if they wanted to exchange contact info or ask them if they wanted to go get coffee or lunch. At this point I start feeling like a fifth wheel.
My three best friends and our wife's have a catholic background. Twice a year we try to do couples weekend trip. Usually it centered around a sporting event or concert within driving range. We usually a visit to strip club also. Our wife's will decide if they want come with us or they want to go to a different strip club with male dancers by themselves.

Sunday morning we usually split up. I have to decide who I want to spent the day with and drive back home with. Either my friends or our wife's. My friends will be trying to figure how early the strip clubs open on Sunday. Then how much time they want to spend there, watching 'football' at Hooters and go to the casinos.

While our wife's were trying to search online for a church so they can take in a Sunday morning service. Then they do some shopping, maybe have lunch and try to leave earlier then what my friends plan on doing. Usually I went with our wife's. It was a choice of a hour service and getting home early verses three to nine hours sitting in Hooters and hours at the other places.

They try to pick a close catholic church, but will pick something close to our hotel if its more convenient. Things were pretty routine and boring on our causal Sunday days. A big change happened the first time we went to a predominantly black church. It would after the service when we were walking to our car. When walking pass one or more black males, they would start a friendly chat with the wife's. Maybe at some point one of the black males would ask if they wanted to exchange contact info or ask them if they wanted to go get coffee or lunch. At this point I start feeling like a fifth wheel.
With you sitting right there? Ehh I cannot see those church guys doing that
With you sitting right there? Ehh I cannot see those church guys doing that
I feel like these guys are just regular guys trying and hoping that at least one of them gets a number.

For me I don't want to be there, it would be easier if I wasn't. I'm probably annoyed and in bad mood because I had a long night and a early morning. Also that I have a huge problem being anti-social so that doesn't help. Somehow these guys have to realize that I don't care that they may be flirting and hitting on my friend's wife's. Also that I'm probably won't say why I feel that way and they are going to have to ask them individuality.