Church Going...

I go to church and very active. I often go to church with black cum in my pussy and leaking. We used to have cushions and I left a stain on one from cum leaking. A couple months ago I met three BBC on a Saturday night and stayed the night in the room they got. I got up with the intention of going home to get ready but they had other ideas. Each one pumped another load in my pussy and made me clean them. I hurried out called hubby and told him to bring me a dress, panties and bra and meet me in parking lot. I got into his suburban to change, took my sleazy clothes off and panties which he grabbed which were soaked with cum that leaked during the drive. Changed quick and before getting out he asked for a kiss. He laughed saying I had dried cum on my face and my hair looked like after sex hair. I did the best I could and we ran in.
I go to church and very active. I often go to church with black cum in my pussy and leaking. We used to have cushions and I left a stain on one from cum leaking. A couple months ago I met three BBC on a Saturday night and stayed the night in the room they got. I got up with the intention of going home to get ready but they had other ideas. Each one pumped another load in my pussy and made me clean them. I hurried out called hubby and told him to bring me a dress, panties and bra and meet me in parking lot. I got into his suburban to change, took my sleazy clothes off and panties which he grabbed which were soaked with cum that leaked during the drive. Changed quick and before getting out he asked for a kiss. He laughed saying I had dried cum on my face and my hair looked like after sex hair. I did the best I could and we ran in.
Well you know you can’t give up fucking black cocks!! And you should go to church!! So you’ll just have to leak down your thighs and hope others don’t notice and want to fuck you in church!!
If anyone is bothered by my comments, I refer to the statements of "Cuckinlove" who unfortunately put his own misinterpretation into the biblical passages, make up your own mind:

To 1)

The fact that God allowed it does not mean that he thinks it is good. He knows that man was deceived into sin from the beginning by Satan in the form of the serpent and is sinful without salvation through the ******* of Jesus. The question is therefore not "so why not have several wives" but "God created man as man and woman, as one flesh - not a lump of flesh made up of several women and/or men"!

To 2)

Read carefully the passage mentioned in 1 Corinthians 6:16, where it says in words "Or do you not know that he who is joined to the fornicator is one body with her? For the Scripture says, "the two shall be one flesh"" continues in verse 18 "Flee fornication! All sins that a man commits are outside his body, but he who commits fornication sins in his own body". So please write what the Bible says and not your own interpretation. Whoever commits fornication is displeasing to God!

To 3)

Here a few examples are generalized and at the end of the paragraph everything is called into question, precisely by the two examples. Total nonsense! "These first two cases could be the rule" - just an assumption, no proof. It's all conjecture, could be! But it's not, because that's not what it says!

Better explained here: Mat 19, 4-6 "... Therefore shall a man leave his ******* and mom and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder!"

To 4.)

Women who have sexual relations with several men in the Bible are harlots, are also referred to as such, are sinners. In the aforementioned passage Malachi 2:156, on the other hand, it says " not break faith", in this article above the exact opposite is claimed, the author tries to twist everything into the opposite.

To 5.)

Fallacy: "If God or Jesus does not approve of what you are doing, he will lead you away from it without guilt!" - He won't, because he leaves people to their own free will! If they want to sin, which they clearly do with their behavior (cf. 1. + 2.) then they will receive their just reward at the end of their life and will not be taken to heaven, but will suffer eternal torment with the devil in hell.
When there's a demonstration that the superstitions of ancient Isrealites are real maybe I'll give a ******* about "sin".
If you want to see cruelty, genocide and condoned slavery, check that 2000 page sleeping pill you seem to embrace. 😉