Can You Undo Cuckolding?

That's what she says, Jennis, but wait until you try it one time. See how she reacts. It's a pretty well known fact that generally women do NOT like sharing their men with other women. It's a whole 'nother mindset. It's a threat to their security.
If you try it, don't share too much information ... let her mind build the drama. Heck, you might just test the waters on this ... have a female friend from work call you at home. If the wife answers the phone, that person should give no information just request to speak with you ... see how she reacts. Her mind will start creating all kinds of scenarios. Or if wife answers, your friend asks "is this his wife?" .... when she says yes, have her hang up.
Maybe you could call her in the late afternoon to tell her you're meeting a friend for cocktails and you'll be home a bit late. See how she reacts when you get home ... but again, offer little info other than it was a "friend" from work. If she asks if the friend was female, just say yes, that you and her are just friends, and let it go.
Trust me, she'll be eating herself alive with curiosity just to know the details which YOU won't provide.
And ALL THIS is without doing anything other than just blowing her mind. Putting her on the other side of the situation. Trust me, IT WILL WORK.
Beautiful, but his wife is probably on this site and is now aware of this plan.
Beautiful, but his wife is probably on this site and is now aware of this plan.
oh, I don't think so .... its mostly the MEN with the fantasies ... women have very little interest in fantasy play. But if he tells me to take my suggestion down after I've imbedded the idea in his head, I will. I'm actually on HIS SIDE with this. Nothing like fucking with her mind a bit to get her attention.
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As title suggests, can a couple stop hotwifing or cuckolding completely and TRULY return to a happy, intimate, and satisfying monogamous relationship? Or will the past always pop up and interfere? Has anyone done this and been ok or was there a feeling of something missing, perhaps you felt you were faking and not really "satisfi
Or you can use the memories to fuel your sex for years to come.
oh, I don't think so .... its the MEN with th e fantasies ... women have very little interest in fantasy play. But if he tells me to take my suggestion down after I've imbedded the idea in his head, I will. I'm actually on HIS SIDE with this. Nothing like fucking with her mind a bit to get her attention.
I agree, I love the plan.
I agree, I love the plan.
Years of experience here ... women don't like being ignored or cheated on. They like to feel in control. If she said it was ok if he saw other women, she was lying to him ... she cares. It's her bluff. He's her security blanket.
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Heck, if she still doubted I was serious, I'd hire me a knockout looking hoo.ker to dress casually and go to dinner with me just to blow the wife's mind.
That's what she says, Jennis, but wait until you try it one time. See how she reacts. It's a pretty well known fact that generally women do NOT like sharing their men with other women. It's a whole 'nother mindset. It's a threat to their security.
If you try it, don't share too much information ... let her mind build the drama. Heck, you might just test the waters on this ... have a female friend from work call you at home. If the wife answers the phone, that person should give no information just request to speak with you ... see how she reacts. Her mind will start creating all kinds of scenarios. Or if wife answers, your friend asks "is this his wife?" .... when she says yes, have her hang up.
Maybe you could call her in the late afternoon to tell her you're meeting a friend for cocktails and you'll be home a bit late. See how she reacts when you get home ... but again, offer little info other than it was a "friend" from work. If she asks if the friend was female, just say yes, that you and her are just friends, and let it go.
Trust me, she'll be eating herself alive with curiosity just to know the details which YOU won't provide.
And ALL THIS is without doing anything other than just blowing her mind. Putting her on the other side of the situation. Trust me, IT WILL WORK.

When we have discussed this, it has always been with the condition that my Queeen must be present so that she can enjoy jilling off to it, join in if she wants, or can put a stop to it if it’s too much for her. There are lots of women in the lifestyle who are swingers, and their men are fucking other women every time that they’re fucking another guy(s)/women.

I’m also not comfortable playing games, and being dishonest with my Queen - even if it’s just yo guard her reaction to something before doing it. It would just feel manipulative, and disrespectful to me.
Women are Pandora’s box. Once opened up to anything the continually increase that thing. I don’t even introduce vanilla women to anything slightly extreme.

It’s true. When my vanilla Queen agreed to try cucking me on a one time basis with a Bull just to satisfy a long held fantasy of mine, I had NO idea what we were getting into. I thought that if everything went well, and she liked it she would play 3-4 times/year, but she has gone wild. She fucks her Bull for marathon sessions every week, has tried another Bull, fooled around with a woman, picked up a stranger at a bar and fucked him with a gf of hers, and let the gf go down on her for her first lesbian experience.

Once they taste sexual freedom, and new partners…the more they get, the more they want, and now my formerly vanilla, religiously conservative housewife is a proudly voracious slut who boasts of being owned as a sex slave in her Bull’s harem of sluts.
It’s true. When my vanilla Queen agreed to try cucking me on a one time basis with a Bull just to satisfy a long held fantasy of mine, I had NO idea what we were getting into. I thought that if everything went well, and she liked it she would play 3-4 times/year, but she has gone wild. She fucks her Bull for marathon sessions every week, has tried another Bull, fooled around with a woman, picked up a stranger at a bar and fucked him with a gf of hers, and let the gf go down on her for her first lesbian experience.

Once they taste sexual freedom, and new partners…the more they get, the more they want, and now my formerly vanilla, religiously conservative housewife is a proudly voracious slut who boasts of being owned as a sex slave in her Bull’s harem of sluts.
So that is great for her, but what about you. Also, with all this whoring around she doing with strange men, aren't you even a little concerned about AIDS and other STD's?
From my point I couldn’t and I don’t think for a moment Sammy would want to stop having her fun cock
And that's kewl, geoffrya, if you're comfortable with that. However, should you so desire to have more sex with your wife OR desire that her activities outside your marriage slow down, then you have a right to do the same. What I suggest, without really cheating, is to show her (assuming she won't slow down) that these activities can go both ways. I'm pretty sure she will NOT, as the wife, agree to YOUR seeing other women.
It's a matter of simply gaining back the part of your marriage you should already have ... a partnership requires 2 people working together.
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There really is no going back. You can stop meeting people but your sexual relationship will not be what it was because you both have experienced something different and have new perspectives. Your relationship can be fuller and more dynamic as well.
My Queen, and I just went through a rough patch, and almost broke up. We were able to work things through, and now everything’s good, but one of the hard conversations had to do with the lifestyle. She told me that while we were broken up, she had her first one night stand. She and a gf picked-up a hot guy st a bar and fucked him together. She has NEVER picked anyone up, or fucked a stranger, and she discovered that she LOVED it. She has come to love the freedom to fuck whomever she wants, and just isn’t willing to stop picking guys up if she wants.
A few questions for you:
1 - When did she tell you she had a one night stand with her friend and the hot guy, while you were broken or when you got back together?
2 - How did that make you feel when she told you?
3 - I didn't see in any of your posts how you feel about her new-found desires and freedoms. Are you thrilled with this or do you wish the genie never left the bottle?

I would have to guess that despite the ups and downs, you two must have something special for each other to weather the turbulence and all while not being married yet.
1. She told me about it that night after she got home. We had phone sex while she shared the details with me. We broke up the next evening (unrelated to her “wild night”), and while we were having the hard conversations necessary to get back together she told me that she knew that night that we were had essentially broken up, even though it wasn’t yet official, and she did it as a step toward moving on from our relationship.

2. It was hot, but upsetting. I was ok with her picking up a guy at a bar, but having her first threesome, and her first lesbian encounter without me hurt a lot. It still hurts, and when we finally get to do those things together it’ll be kind of ruined because what’s new, and exciting for me will just be a repeat for her instead if something we’re trying together, if that makes any sense.

3. I’m torn about this one. I love her freedom, and her lust, and her sluttiness, but sometimes I feel left out. Sometimes I wish we could just forget all about it, but we can’t. I’ve found that it takes on a life of its own, and it takes her, and us places we hadn’t anticipated. When it does, if I’m having trouble with it, the best thing I can do is just to let go, and embrace it as her cuck, then it feels better. It’s resisting it that causes all of the distress.
That's what she says, Jennis, but wait until you try it one time. See how she reacts. It's a pretty well known fact that generally women do NOT like sharing their men with other women. It's a whole 'nother mindset. It's a threat to their security.
If you try it, don't share too much information ... let her mind build the drama. Heck, you might just test the waters on this ... have a female friend from work call you at home. If the wife answers the phone, that person should give no information just request to speak with you ... see how she reacts. Her mind will start creating all kinds of scenarios. Or if wife answers, your friend asks "is this his wife?" .... when she says yes, have her hang up.
Maybe you could call her in the late afternoon to tell her you're meeting a friend for cocktails and you'll be home a bit late. See how she reacts when you get home ... but again, offer little info other than it was a "friend" from work. If she asks if the friend was female, just say yes, that you and her are just friends, and let it go.
Trust me, she'll be eating herself alive with curiosity just to know the details which YOU won't provide.
And ALL THIS is without doing anything other than just blowing her mind. Putting her on the other side of the situation. Trust me, IT WILL WORK.
I get the idea and understand the rationale, but unless it's an agreed upon form of sexual flirtation and temptation, it seems these tactics are deceptive and could lead to destruction. I don't know, it seems disingenuous to "get back at" your partner this way, especially if it's more about curbing her insatiable appetite versus actually wanting to meet other women for your own self interests.

Why not just talk honestly and if she's unwilling to relinquish her extracurricular activities, or at least make it more copacetic for the both of you, then take the L and go your own ways?