Can You Undo Cuckolding?


As title suggests, can a couple stop hotwifing or cuckolding completely and TRULY return to a happy, intimate, and satisfying monogamous relationship? Or will the past always pop up and interfere? Has anyone done this and been ok or was there a feeling of something missing, perhaps you felt you were faking and not really "satisfied"?
As title suggests, can a couple stop hotwifing or cuckolding completely and TRULY return to a happy, intimate, and satisfying monogamous relationship? Or will the past always pop up and interfere? Has anyone done this and been ok or was there a feeling of something missing, perhaps you felt you were faking and not really "satisfied"?
My gf, and I have been doing this for about a year and a half, and we’ve been able to put it on hold a couple of times while we worked out complications from it, but once a girl throws off the social inhibitions, and opens herself to it, it’s like a switch is flipped inside them. Both times we took a break, when she went back to her Bull, it was with renewed intensity until she now says that she doesn’t want to, can’t, and won’t stop again.

She was a faithful, monogamous, vanilla housewife for twenty years, but now she has told me that she will never be monogamous again, and she has embraced with pride being a slut with an enthusiasm that’s almost scary.

Once a woman is honest with herself about her lusts, and realizes she has the freedom to act upon them, and let anybody she wants into her pussy, she can’t forget them, or her experiences. She’ll always want more.
I think it's possible only if she has had multiple bad experiences. Or if she truly loves her husband. But, she will secretly crave the freedom to fuck whomever she pleases. And if said bull is very handsome, fit, hung, has his s h i t together and/or is very successful in whichever career path, odds are she might leave her husband (and possibly even family) for her new bf bull. I think that's the primal fear regular guys have even moreso if your extremely deep in this lifestyle and your lady is carrying her bull's progeny in her womb. How do you put the genie back in the bottle?
My Queen, and I just went through a rough patch, and almost broke up. We were able to work things through, and now everything’s good, but one of the hard conversations had to do with the lifestyle. She told me that while we were broken up, she had her first one night stand. She and a gf picked-up a hot guy st a bar and fucked him together. She has NEVER picked anyone up, or fucked a stranger, and she discovered that she LOVED it. She has come to love the freedom to fuck whomever she wants, and just isn’t willing to stop picking guys up if she wants.
My gf, and I have been doing this for about a year and a half, and we’ve been able to put it on hold a couple of times while we worked out complications from it, but once a girl throws off the social inhibitions, and opens herself to it, it’s like a switch is flipped inside them. Both times we took a break, when she went back to her Bull, it was with renewed intensity until she now says that she doesn’t want to, can’t, and won’t stop again.

She was a faithful, monogamous, vanilla housewife for twenty years, but now she has told me that she will never be monogamous again, and she has embraced with pride being a slut with an enthusiasm that’s almost scary.

Once a woman is honest with herself about her lusts, and realizes she has the freedom to act upon them, and let anybody she wants into her pussy, she can’t forget them, or her experiences. She’ll always want more.
I agree
My Queen, and I just went through a rough patch, and almost broke up. We were able to work things through, and now everything’s good, but one of the hard conversations had to do with the lifestyle. She told me that while we were broken up, she had her first one night stand. She and a gf picked-up a hot guy st a bar and fucked him together. She has NEVER picked anyone up, or fucked a stranger, and she discovered that she LOVED it. She has come to love the freedom to fuck whomever she wants, and just isn’t willing to stop picking guys up if she wants.
Where does that leave you?
Where does that leave you?
I am her faithful cuck, but it means that boundaries have expanded, and she’s cucking me harder, and cuckoldry is now non-negotiable. When we started, it was with the condition that either of us could call a halt to it without question from the other. My Queen made it clear that this is no longer the case, that SHE is in charge, and she will fuck freely, and I just have to be okay with that.
I am her faithful cuck, but it means that boundaries have expanded, and she’s cucking me harder, and cuckoldry is now non-negotiable. When we started, it was with the condition that either of us could call a halt to it without question from the other. My Queen made it clear that this is no longer the case, that SHE is in charge, and she will fuck freely, and I just have to be okay with that.
Do you still fuck her?
I am her faithful cuck, but it means that boundaries have expanded, and she’s cucking me harder, and cuckoldry is now non-negotiable. When we started, it was with the condition that either of us could call a halt to it without question from the other. My Queen made it clear that this is no longer the case, that SHE is in charge, and she will fuck freely, and I just have to be okay with that.
i like it.
I am her faithful cuck, but it means that boundaries have expanded, and she’s cucking me harder, and cuckoldry is now non-negotiable. When we started, it was with the condition that either of us could call a halt to it without question from the other. My Queen made it clear that this is no longer the case, that SHE is in charge, and she will fuck freely, and I just have to be okay with that.
You know, just because she's cucking you and you're not objecting to it, doesn't mean you can't meet with other women doing the same thing she's doing. Cucks don't necessarily remain monogamous when events, such as yours, happen. I can assure you if you desire to bring things back to more 'normal' with your wife, letting her know you will be dating other women on occasions will result in her changing her attitude. Of course, it could be the final push in her leaving you, but I really doubt it. I believe she knows she has a good thing with you and your tolerances.
For starters, just mention to her that you'd like to start seeing a few female friends (casual dating) and listen to what she says ... she won't say its OK and it may get to "thinking". Cuckolding has set parameters that couples agree to follow, if you never set those parameter now's the time to start establishing them.
You know, just because she's cucking you and you're not objecting to it, doesn't mean you can't meet with other women doing the same thing she's doing. Cucks don't necessarily remain monogamous when events, such as yours, happen. I can assure you if you desire to bring things back to more 'normal' with your wife, letting her know you will be dating other women on occasions will result in her changing her attitude. Of course, it could be the final push in her leaving you, but I really doubt it. I believe she knows she has a good thing with you and your tolerances.
For starters, just mention to her that you'd like to start seeing a few female friends (casual dating) and listen to what she says ... she won't say its OK and it may get to "thinking". Cuckolding has set parameters that couples agree to follow, if you never set those parameter now's the time to start establishing them.
I think he should just start dating without telling her. It will be good for his ego to know he is still able to attract a mate. Then he will have an equal playing field. I believe he no longer holds respect in his marriage, that is why I think he should start dating and have a plan B if things go sour in their marriage.
You know, just because she's cucking you and you're not objecting to it, doesn't mean you can't meet with other women doing the same thing she's doing. Cucks don't necessarily remain monogamous when events, such as yours, happen. I can assure you if you desire to bring things back to more 'normal' with your wife, letting her know you will be dating other women on occasions will result in her changing her attitude. Of course, it could be the final push in her leaving you, but I really doubt it. I believe she knows she has a good thing with you and your tolerances.
For starters, just mention to her that you'd like to start seeing a few female friends (casual dating) and listen to what she says ... she won't say its OK and it may get to "thinking". Cuckolding has set parameters that couples agree to follow, if you never set those parameter now's the time to start establishing them.
My Queen isn’t opposed to me fucking other women. In fact, she fantasizes about masturbating while watching me fuck someone else.

She hasn’t lost respect for me, but this has awakened primal forces inside of her that she can’t contain anymore. To be happy she needs Bulls as well as me. If she could stop fucking them, she would be unhappy now, and that would eventually breed resentment.
Some of these thoughts are amusing! Serious question, who have you seen most since joining this site: 1) Women who have cucked someone and want to again, or 2) Men who have been cuckolded and wish to be again?

Easily, overwhelmingly men wanting to be cuckolded again. I guess it soaks into their souls.
Not sure. Not all people are the same, but it would be like returning to a blander, more vanilla experience wouldn't it? It's like going from a roller-coaster that has all sorts of loops, bends, twists and turns to one that just goes on a straight line I guess. While returning to vanilla sex could get the job done, it would always leave an itch for more as you already experienced a more exciting approach to it.
My Queen isn’t opposed to me fucking other women. In fact, she fantasizes about masturbating while watching me fuck someone else.
That's what she says, Jennis, but wait until you try it one time. See how she reacts. It's a pretty well known fact that generally women do NOT like sharing their men with other women. It's a whole 'nother mindset. It's a threat to their security.
If you try it, don't share too much information ... let her mind build the drama. Heck, you might just test the waters on this ... have a female friend from work call you at home. If the wife answers the phone, that person should give no information just request to speak with you ... see how she reacts. Her mind will start creating all kinds of scenarios. Or if wife answers, your friend asks "is this his wife?" .... when she says yes, have her hang up.
Maybe you could call her in the late afternoon to tell her you're meeting a friend for cocktails and you'll be home a bit late. See how she reacts when you get home ... but again, offer little info other than it was a "friend" from work. If she asks if the friend was female, just say yes, that you and her are just friends, and let it go.
Trust me, she'll be eating herself alive with curiosity just to know the details which YOU won't provide.
And ALL THIS is without doing anything other than just blowing her mind. Putting her on the other side of the situation. Trust me, IT WILL WORK.
Not sure. Not all people are the same, but it would be like returning to a blander, more vanilla experience wouldn't it? It's like going from a roller-coaster that has all sorts of loops, bends, twists and turns to one that just goes on a straight line I guess. While returning to vanilla sex could get the job done, it would always leave an itch for more as you already experienced a more exciting approach to it.
Or you can use the memories to fuel your sex for years to come.